SUNY Canton & SUNY Potsdam: Update on Shared Services Open Forum on Shared Services President Schwaller & Interim President Schiffner.

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Presentation on theme: "SUNY Canton & SUNY Potsdam: Update on Shared Services Open Forum on Shared Services President Schwaller & Interim President Schiffner."— Presentation transcript:

1 SUNY Canton & SUNY Potsdam: Update on Shared Services Open Forum on Shared Services President Schwaller & Interim President Schiffner

2 Overview  Introductions  Background  Shared Services Successes So Far…  Focusing on Our Students  Future Planning  Next Steps

3 Background  In 2011, SUNY Canton and SUNY Potsdam were asked to address the following benchmarks per the November 20, 2011 SUNY Board of Trustees Resolution…  A Shared Vision: “Two campuses, each with unique histories, missions, traditions, and programs of distinction, sharing a common administrative structure” (July 15, 2012 Report)

4  Show significant progress towards 10% increase in direct instructional budget from each campus’ current base.  Plan the full alignment of administrative functions with the eventual goal of a single unified administration (including VPs but not Chief Academic Officer).  Show “significant progress” towards full consolidation of all information systems and services.

5 In this discussion of shared services… …we do not know the future of executive leadership… …we do not know the length of time for shared services conversations, although we have been given 14 to 20 months to show real progress. …we need to understand shared services (collaboration, mutual gain, efficiencies). …we need to understand cost saving, cost avoidance, and length of time to recognize savings.

6 What we do know is that we are making progress…  Hiring of Shared Positions:  CFO, Natalie Higley  Military/Veterans Benefits Coordinator, Patrick Massaro  Inter-Library Loan Specialist, Glen Bogardus  Environmental Health & Safety Director, Calvin Smith  Human Resources Director, Mary Dolan  University Police Chief, John Kaplan

7 Continued Progress…  Active conversations for standardizing processes and procedures to create a single office for accounts payable, travel, and purchasing.  Joint student programming: student leadership, hazing prevention, civility, community service, RA and RD training

8 Students are benefitting…  Graduate Residence Director  Health Insurance negotiations  Athletic competitions  Shared student programming & activities

9 Where do we go from here?  This is a process, not a destination.  Over the next few months, we will convene groups of front line employees to discuss collaboration.  We rely on the best judgment of the people involved to help us decide how to proceed.

10 Conversations for additional shared services progress…  Administration and Finance :  Energy Management  Construction Management  Facilities  Budgeting  Contracts  Fleet Management  Compliance  Student Accounts

11 Additional conversations…  Academic Affairs:  Online Learning Support  Research Foundation  Information Security  Experiential Learning/Internships  Registrar  International Programming

12 Additional conversations…  Student Services:  Admissions  Career Services  Financial Aid  Other areas :  Media Relations  Institutional Effectiveness / Research

13 Administrative alignment  Because the organizational structure of the two campuses is quite different, we will need to consider further administrative alignments on both campuses.

14 Academics  Academic initiatives will be coordinated through the Steering Committee for the Institute for Arts, Sciences, and Technology.  Steering Committee:  2 Provosts, 2 Deans, and 2 Faculty Leaders

15 Institute for Arts, Sciences, and Technology  Minors—Creating Memorandums of Understanding  Synergy of Faculty  Exploration of joint programs

16 Institute for Arts, Sciences & Technology  DRAFT Mission Statement: The mission of the SUNY Institute of Arts, Sciences, and Technology is to use the assets of SUNY Canton and SUNY Potsdam to create new shared opportunities. The core mission of the Institute is to provide a mechanism to allow and facilitate the development of academic collaborations between SUNY Canton, SUNY Potsdam, and possibly other regional academic institutions. The Institute will provide structure and assistance for collaborative academic activities between the colleges where academic collaborations will be developed, approval will be achieved through agreed-upon shared governance processes, and programmatic offerings will be coordinated. Degree programs developed through the Institute will be offered under the auspices of either SUNY Canton or SUNY Potsdam; the Institute is not intended to be a degree- granting entity such as an extension site or branch campus

17 Looking to the future….  Communication through an e-newsletter focusing on shared services activities, campus websites, and possibly additional forums as the semester continues.

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