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33,000 BCE to 1769 CE.  Isolation leads to slower development  Incas, Aztecs (Mexica), and the Mayan  Maize Cultivation  Animism/Spirituality  Mathematics,

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Presentation on theme: "33,000 BCE to 1769 CE.  Isolation leads to slower development  Incas, Aztecs (Mexica), and the Mayan  Maize Cultivation  Animism/Spirituality  Mathematics,"— Presentation transcript:

1 33,000 BCE to 1769 CE

2  Isolation leads to slower development  Incas, Aztecs (Mexica), and the Mayan  Maize Cultivation  Animism/Spirituality  Mathematics, astronomy, and trans- regional trade

3  Maize and Irrigation Technology  Hunting and Gathering  Cahokia  Gender Relations  Three-Sister Farming  Iroquois Confederacy

4  Crusades and Western Europe  Spices, silks, drugs, perfume, and sugar  Marco Polo  Indian Ocean Maritime System and Silk Road  Muslim Middlemen

5  Renaissance in Europe  Early Plantation System  Madeira, the Canaries, Sao Tome, and Principe  Portuguese  Dias 1488  DeGama 1498  Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain

6  Columbus’s First Voyage  Circumnavigate the Globe – Magellan

7  Columbian Exchange  Sugar Revolution

8  Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)  Spain Dominated Exploration  Balboa  Magellan  Juan Ponce DeLeon  Coronado  Pizarro  Encomienda System

9  Hernan Cortes 1519  Malinche  Monteczuma  Small Pox  Mestizo Population

10  “God, Gold, and Glory”  Juan de Onate 1599 Battle of Acoma  Pope’s Rebellion 1680  Black Legend

11  Incentives for Colonization  Land Scarcity  Mercantilism  Religious Motivation  English Reformation  Puritan Separatists  Irish Model

12  French and Dutch in America  New Amsterdam – French Influence  First English Settlements  Spanish Armada  Gilbert and Raleigh  Roanoke

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