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Course Registration 2015-2016 All you need to know BHS School Counseling Department 2/9/151.

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Presentation on theme: "Course Registration 2015-2016 All you need to know BHS School Counseling Department 2/9/151."— Presentation transcript:

1 Course Registration 2015-2016 All you need to know BHS School Counseling Department 2/9/151

2 Professional School Counselors Jessica Owens 9 th grade Amanda Martin 10 th, 11 th, 12 th Last Names A –D Karen Smiley 10 th, 11 th, 12 th Last Names E-Kn Beverly Anderson Department Chair STEM 10 th, 11 th, 12 th Last Names Ko-Re Megan Cantrell 10 th, 11 th, 12 th Last Names Rh-Z Bearden School Counseling Intern~ Kara Rauch 2/9/152

3 3

4 Completing the Registration Form Students should have 3 forms: yellow9th 1 green (11 th ), blue (10 th ) or yellow (9th) long form yellow9th 1 green (11 th ), blue (10 th ) or yellow (9th) short form and 1 white transcript (stapled to the short colored form) ALL GRADUATION INFORMATION & course selection options are on the registration sheets. (this is a polling of interest; not a 100% guarantee of selections) STEP 1: Carefully select 8 course offerings and 3 alternates – Core academic courses have been automatically enrolled or recommended on the short form – On the front of the form, when selecting your courses, be sure to write in the full course name exactly as it is shown on the back of the sheet – Select the remaining courses to fill in the 8 course offerings 2/9/154

5 Completing the Registration Form STEP 2: Academic Release – complete only if you disagree with the core class teacher recommendations or need a Level Change STEP 3: Review your transcript, graduation requirements, Focused Plan of Study (remember that Canvas assignment?!) and discuss course selections with your parents. STEP 4: Turn in your completed course registration sheet on or before Feb 17 th in ILP. NOTE: No selections submitted means courses will be chosen for you! 2/9/155

6 Completing the Registration Form SPECIAL NOTES Print Clearly in the Upper Left Hand Box of BHS Course Selection Sheet (Long Sheet) Name, Student ID, Phone/Cell#, & Email Pay close attention to the ASPEN Course Request Sheet (Short Sheet); Students were Automatically enrolled in the Next Level of Classes unless otherwise indicated by Teacher Example: Fall 2014- Geometry Spring 2015-Alg 2 APSEN Course Selection: Has Alg 2 & Precal listed 2/9/156

7 Graduation Requirements 2/9/157

8 However, if a parent/guardian feels that such a change needs to be considered, a Request for Academic Release must be completed. This can be done on the course selection sheet. Request for Academic Release forms may also be picked up at Bearden High School in the Guidance office or downloaded from the Guidance webpage at The completed form must be submitted to the School Counseling Office for further review. 2/9/15 ACADEMIC RELEASE Academic data & performance records are used in placing students in the appropriate level of high school courses. If a parent or guardian wants to override a placement, they must read and sign this statement. We, the undersigned parents/guardian of _________________________(student name) give permission for him/her to enroll in _____________________________________(course/courses) at BHS. We are aware of the educational implications of this decision which do not agree with the recommendations made by BHS Professional Staff. We take full responsibility for this decision and understand that our student will be required to remain in the class until the end of the term. If the above academic release is to drop down in rigor (ex: Hon to CP), you must provide a statement that you would share with college admission staff justifying this request. Statement:____________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ 8

9 Application & Audition Courses NOTE-If a student’s listed alternate courses won’t schedule, counselors will select courses that will best meet graduation requirements and work within the confines of BHS’ master schedule. 2/9/15 The following classes are APPLICATION or AUDITION courses. If you list one of these courses on your registration sheet and you are not selected for that course, it will be replaced with one of your alternates: Virtual Enterprise, Leadership, Peer Tutor, Annual Staff, Newspaper Staff, Female Acappella, Mixed Acappella, BHS Singers, Musical Theatre, Stage Tech, Acting 3, Hon Art Photo, AP Art 2- D, AP Art 3-D, AP Art Drawing, AP Art History, AP Music Theory, Honors Art, Auto Worked Based Learning, Marketing Worked Based Learning, Teacher/Office Aide & Senior Out of School Experience. 9

10 rising Sophomore notes 4 or 5 required classes If you are not in a school-sponsored sport, marching band, or taking 2 semesters of ROTC; sign up for a PE course Have you started your foreign language yet? Your Elective Focus courses should build on past & current elective courses; (e.g., if you had Computer Applications this year, select EF courses in the CTE column which have “computer applications”) Focus on GPA, especially if hoping to take DE courses in Junior/Senior year. 2/9/1510

11 Toughest Year Academically Remember your GPA and ACT are a part of the consideration for TN HOPE Scholarship If you are in English 3 CP, then you will also be in a “Skills of Success” course which is really “Writing for College”; this is a new course required for all CP level English 3 students. rising Junior notes 2/9/1511

12 rising Junior notes If you want to take AP Lit & AP US History Yearlong, you must indicate that you want to take as YEARLONG in the Course Name box on the long sheet; the default will be SEMESTER If you are interested in a 3:40 pm Eng 3 class, you must indicate this interest in the Course Name box on the long sheet 2/9/1512

13 If you have “Hon Chem 2/AP Chem” in your course selections, you should keep this or select another AP level science course. If you do not have a science course showing on your Core Academic Requests, select a science that compliments your interests. CAUTION: Wildlife does NOT count as a lab science rising Junior notes 2/9/1513

14 rising Senior notes Classes that require Separate Applications Early graduation Senior Experience Dual Enrollment – English and Math placements are driven by ACT sub scores and therefore may change after the State ACT Teacher/Office Aide (Limited Spaces) 2/9/1514

15 rising Senior notes All CP Eng 3 students who meet the requirements with the PLAN scores & GPA are currently enrolled in DE English 1010; your scores & GPA will be rechecked before finalization of schedules If you are interested in 6:50 Eng 4 CP or Econ/PF Classes you need to indicate that in the Course Name Box on the BHS Course Selection Sheet 2/9/1515

16 Yearlong Courses Note distinction between yearlong or semester on course selection sheet. Enrollment in the linked courses is a BINDING AGREEMENT and the schedule WILL NOT BE ALTERED during the school year. You will sign up for these classes in 2 course offering slots. 2/9/1516

17 Dual Enrollment: How do students enroll? Option 1: Take a class at BHS 2 or 3 days a week English Composition 1010 and 1020 (12 th ) Encourage Juniors who received an A in CP Eng 3 and qualifying test scores to enroll in DE English Psychology (11 th and 12 th ) College Math (12 th ) Option 2: Take a class at PSTCC “Off Campus Dual Enrollment” ** Must receive either an A or B in order to keep grant eligibility. Grant is only available to Jrs and Srs. 2/9/1517

18 Dual Enrollment (Jrs & Srs) Dual Enrollment Grant has changed. Different rules for Class of 2016 vs 2017 & Beyond Class of 2016: Grant covers $300 for 4 classes Classes of 2017 & Beyond First 2 classes are awarded up to $500 3 rd class – only $200 4 th class – no money 2/9/1518  Only Core Dual Enrollment Classes will be awarded 1.0 weight (Math, English, Science, Social Studies, Foreign Language, or college courses that exceed or are equivalent to an AP Course).  For more Information Visit: t_rules.htm

19 Steps to Dual Enrollment 1.Choose desired courses during BHS registration and indicate on course selection sheet. 2.Complete the Dual Enrollment application available in the School Counseling Office and return to Counselor. 3.Register to take the ACT if necessary. 2/9/1519

20 Review Course Selections should be thoughtful. When and Where are course selections forms due? February 17 th in ILP When are counselors available for discussion of Course Selection Sheets? Family Information Night – Thursday, Feb 12 th 6:15 p.m. in the Auditorium Registration Help Desk – during 3 rd block during your lunch on Thurs Feb 12 th and Fri Feb 13 th outside the West Mall 2/9/15 20

21 Review What should students look for when reviewing their transcript? errors, progress towards graduation If any errors are discovered on a transcript, what should the student do? 1. Note error on Transcript 2. Return Transcript to the School Counseling Office for Review by their School Counselor Where will I find out information about Schedule Distribution? On the School Counseling website, on Twitter @beardenguidance, and/or via Parent Messenger 2/9/1521

22 Review Where can I find registration forms and this power point presentation? School Counseling Website  2015-16 Registration  Registration Quick Links & Forms Where can I find a description of Courses? Under the Registration 2015-16 Quick Links and Forms Section School Counseling Website  2015-16 Registration  High School Progression Plan Can I sign up for the AP exams now? Yes, go to the School Counseling office to pay with check or cash. 2/9/1522

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