Ronnie Magee Director of Human Resources University of Ulster.

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Presentation on theme: "Ronnie Magee Director of Human Resources University of Ulster."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ronnie Magee Director of Human Resources University of Ulster

2 UK HE – A SUCCESS STORY  £59bn in value to UK Economy  £7.9bn in export earnings  2.5m Students  370,000 Staff  165 HEIs : +12 ‘new’  UK : 2 nd Favourite Destination: International Students  Produces 13% of World’s most highly cited paper  81% Students ‘satisfied’ with their course

3 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT: DEMAND  Operational Demand  Institutional Demand  Sector Demand

4 ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT/ PERFORMANCE  What it says on the tin!  Strategic  Corporate Plan/Objectives  Core Strategy Objectives  Government/HEFCE/UUK/CUC/Governing Bodies

5 ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT/ PERFORMANCE  Long Term Sustainability  Rapidly Changing Sector - Nationally -Internationally  Pressures – Challenges for Sector

6 UK SECTOR PRESSURES  KIS  HEAR  Recruitment and Retention  NSS  Brand and Reputation  League Tables

7 KEY INFORMATION SET (KIS)  Student Satisfaction  Quality of Course  Staff Good at Explaining Things  Staff Made Subject Interesting  Advice and Support with Studies  Feedback on Work (prompt?)  Library/IT Resources  Assessment Methods Used  Professional Body Recognition of Course

8 KEY INFORMATION SET (KIS)  Cost  Tuition Fees  Accommodation  Bursaries/Scholarships  VFM  Employment  Destination of Students  Graduate Jobs  Salaries – Graduate Jobs

9 METRICS: CORPORATE - HR  Governing Bodies Want Metrics that Show Outputs -Quantitive -Qualitive  BUT – Address Corporate Plan Objectives and Core Objectives and Add to the Bottom Line

10 KEY QUESTIONS FOR HEIs and HUMAN RESOURCES  How can HR contribute to increasing efficiency, reducing cost and enhancing the student experience?  How can HR facilitate the adjustments that will be needed to respond to the different needs of part-time and distance learning?  How can HR help Universities gear up towards being more competitive?  How can HR help contribute to the enhancement of assessment and feedback?

11 KEY QUESTIONS FOR HEIs and HUMAN RESOURCES  What are the IR and ER implications of changing practices in Academic Departments?  Do your promotion and reward processes recognise excellence in teaching and academic enterprise as well as research?  What are the IR implications for your University of publishing KIS/HEAR etc?  Does your University have the capacity and capability to alter the nature of the relationship between staff and students (Enrich!)

12 KEY QUESTIONS FOR HEIs and HUMAN RESOURCES  Does your University culture and relationship with your Students’ Union support the provision of feedback on the performance of individuals (Imperial)?  Do your staff have the capacity and skills to work with business to better promote teaching, employer sponsorship, innovation and enterprise?  What can be done to help staff who have worked in HEIs gain a better understanding of Employers’ requirements?

13 KEY QUESTIONS FOR HEIs and HUMAN RESOURCES  Could your University compete if another provider decided to target your part-time mature students or international students market?  HE in FE! Cheaper. How can you compete on cost?  How can HR influence design content and innovation?

14 WHAT SHOULD HEIs / HR SEEK TO ACHIEVE VIA PERFORMANCE  Enhance Individual Capability  Enhance Engagement  Enhance Institutional Capability  Enhance Performance of the Organisation and Individual  Contribute to the Delivery of the Corporate Plan and Core Strategies  Brand and Reputation  CONNECTIVITY

15 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM  Organisation Level/Corporate  Core Strategic Level  Faculty/School  Individual Goals

16 REWARD THE OTHER SIDE OF THE EQUATION  Ulster – Professors and Senior Management -Objectives → linked to Core Strategies -Deliverables in Corporate Plan -Progression is linked to achievement – not Automatic

17 REWARD THE OTHER SIDE OF THE EQUATION  Professors - Four Professorial Bands Robust Open Criteria -Three Pathways Research and Innovation Teaching and Learning Academic Enterprise

18 REWARD THE OTHER SIDE OF THE EQUATION  Opportunity to Progress Within and Across Bands Subject to Performance  Assessment by Peers/School and Faculty  Capability Procedure

19 THE CASE FOR PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT  Strategic – Corporate Level Performance of the Organisation  Linked to Metrics to achieve Corporate Plan (Connectivity)  Performance Management System – will deliver Performance Management of Individual and contribute to Organisation Performance/ Development

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