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S YMBOLIC I NTERACTIONISM Anne Suryani Dani Vardiansyah Novita Damayanti Universitas Multimedia Nusantara 2010.

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1 S YMBOLIC I NTERACTIONISM Anne Suryani Dani Vardiansyah Novita Damayanti Universitas Multimedia Nusantara 2010

2 George Herbert Mead Mind, Self and Society Herbert Blumer Symbolic interaction : Communication through symbols Principles: meaning, language & thought

3 M EANING : THE CONSTRUCTION OF SOCIAL REALITY “ Humans act toward people or things on the basis of the meanings they assign to those people or things ” (Blumer as cited in Griffin, 2009, p. 60)

4 L ANGUAGE : THE SOURCE OF MEANING “ Meaning arises out of the social interaction that people have with each other ” (Blumer as cited in Griffin, 2009, p. 60) Meaning is negotiated through the use of language Symbols are arbitrary signs Symbolic naming is the basis for human society

5 T HOUGHT : THE PROCESS OF TAKING THE ROLE OF THE OTHER “An individual’s interpretation of symbols is modified by his or her own thought processes” (Blumer as cited in Griffin, 2009, p. 62) Minding: an inner dialogue used to test alternatives, rehearse actions, and anticipate reactions before responding: self talk Taking the role of the other: the process of mentally imagining that you are someone else who is viewing you

6 T HE SELF : REFLECTION IN LOOKING GLASS Meaning, language and thought are interconnected Looking-glass self: the mental self- image that results from taking the role of the other; the objective self; me I: the spontaneous driving force that fosters all that is novel, un predictable and unorganized in the self Me: the objective self; the image of self when one takes the role of the other

7 C OMMUNITY : THE SOCIALIZING EFFECT OF OTHERS ’ EXPECTATIONS Generalized other: the composite mental image of a person has of his or her self based on community expectations and responses

8 A SAMPLER OF APPLIED SYMBOLIC INTERACTION Creating reality Meaning-ful research Generalized other Naming Self-fulfilling prophecy Symbol manipulation

9 S UMMARY Reference: Griffin, 2009, pp.

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