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Principles of Training Guide to Healthy Active Living.

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Presentation on theme: "Principles of Training Guide to Healthy Active Living."— Presentation transcript:

1 Principles of Training Guide to Healthy Active Living

2 Why do we exercise? Leisure Stress relief Weight loss Health benefits Addiction

3 Long-term benefits of active living: Maintains balance and coordination Strengthen heart and lungs Improved confidence Reduced body fat and cholesterol Maintain healthy body composition Boosts immune system Keeps muscles strong Better posture

4 Long-term benefits of active living: Strengthens bones Improves physical appearance Increases energy and stamina Helps with relaxation and coping with stress Better sleep Increase quality of life

5 Health and Aging


7 Risks of Inactivity: Premature death Heart disease Increased risk of injury Obesity High blood pressure Diabetes Osteoporosis Depression Colon cancer

8 Factors affecting fitness: Biomechanical efficiency Age Substances Activity level Heredity General health Gender

9 Types of exercise: Cardiovascular (CV) Activity – sustained physical activity that elevates the heart rate (i.e. walking or biking) Resistance Training – training the muscles for strength, endurance or power by using muscle contraction against resistance (i.e. weights, bands) Flexibility Training – moving the joint through the range of motion to improve mobility

10 FITT formula Frequency Intensity Time Type

11 Guidelines for CV Exercise: 4-7 days per week Continuous activities for your heart, lungs and circulatory system 60-90% of max heart rate 20-60 minutes or longer per session (longer for lower intensities)

12 Guidelines for Resistance Training: At least 2-4 times per week 8-12 reps per exercise (minimum 1-2 sets each) 8-10 different exercises (minimum) per session that target all of the major muscle groups

13 Guidelines for Flexibility Training: 4-7 days/ week Gentle stretching activities Hold each stretch 30 seconds, then add more pressure and hold another 30 seconds Rapid “bouncing” movements should be avoided Static stretching Active vs. passive stretching

14 Some examples of physical activity: Light Effort (60+ minutes) Light walking Volleyball Easy gardening Stretching Dusting Moderate Effort (30-60 minutes) Brisk walking Raking leaves Biking Swimming Dancing Water aerobics Hiking

15 Some examples of physical activity: Vigorous Effort (20-30 minutes) Aerobics Jogging Hockey Basketball Fast swimming Fast dancing Snowshoeing Other ideas… Shoveling snow Skating Golf Taking the stairs Skiing Pilates Yoga Park at the far end of the parking lot

16 Principles of Training: Overload Depends on initial fitness of each individual An overload must be applied to improve the person’s current status Intensity of the overload must be controlled As the person’s condition improves the training intensity must to increased for further improvement in physical condition

17 Principles of Training: Specificity Training is specific to the area of the body that is being exercised and type of training

18 Principles of Training: Reversibility Training response is not permanent and can be reversed by only a few weeks of inactivity Physical conditioning must be sustained on a regular maintenance program once the desired level of training has been achieved

19 Principles of Training: Individuality Individuals will differ widely in their response to training. Reasons for individuality include: initial level of fitness, some individuals have more potential for improvement than others and heredity

20 Goal Setting: Goals should be SMART: S – Simple M – Measurable A – Attainable R – Realistic T – Timeline

21 Training for Weight Loss: It is essential to develop of negative balance between food intake (calories) and energy expenditure The best results are achieved with a combination of nutrition, CV exercise and resistance training

22 Training for Weight Loss: Each gram of weight loss is equal to about 7 calories (1 lb of fat = 3500 calories) For the best results use a combination of diet and exercise i.e. decrease calorie intake by 500 cals per day (NEVER less than 1200 cals per day) and increase energy expenditure by 500 cals per day = weight loss of 2 lbs per week i.e. a 180 lb male aged 35 years would burn approximately 150 cals per hour walking 2.5 miles per hour (moderate pace) on a flat surface and 380 cals per hour walking 3.5 miles (very brisk pace) uphill

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