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Hello Romania retail forum, Bucuresti, 17 octombrie 2006 Rodica E. Cazangiu, sales director Orange Romania SA.

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Presentation on theme: "Hello Romania retail forum, Bucuresti, 17 octombrie 2006 Rodica E. Cazangiu, sales director Orange Romania SA."— Presentation transcript:

1 hello Romania retail forum, Bucuresti, 17 octombrie 2006 Rodica E. Cazangiu, sales director Orange Romania SA

2 standing still is the fastest way of moving backwards in a rapidly changing world

3 tendinte pe piata de retail in Romania  dezvoltare rapida  public educat cu asteptari crescute  branduri internationale si branduri locale  intensificarea concurentei  cresterea calitatii

4 reteaua retail a Orange Romania  33 magazine proprii in 29 orase  85 parteneri cu 937 magazine prezente in 317 localitati  55 distribuitori atingand 18,000 puncte de vanzare ale serviciilor PrePay

5 principiile Orange reflectate in retail ceea ce conteaza este experienta clientului  cui ne adresam (segmentare)  identificarea cerintelor, asteptarilor (cunoastere)  respect (ofera valoare)  recunoastere (recompenseaza clientul)  personalitate (in tot ceea ce facem traim valorile Orange)

6 fundamental  respect pentru legislatia tarii si drepturile consumatorului  responsabilitate in relatiile comerciale  dotari, aplicatii si logistica  norme de securitate  responsabilitate si implicare in comunitate

7 in beneficiul clientului  accesul la servicii indiferent de locatie/geografie  one stop shop  profesionalismul personalului (training, atitudine)  standarde europene in magazine

8 diferentiator Orange brand  dynamic  friendly  honest  straightforward  refreshing

9 dynamic

10 friendly

11 honest

12 straightforward

13 refreshing

14 Orange Concept Store – un altfel de magazin


16 the rotating plasma and the dynamic visual effect 4 reasons to visit: dr. Orange, café, concerts, wirefree zone

17 the trend zone, now dedicated to music the music dragon displays 9 live “musical” phones with headsets

18 the trend zone, now dedicated to music the music dragon displays 9 live “musical” phones with headsets

19 must have the hero of the month and the most irresistible offer

20 main selling area product clear segmentation in 3 categories: practical, chic, professional

21 the home zone specific offers for data transfer the business zone specific offers for high-speed data transfer

22 the home zone touch & try for all the products and services

23 between home and office – on the move freedom and mobility with solutions for mobile mail

24 grand piano celebrating loyalty on the stage, displays phones with special prices from the fidelity program

25 grand piano 12 live phones displayed on acrylic keys which replaced the original keyboard of an old piano

26 giant guitar guidance for the concerts up-stairs

27 the coffee & salad bar and the event corner a weekly schedule of events including concerts, theatre, training, presentations, TV shows

28 the coffee & salad bar and the event corner a weekly schedule of events including concerts, theatre, training, presentations, TV shows

29 the coffee & salad bar and the event corner a weekly schedule of events including concerts, theatre, training, presentations, TV shows

30 the coffee corner you can order a laptop from the menu, it’s wirefree everywhere

31 the coffee corner you can order a laptop from the menu, it’s wirefree everywhere

32 dr. Orange why not have a coffee while waiting for your issues to be solved / your phone repaired?

33 dr. Orange efficient aftercare and first level handset repair on the spot

34 submerge to the basement walking on water

35 the pay zone fish tank as a cash desk + impulse in the windows

36 we don’t see things as they are – we see things as we are curved mirrors distort the image, suggesting the underwater visual effect

37 the basic needs – the toilets underwater world printed on board and doors, all around the walls

38 the basic needs – the toilets come out refreshed, body and mind

39 the game zone play!

40 the future is bright and the new store is open share the experience thank you

41 the future's bright, the future's Orange

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