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Organic Molecules Chapter 2 section 3.

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1 Organic Molecules Chapter 2 section 3

2 Chemistry The study of the composition and properties of substances as well as the changes they undergo 2 different types of chemistry Organic Inorganic

3 Inorganic Chemistry The study of all compounds that DO NOT CONTAIN CARBON, except for the oxides of carbon and carbonates Example) CO2 – carbon dioxide

4 Organic Chemistry Study of organic compounds, or those that CONTAIN CARBON Can be further subdivided into Biochemistry Primarily concerned with organic chemistry and the structure and reactions of carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins as well as inorganic compounds such as water and carbon dioxide Deals with molecules that make up the body

5 Chemistry Information
Out of the 117 naturally occurring elements, only 11 are found in living things and another 20 are found in “trace amounts” 6 of the most abundant elements in living things are: Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Phosphorus Sulfur **Remember CHONPS**

6 Why is carbon so special?
All compounds are classified on whether they contain carbon or not… Reason #1 Carbons amazing ability to form covalent bonds Carbon’s atomic # is 6… how many more electrons does it need to be happy? Reason #2 Carbon can form chains of unlimited length by bonding to other carbon atoms

7 Figure 2-11 Pg 44

8 Macromolecules Macro – large/big Macromolecules – very large polymers
How do they form? Polymerization – pieces called monomers are put together to form polymers Examples) Puzzels 26 letters in alphabet (monomers) make tons of words (polymers)

9 Figure 2-12 Pg 45

10 4 Groups of Organic Molecules
Carbohydrates Lipids Nucleic Acids Proteins

11 Carbohydrates Composed of C, H, O atoms in a ratio of 1:2:1
example C6H12O6 > 6 : 12 : 6 reduced in 1 : 2 : 1 Primary fuel source for metabolism main source of energy and used for structural purposes in the cell

12 Carbohydrates Cont. Complex carbohydrates are called “starches”
Which are polymers Monomers are individual sugar molecules - so- Single sugar molecules are called Monosaccharides

13 3 Different Monosaccharides
Glucose Galactose Fructose Q) So how can they have different properties? A) They each have different structural formulas. All have same chemical formula C6H12O6

14 Disacharides Disaccharides are molecules that contain 2 monosaccharides 3 different Disaccharides Sucrose = glucose + fructose Maltose = glucose + glucose Lactose = glucose + galactose

15 Polysaccharides Polysaccharides are very large molecules composed of many monomers 2 examples Glycogen (animal starch) When glucose levels run low in your blood, glycogen is released from your liver… Glycogen stored in your muscle supplies the energy needed for muscle contraction… movement! Plant Cellulose Tough flexible cellulose fibers give plants much of their rigidity and strength… major component of wood and paper

16 Which is Which? Where is a monosaccharide? Where is a disaccharide?
Where is a polysaccharide?

17 Building Up and Breaking Down
You need 2 processes to build or break down molecules… How do you make (build up) a Disaccharide? Dehydration Synthesis – the process by which a water molecule is lost when 2 or more monosaccharides are combined Dehydration - to lose water Synthesis - to make

18 Dehydration Synthesis

19 Breaking Down Molecules
How do you break down a Disaccharide? Hydrolysis - the process by which a disaccharide or polysaccharide is broken apart by the addition of water Hydro - water Lysis - to break


21 Hydrolysis MALTOSE + WATER → GLUCOSE + GLUCOSE + Glucose Glucose

22 Lipids What are Lipids? Commonly know as fats, oils and waxes
Composed of Carbon, Hydrogen (and Oxygen) atoms Ratio of Hydrogen to Oxygen atoms is greater than 2:1.

23 What are lipids good for?
3 Main purposes of lipids in the body Store energy Special lipids called phospholipids form the cell membranes of your approximately 80 trillion cells Act as chemical messengers for the cell

24 What does a lipid look like?
GLYCEROL + 3 FATTY ACIDS = 1 LIPID (triglyceride)

25 Types of lipids Saturated Fats: Found in meats and dairy products
Every carbon atom in a fatty acid chain is joined to another carbon by a single bond Tails packed together! Saturated with Hydrogen

26 Another type of Lipid Unsaturated Fats:
When carbons are joined by double bonds Tails cannot pack together as tightly Do not contain the maximum number of hydrogen atoms Double bonds form kinks in the chain and KINKY IS GOOD! Makes it easier for the body to break molecules down.

27 Saturated vs Unsaturated Fats

28 1 GLYCEROL + 3 FATTY ACIDS > LIPID (triglyceride) + 3 water
How do you make a Lipid? Answer: DEHYDRATION SYNTHESIS Process by which water molecules are lost when monomers (glycerol and fatty acids) are joined 1 GLYCEROL + 3 FATTY ACIDS > LIPID (triglyceride) + 3 water

29 How do you break down a Lipid???
Answer: HYDROLYSIS Process by which a lipid is broken down by the addition of 3 water molecules LIPID (triglyceride) + 3 water > 1 GLYCEROL + 3 FATTY ACIDS

30 Proteins What are Proteins? Organic macromolecules
Composed of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen DNA is the recipe for making proteins in your body

31 What are proteins good for?
Act as Enzymes - special proteins that speed up chemical reactions Aid in the transport of molecules Help cells move (contraction of muscle) Involved in the immune functioning (antibodies) to fight disease Act as hormones/receptors for signaling or communication between cells Give the cell structure and support (form the cytoskeleton of all your 80 trillion cells)

32 What does a protein look like?
AMINO ACID + AMINO ACID > PROTEIN (DIPEPTIDE) So what are amino acids? Functional groups of proteins

33 What is an amino acid? Functional group of a protein that contains:
Amino Group (-NH2) Carboxyl Group (-COOH) R-Group **this makes each of the 20 amino acids different )

34 Amino Acid General Structure

35 How do you make a protein?
Answer: DEHYDRATION SYNTHESIS Process by which a water molecule is lost when monomers (2 amino acids) are joined AMINO ACID + AMINO ACID > PROTEIN (DIPEPTIDE)

36 How do you break down a protein?
Answer: HYDROLYSIS Process by which a protein is broken down by the addition of a water molecule PROTEIN (DIPEPTIDE) > AMINO ACID + AMINO ACID

37 What are Nucleic Acids? Organic macromolecules
Consists of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Phosphorus 2 kinds: Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Polymers of nucleotides

38 What is a Nucleotide? Functional unit of a Nucleic Acid
Consists of 3 sub-units 5-Carbon Sugar (ribose for RNA and deoxyribose for DNA) Nitrogenous Base Phosphate Group

39 What are Nucleic Acids good for?
Store and transmit genetic information RECIPE FOR MAKING PROTEINS Because each person has a different recipe, each person is different

40 Chemical Reactions and Enzymes
Key Concepts: What happens to chemical bonds during chemical reactions How do energy changes affect whether a chemical reaction will occur? Why are enzymes important to living things? Chemistry isn’t just what life is made of… it’s also what life does. Everything that happens in an organism > it’s growth, interaction with the environment, reproduction and movement is based on chemical reactions.

41 Chemical Reactions Chemical reaction Reactants Products
Process that transforms or changes, one set of chemicals into another Reactants Compounds or elements that enter a chemical reaction Products Compounds or elements produced by a chemical reaction REACTANT + REACTANT > PRODUCT (monosaccharide + monosaccharide > disaccharide)

42 Chemical Reactions *chemical reactions always involve the breaking of bonds in reactants and the formation of new bonds in products* Example: CO2 + H2O > H2CO3 H2CO3 > CO2 + H2O Cells produce CO2 and need to remove it. (carried through blood to lungs where it’s exhaled) CO2 enters blood and reacts with H2O to produce highly soluble compound carbonic acid (gets to lungs) In lungs, reaction is reversed, CO2 released as you exhale

43 Energy in Reactions Energy is released or absorbed whenever chemical bonds form or are broken. Because chemical reactions involve breaking and forming bonds, they involve changes in energy.

44 Changes in Energy Some chemical reactions that release energy often occur spontaneously Chemical reactions that absorb energy will not occur without a source of energy Activation Energy – the energy needed to get a reaction started

45 Energy Changes *important factor in determining whether the overall chemical reaction releases or absorbs energy. (see figure 2-19 on page 50)

46 Enzymes Play essential roles in
Regulating chemical pathways Making materials that the cell needs Releasing energy Transferring information for the cell Special proteins in the body that speed up a reaction.

47 Enzymes Enzymes are called biological catalysts. CO2 + H2O > H2CO3
Why? Catalysts work by lowering the activation energy. See figure 2.20 on page 51 CO2 + H2O > H2CO3 Carbonic Anhydrase

48 Enzymes Enzymes are very “SPECIFIC”. What does the property of specificity mean? Enzyme’s name is usually derived from the reaction it catalyzed (-ase ending) Example) Lactose is broken down into glucose and galactose by lactase Maltose is broken down into glucose and glucose by maltase

49 How do Enzymes do their Job?
For a chemical reaction to take place, the reactants must collide with enough energy so that the existing bonds with be broken and new bonds will form. Enzymes provide a site where reactants can be brought together to react and reduces the amount of energy needed for the reaction. The Enzyme-Substrate Complex > the “Lock and Key Method” Enzymes work best at “optimal temperatures” and pH values.

50 Lock and Key Method Draw your own picture…

51 Analyzing Data

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