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Allows you to update your name, email address and other contact information Allows you to change your user ID Allows you to change your password Displays.

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Presentation on theme: "Allows you to update your name, email address and other contact information Allows you to change your user ID Allows you to change your password Displays."— Presentation transcript:

1 Allows you to update your name, email address and other contact information Allows you to change your user ID Allows you to change your password Displays your certification history Displays your education history on file with EPSB MY PROFILE MAIN MENUS Displays your training history on file with EPSB Displays your test scores on file with EPSB Displays your payment history with EPSB Displays the roles you currently hold Generates an email to the EPSB Help Desk Takes you to the EPSB Help page where you can find FAQs and tutorials like this one Logs you out of the system. Use this every time you leave the website, especially if you share a computer! Allows you to jump to a different EPSB web application

2 1.Click on the text box to the right of the information you wish to enter/change. 2.When finished entering/editing your contact information click on the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page. STEPS TO UPDATING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION

3 If you need to change your first name, please contact the EPSB Division of Certification at 888-598-7667. REQURIED FIELD! Be sure to use a 2- digit month, 2-digit date, and 4-digit year. REQUIRED FIELD! Use the email address to which EPSB should send correspondence, including password reset emails. Please enter the mailing address to which EPSB should send correspondence such as your certificate. Once you have made your changes, click this button to save them. EXPLANATION OF CONTACT INFORMATION FIELDS REQUIRED FIELD!

4 Enter desired user ID. Click reset user ID button. 1.Click on text box to the right of New User ID to enter your new User ID. 2.When finished click on the Reset User ID button at the bottom of the page. 3.If the desired User ID is already taken, you will be prompted to choose another until you have found one that is available. STEPS TO CHANGING YOUR USER ID

5 1.Click on text box to the right of New Password to enter your new password. 2.Retype new password in next text box. 3.When finished, click on the Reset Password button at the bottom of the page. Type in your desired password (a minimum of six characters) using any combination of letters, numbers or symbols. Retype your new password. Click this button to save your new password. STEPS TO CHANGING YOUR PASSWORD

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