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Physical Activity and Fitness Sese Otokhine Luz Romero.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical Activity and Fitness Sese Otokhine Luz Romero."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical Activity and Fitness Sese Otokhine Luz Romero

2 Physical Benefits Teens should try to have at least 60 minutes of physical activity Being physically active can help you maintain a healthy weight and may reduce risk of serious diseases

3 Mental and Emotional Benefits ●Exercise can reduce stress because being active stimulates endorphins which aids with relaxation ●Physical activity is a natural mood enhancer ●Moderate activity at least three hours before bedtime can help you relax and sleep better ●You can increase your self-esteem by being physically fit

4 Social Benefits ●You can form friendships through sports teams at school ●Being an active part of a group can help motivate to keep with your fitness program

5 Risks of Being Inactive ●Sedentary - involving little physical activity ●Unhealthful weight gain and obesity ●Type 2 diabetes ●Asthma and other breathing problems ●Premature death

6 Making Time for Physical Activity ●Setting aside an hour can be difficult for some busy teens ●Engage in 10 minutes of exercise 6 times a day ●Choose active alternatives to the things you do everyday

7 Elements of Fitness ●Cardiorespiratory endurance - the ability of your heart lungs and blood vessels to be able to send oxygen to your tissues while you exercise ●Muscular strength - the amount of force your muscles can exert ●Muscular endurance - the ability of your muscles to perform physical tasks over time without tiring ●Flexibility - the ability to move your body parts through their full range of motion

8 Getting Fit ●Aerobic Exercise- Exercise that increases the need for oxygen ●Anaerobic Exercise- Exercise that builds muscles through tension

9 Improving Cardiorespiratory Endurance ●Aerobic exercise increases your heart rate and pumps more blood throughout your body ●helps manage your weight and lower your risk of type 2 diabetes

10 Improving Muscular Strength & Endurance ●Isometric - use muscle tension to improve strength with little movement of a the body part ●Isotonic - combine movement of the joints with contraction of the muscles ●isokinetic - exercise or a program of exercises to increase muscular strength

11 Personal Needs ●Choose activities to fit into your personal schedule and habits ●Start slowly and choose activities that are right for your level of fitness ●When choosing an activity, make sure that the environment where you perform is safe

12 Types of Activities ●Moderate-Intensity Physical activities - these are your daily doses of physical activity ●Aerobic activities- These raise your heart rate ●Strength training-This develops muscle tone.Aim for at least two or three sessions a week for 20-30 minutes each

13 Principles of Building Fitness ●Specificity - choosing the right types of activities to improve a given element of fitness. ●Overload- exercising at a level that is beyond your regular daily activities. ●Progression - gradually increasing the demands on your body.

14 Stages of a Workout ●Warm Up - gentle cardiovascular activity that prepares the muscles for work ●Workout - the part of an exercise session when you are exercising at your highest peak ●Cool-Down - low level activity that prepares your body to return to a resting state

15 Tracking Your Progress ●One of the rewards of sticking to a physical fitness plan is seeing your level of fitness improve ●Resting heart rate - the number of times your heart beats per minute when you are not active

16 Safety First ●Pay attention to other people, objects and the weather ●Play or exercise at your skill level ●Warm up before exercise and cool down after ●Obey all rules and restrictions

17 Watching the Weather ●Warm up and cool down even in cold weather ●Drink plenty of fluids ●Cover your nose and mouth to prevent breathing cold, dry air

18 Cold Weather Risks ●Hypothermia- dangerously low body temperature ●Frostbite- damage to the skin and tissues caused by extreme cold

19 Hot Weather Risks ●Overexertion - overworking the body ●Heat exhaustion - a form of physical stress on the body caused by overheating ●Heatstroke - a dangerous condition in which the body loses its ability to cool itself through perspiration

20 Minor Injuries ●Muscle cramps - sudden and sometimes painful contractions of the muscle. ●Strains - over stretching and tearing of a muscle. ●Sprains - injuries to the ligaments around a joint

21 Documentary

22 Chapter 12 Quiz 1.What do you benefit from being physically active? 2.What emotional and mental benefits do you get from being physically active? 3.List two risks of being inactive 4.How can you make time for physical activity? 5.What should you do before you begin to exercise? 6.List two types of physical activities 7.What social benefit do you get from being physically active? 8.List two elements of fitness 9.List two cold weather risks 10.List two hot weather risks

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