 Society:  Community of people bound together by similar traditions, institutions, or behaviors  Media:  The means of communication (like radio, TV,

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Presentation on theme: " Society:  Community of people bound together by similar traditions, institutions, or behaviors  Media:  The means of communication (like radio, TV,"— Presentation transcript:


2  Society:  Community of people bound together by similar traditions, institutions, or behaviors  Media:  The means of communication (like radio, TV, movies, magazines, the Internet) that reach or influence people widely

3  1920s  Advertising  Radio  Silent movies  1930s  Sound movies  1940s  TV  1980s  Personal computers  Cable TV  1990s  The Internet  2000s  Napster, MySpace, Facebook, etc.  2010s  1. List social media evolutions in the 2010s

4  First Amendment  “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…”  2. In your opinion, does this amendment protect hate-speech (including anti-Semitic, Nazi, or KKK)? Consider this issue irrespective of your personal/moral beliefs – are these groups protected to say whatever they want according to the First Amendment?  3. Can you think of any examples when the gov’t has controlled/limited free speech?

5  4. Should students be allowed to create false Social Media sites &/or post comments about school administrators or teachers? Explain  5. Should teachers be punished for expressing frustrations about their jobs or students? Discuss  6. Should students be allowed to use a forum to evaluate (“rate”) their teachers/administrators?  http://www.kcra.com/news/students-protest-social- media-policy-at-lodi-district-meeting/21363036 http://www.kcra.com/news/students-protest-social- media-policy-at-lodi-district-meeting/21363036  7. Should jurors be allowed access to social media sites/related news stories during a trial? Why or why not?

6  8. Should colleges be allowed to monitor athletes’ social media sites/posts? Defend your answer  9. Should police &/or medical officials be allowed to post visuals of events from their jobs (i.e. surgeries or dead bodies)? Why or why not?  10. Should school administrators or police be allowed to use social media to check on teenage behavior (drug use, parties, etc)? Explain  11. Should you be able to post comments/reviews about businesses? Discuss http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKl_ydpm5L U http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKl_ydpm5L U

7  12. Create a T-chart in your notes & fill in as many Pros & Cons regarding Social Media as you can PROSCONS

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