Research Cyberinfrastructure Alliance Working in partnership to enable computationally intensive, innovative, interdisciplinary research for the 21 st.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Cyberinfrastructure Alliance Working in partnership to enable computationally intensive, innovative, interdisciplinary research for the 21 st."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Cyberinfrastructure Alliance Working in partnership to enable computationally intensive, innovative, interdisciplinary research for the 21 st century Discussion with CRAD Ann Hill Duin and Bernard Gulachek October 16, 2008

2 Cyberinfrastructure consists of computing systems, data storage systems, data repositories and advanced instruments, visualization environments, and people, all linked together by software and advanced networks to improve scholarly productivity and enable collaborative and interdisciplinary breakthroughs not otherwise possible. --from joint CASC / Educause CCI discussions, 2008

3 MSI Service Provider CLA Service Provider Libraries Service Provider OIT Service Provider AHC Service Provider Other Service Provider Other Service Provider Other Service Provider External Resources and Service Providers Research Cyberinfrastructure Support in Fall 2007 How can I get support?


5 Proposed Vision

6 The Research Cyberinfrastructure Alliance (RCA) functions as a virtual organization of research support and information technology service providers, working to identify, align, advise and leverage a portfolio of research technology resources and support services throughout the University. A key next step for the RCA is to develop strategies that enable researchers to easily find and engage with relevant research computing resources and support.

7 The alliance brings key groups together to align and leverage distributed strategic research cyberinfrastructure and related services to benefit researchers. By aligning our efforts, we can help faculty, technologists and research professionals plan, coordinate and conduct their projects. By leveraging resources, we improve efficiency and effectiveness, and also provide input regarding future cyberinfrastructure investments for the University.

8 Office of the Vice President for Research University Libraries Office of Information Technology

9 Current attendees include: OVPR -- Minnesota Supercomputing Institute University Libraries Office of Information Technology UM Rochester College of Liberal Arts College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences College of Biological Sciences

10 Position the University to enable computationally intensive, interdisciplinary research for the 21st century Support, promote and sustain exceptional faculty – create a robust culture of collaboration that encourages and rewards boldness, imagination and innovation Support and promote exceptional innovation – align resources to support strategic priorities Support and promote exceptional organization – foster an environment of creativity that encourages the evolution of dynamic fields of inquiry

11 Informed and guided by faculty Positive local ownership while leveraging expertise across the University Open channels of communication among those supporting cyberinfrastructure at the U to create a coordinated system Consistent outstanding faculty (researcher) experience Alignment with local, state and national funding agencies

12 Baseline environmental scan to understand needs of researchers and existing research support structures. Research groups are each unique While unique, all groups appear to have similar core needs Researchers are ready to collaborate on technology Wide variety of research and consultation U of M research units National funding agencies Educause and CASC CIC CIOs

13 Facilitates coordination of university wide systems and services for researchers Campus IT and research strategic plans are integrated and complimentary Leveraging of resources to increase efficiency and effectiveness All researchers are aware of the research technology services and support that are available Increase of external funding / competitiveness

14 Advisory Understand the needs and priorities of faculty in terms of cyberinfrastructure Work closely with research center directors and collegiate IT directors to recommend ways to forge a common research cyberinfrastructure with central and distributed leadership and support Investigate and make recommendations as to how the University can participate in state and national cyberinfrastructure efforts Advocacy Propose outreach processes to insure researchers are aware of cyberinfrastructure services and resources that are available Engage key stakeholders across the campus to spread the vision of cyberinfrastructure Work to insure major granting agencies are aware of the University’s research cyberinfrastructure alliance efforts Provide coordinated outreach opportunities to recognize and publicize cyberinfrastructure researchers and research projects

15 Other & Resources MSI Service Provider OIT Service Provider CLA Service Provider LIB Service Provider AHC Service Provider Other Service Provider I already know of resources RCA proposed model RCA How can I get support? Peer Institutions External Resources

16 University-Wide Organizations Colleges Users

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