Achievements of New Rome

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Presentation on theme: "Achievements of New Rome"— Presentation transcript:

1 Achievements of New Rome
Byzantine Empire Achievements of New Rome

2 Justinian Code Created by Emperor Justinian Updated old Roman laws
Code- 5,000 Roman Laws Digest- Quoted Roman opinions Institutes- Textbook to teach law Novellae- Laws after 534 A.D.

3 Engineering Public works programs rebuilt Constantinople and forts
Built Churches (Hagia Sophia) Built other structures Baths, aqueducts, courts, schools, and hospitals

4 Eastern Orthodox Christian Church
Byzantium (Constantinople) flourished and churches began to develop differently East and West Europe split over religious differences between the Pope and Patriarch (Head of the EOCC) East-Eastern Orthodox Christian Church West- Roman Catholic Church

5 Preserving Culture Greek and Roman culture was preserved through building projects (aqueducts) Used Greek literature Used Latin Grammar Used Greek and Latin Philosophy

6 Fall of Empire Bubonic Plague killed many Byzantines
Attacks from the East and West (Same as Roman invaders) Territory shrank- finally conquered by Ottomans

7 Byzantine Empire Collapses

8 Impact on Russia Religious influence by Orthodox missionaries
Cyrillic alphabet was used to teach Slavs the Bible Missionaries and Slavs created a culture that would form Russia

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