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Is Free Feasible? The Student Demand for Open Source Texts! Kathleen Clower Fl State College at Jacksonville Katherine Davis Distance Learning Specialist.

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Presentation on theme: "Is Free Feasible? The Student Demand for Open Source Texts! Kathleen Clower Fl State College at Jacksonville Katherine Davis Distance Learning Specialist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is Free Feasible? The Student Demand for Open Source Texts! Kathleen Clower Fl State College at Jacksonville Katherine Davis Distance Learning Specialist NCCC System NC3ADL Conference Nov. 15, 2010 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook1

2 Is this the scene at your college? 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook2

3 Sticker Shock 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook3

4 Oh, my aching back... 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook4 labeled for reuse by Dalboz

5 The Students’ Lament… 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook5 Outdated and Poor Quality Textbook

6 Students don’t like traditional texts because they are… Too expensive Too heavy Outdated Can’t be resold Not dynamic 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook6

7 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook7 Instructors Aren’t Happy Either! No textbook fits exactly. It’s all or nothing. Students complain if only a few chapters are used in a high-priced book. Publishers come out with new editions too soon. Too many resources, too little time to decide what’s fair to use and what’s illegal….

8 Short Term Solutions Rental programs Putting more books in the library on reserve Sharing books Illegal copying Stealing? 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook8

9 Unfortunate Consequences Students don’t sign up for the course Students buy older (cheaper) editions Students order cheaper texts online; try to get international editions Students try to get by without a text Missed opportunity; graduate later Content is not current; grades suffer Longer time to receive text, no text at beginning of term Missed content 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook9

10 FLDLC Textbook Survey Preliminary Results 11/1/2010 n = 7,681 Textbooks bought Fall – 1 – 3: 37.7% – 4 – 7: 50.9% $ spent on textbooks – $201 - $300: 18.6% – $301 - $400: 20.1% – $401 - $600: 17.8% 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook10

11 Survey continued… % covered by financial aid – None – majority of the students (<4,000) Cost caused me to – Not register for a course – Withdraw from a course – Not purchase the textbook 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook11

12 Better yet… Why not an open textbook? 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook12

13 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook13 An open textbook is… Often modifiable by the instructor (modular & adaptable) Free – or nearly free – With computers and internet access – Printable for free or a small fee (costs for ink and paper) – Often available in bound copies for $10-$40 Easy to get, use & pass around Accessible for adaptive technologies Labeled for reuse by MrKCoolsPhotostream

14 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook14 Seven Myths about Open Textbooks 1.Open Textbooks and eBooks are the same. 2.Creators never receive monetary compensation for open textbooks. 3. All open textbooks are crowd-sourced, i.e., created by anonymous amateurs. 4. Campus bookstores suffer from the use of open textbooks. A fact, not a myth but we are working to change this. 5.Derivatives damage the author’s reputation. 6.Open textbooks are low quality or out-of-date with expired copyrights. 7.Publishers are enemies of open textbooks.

15 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook15 Benefits of Open Textbooks High efficiency in use of modules – Resources can be created once and widely used rather than locked up All Rights Reserved in a 300-page $200 textbook Adaptable to learning styles, cultures, geographies, and more Use only what is needed: saves paper, toner, and weight and avoids confusion Far more feedback from teachers and students to the creators (authors, illustrators, publishers, editors, technologists, etc.) Global textbook improvement Even classes without open textbooks benefit because students can afford to take more classes How to Adopt an Open Textbook15 Photo by Fragmented CC licensed 2008

16 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook16 An open textbook has been… Changed by the creators from Copyright All Rights Reserved to Copyright Some Rights Reserved under an open license e.g., Creative Commons License From the Creative Commons store

17 Creative Commons CC – Creative Commons License BY – Open with Attribution by SA – Share Alike ND – No Derivatives NC – Non-Commercial NCSA – Non-Commercial Share Alike 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook17

18 Creative Commons Examples Sociology Text Western Art History - dynamic enhancements Audio Books Book/Audio-Book?from=Site.Titles Book/Audio-Book?from=Site.Titles Public Literature 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook18

19 Musical Works Examples Duckett (2010). Wired But Disconnected. Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) Creative Commons. Scottaltham (2010). Hear Us Now (Poptastic mix). Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) Creative Commons. 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook19

20 What’s in it for… Instructors/Faculty? Select content from reviewed list Customize text (add, delete, combine) Make content dynamic Change & update often Students? Low to no cost Ability to annotate & personalize content No heavy books to carry around Send content to multiple devices 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook20

21 Erik Christensen Physics Professor, South FL CC "Open Textbook Testimonial" (TRT 7:48) Professor Erik Christensen discusses the benefits to himself and his students of adopting an open physics textbook. The customization of the open textbook with his own teaching materials made physics "more fun and interesting" – and more affordable! Costs to students dropped from $178.00 to $13.00. 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook21

22 Educational Psychology Please comment on the textbook in terms of availability (and cost), readability, and content. Would you recommend open source texts in some of your other courses? 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook22

23 Response 1 “I wish all of my textbooks were available online! At first, it took awhile to adjust to the idea and how to use the text book to the best advantage but once I got the hang of it, I loved it. In completing the weekly chapter terms and people, it was nice to be able to copy and paste their definitions and examples into a format that is easy for me to study with. … 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook23

24 Feedback…. I feel like I saved so much more time having a text book online than actually having it in person. The content, readability, and having it cost nothing was all great. I would recommend an online text book in other classes.” 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook24

25 More Feedback…. “I loved the fact that we had an open source textbook in this class. It was the first time I have ever used one, but I found it to be very convenient both in availability and price. Textbooks are way too expensive and on top of that you have to carry all of them around with you. I liked that I was able to download a copy of the book to my laptop and take it where ever I wanted to go. I would strongly recommend this type of textbooks for all of my other courses. “ 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook25

26 And more….. “Of all my text books this was the least expensive. I really loved that it was on-line as well. It really means a lot to a student when a free version is available on line when you have to buy books for 5 classes each semester!” 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook26

27 What about… Authoring? Contributions are free Payment is received only when content is printed Some authors have bought back rights (statistics) Grant-produced materials may be contributed – NSF grant for calculus based physics The Bookstores? More money made on teddy bears & tee shirts than books (?) Open source books may be preordered by POD in bulk – Bookstore receives discount – Bookstore adds mark-up – Student cost the same 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook27

28 Who Reviews the Content? Faculty Peer Review – See CCCOER Students – See Flatworld Knowledge Publishers – See UPF 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook28

29 Discover, but not this way 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook29How to Adopt an Open Textbook29 Chemistry search = 130,000,000 results

30 Discover open textbooks this way… 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook30

31 Resources Connexions (Rice University) Orange Grove Texts Plus (FL Distance Learning Consortium & University Press of FL) and MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning & Online Teaching) Flat World Knowledge 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook31

32 More Resources Global Text Project (University of Georgia) OER Commons Textbook Revolution USG Share Community College Open Textbooks 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook32

33 Connexions is… a place to view and share educational material made of small knowledge chunks called modules that can be organized as courses, books, reports, etc. Anyone may view or contribute: authors create and collaborate instructors rapidly build and share custom collections learners find and explore content 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook33

34 Connexions 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook34

35 Ohio Digital Bookshelf Strand 1 – Work with traditional commercial publishers – 70% discount Strand 2 – Engage OER Strand 3 – Introduce PLE Stephen Acker Research Director eText Ohio Project OhioLINK 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook35

36 Ohio Digital Bookshelf Participants Introductory Psychology – 70K students Incentive Programs – Faculty Innovator Program $10K allocated annually to 10 awardees Stitz & Zeager examplars – 600 page algebra text – Affordability Grants $50K allocated to 5 faculty led projects Statics course – 3 universities, still under development 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook36

37 Flatworld Knowledge 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook37

38 Orange Grove FDLC 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook38

39 FLDLC & UPF Partnership Repository of digital learning resources Statewide search for courses & content Active contributing membership Common course numbering system Traditional university publisher Editors to review content Vetted books POD resources 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook39

40 Collaboration is Key to Sustainability and Success Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources (CCCOER) – 97+ colleges join to give 2-year schools a big voice in open textbooks and more Community College Open Textbooks Collaborative: – A group of 12 organizations (FHDA, FDLC, CNX and more) funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation to increase the demand and supply of open textbooks Take a look 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook40

41 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook41

42 CCCOER 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook42

43 Next Steps: Step 1: Select an Open Textbook Read the peer reviews; talk to other adopters or users Compare your selections on quality, fit, interoperability, accessibility, printability, cost for printing, cost for bound copies Select the best fit remembering that you can make it fit better! 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook43How to Adopt an Open Textbook43 For reuse by sp3ccylad's photostream

44 Read the Reviews 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook44 Full review available with comments and ratings for each chapter

45 Compare & Contrast Traditional TextOpen Textbook Subjects AnthropologyArt BiologyChemistry Computer Science Education English and Composition HistoryAnthropologyArt BiologyChemistry Computer Science Education English and Composition History, Languages and Communications LiteratureMath PhysicsPolitical Science Psychology Science Sociology Statistics and ProbabilityLanguages and Communications LiteratureMath PhysicsPolitical Science Psychology Science Sociology Statistics and Probability 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook45

46 Step 2: Adopt and Use Plan the class Choose the parts of the textbook that fit Add other open resources Announce to the stakeholders 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook46How to Adopt an Open Textbook46 Labeled for reuse by Cimm's photostreamCimm's photostream

47 Wortle provided this graphicHow to Adopt an Open Textbook47 We will answer your questions… Artwork courtesy of Wordle

48 Contact! Kathy Clower 904-632-3042 Kathy Davis 919-807-7109 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook48

49 The end. 9/12/2015How to Adopt an Open Textbook49

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