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Type & Clipart: forget creativity, be clear & consistent.

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Presentation on theme: "Type & Clipart: forget creativity, be clear & consistent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Type & Clipart: forget creativity, be clear & consistent

2 Have you been in this situation? You are working the bulletin or other church communication You want people to read it You want them to respond Be catchy!! be different!! Be creative!! You KNOW it’s incredibly important! You need ideas!


4 There is another way Forget trying to be creative Strive for clarity Through consistency Your message will come through clearly and people will respond

5 Option #1: Text only, no contrast This is how we often start Text, just the facts Our eyes don’t know where to go Without contrast it is all or nothing—so most people opt for nothing.

6 Option #2: Text with one contrast –bold headers One small change – making headers bold makes the sections clear Now at least we can see the divisions But still no sense of importance or content

7 Option #3: Text with 2 changes Type headers changed in size To reflect importance, hierarchy Largest headline overall title Others under this main topic Nothing new—this is the language of type and layout you’ve read all your life


9 Option #4: Text with images added Challenge –if some contrast is good, isn’t more better? NO! Lots of typefaces and scattered images are not creative, but confusing! People read based on need and interest

10 Option #5: Text and images organized consistently Make headers and captions clear for skimming One or two typefaces Consistent placement of images for a simple layout

11 Option #6: Footer added Add a footer for more information FINAL RESULT: Clear, consistent communication That results in specific steps to spiritual growth Much easier for you!

12 Summary & Reminders Come up with a consistent PLAN for your communication: Location Layout Typography Use of images and captions Strive for clarity in content above all Worth the work—so that your church communications can fully fulfill the Great Commission!


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