ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE II FINAL EXAM REVIEW UNIT 2: ENERGY Final Exam will be on Wednesday June 10, 2015 The final exam is worth 20% of your final grade.

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Presentation on theme: "ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE II FINAL EXAM REVIEW UNIT 2: ENERGY Final Exam will be on Wednesday June 10, 2015 The final exam is worth 20% of your final grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE II FINAL EXAM REVIEW UNIT 2: ENERGY Final Exam will be on Wednesday June 10, 2015 The final exam is worth 20% of your final grade for the course Please bring a pen or pencil to the exam with you. Absences:  Excused absence- you will take it on the day you return  Unexcused absence- you will receive a 0 *****During the exam, if your cell phone or any electronic device is on your person, you will receive a 0!!!*****

2 Potable: Water that is safe to drink

3 Water Use: Residential Use: mostly used for personal hygiene. Not much used for drinking and cooking Industrial Use: power source, transport, coolant Agricultural Use: most of the water in the world is used for irrigation

4 Surface water: water that is above ground Lakes, rivers, streams, runoff

5 Runoff: water that does not get absorbed into the ground Moves down a slope Melting snow, glaciers, rainfall

6 Groundwater : water that is below the ground Water table- top of the saturated layer of rocks Aquifers- porous water- saturated layer of underground rock Zone of saturation- aquifer- layer of saturated layer of rock Zone of aeration- where the water enters Zone of discharge- where the water leaves

7 Overdraf t when a body of water is drained faster than it is filled Causes: Saltwater intrusion- saltwater moves in to fresh water making it unpotable Subsidence- bedrock weakens causing it to sink

8 Desalination: removing salt from water- expensive Distillation: saltwater is boiled, evaporates, leave behind salt, water vapor is cooled and collected in another container Reverse osmosis: saltwater is forced through a filter that allows water molecules to pass but not salt molecules Freezing- saltwater is frozen, separates a brine slush from freshwater

9 Water Purification Sedimentation- passed through screens and put into a settling tank Filtration- sand Aeration- exposed to oxygen, taste and smell Sterilization- heat or chemicals are used to kill pathogens (bacteria)

10 Water Pollution

11 1. Sewage Water that contains organic waste from humans and industry Toilet, sink, dishwasher washing machines

12 2. Factories Toxic chemicals Thermal pollution- from cooling down machines Increased temperature decreases oxygen levels

13 3. Agriculture Runoff: Pesticides Fertilizers Human and animal waste

14 Inorganic Toxic Chemicals: Arsenic- runoff and agriculture Copper- plumbing Lead- old pluming, nervous system Mercury- liquid metal, factories, nervous system Biomagnification- the concentration increases as it moves through the food chain Toxic: dangerous to living things

15 Oil Spills Effect on animals Hypothermia Increased predation Internal damage Decreased production Habitat destruction Methods to clean Booms and skimmers Dispersants Biological agents Naturally broken down Exxon Valdez 1989, Prince William Sound, Alaska Deepwater Horizon 2010, Gulf of Mexico Explosion of Deepwater Horizon

16 GARBAGE Landfill: hole lined with plastic, layer with soil and garbage, topped with soil and grass Dump: hole lined with plastic, layer with soil and garbage, stays exposed Compost: decaying organic matter that can be used as fertilizer Grass trimmings, vegetable scraps, fruit, leaves Recycle- treat or process used or waste products to be able to reuse Plastics, glass, paper “Garbage Island”- Pacific Ocean

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