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2 Business Capability 2 Business Capability Evolves.

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2 2 Business Capability

3 2

4 Business Capability Evolves

5 Business Capability Electronic Birth Register Electronic Birth Register Register Birth Registrars Parents Citizenship People Process Info. Systems

6 A Business Capability is the collaboration of 4 components People Process Systems Info. People in rolesPerforming business processes Using business systems To exchange and transform business information In order to deliver Business Services 4a

7 Te Puna Business Capabilities

8 Support NZ Libraries Bibliographic Information Provisioning Interlibrary Loan Administration Library Support & Engagement New Zealand Library TP Search Services TP Cataloguing Services TP Interloan Services Support Services Brokering Services Orgs & Public School Library Search Cataloguing Search

9 Provide Bibliographic Information comprises Voyager – NUC etc Client Apps WorldCat Web Apps Osmosis Voyager – NUC etc Client Apps WorldCat Web Apps Osmosis Create Bib Data Search/Edit Bib Data Supply Bib Data Maintain Bib Data Record Holdings Maintain Holdings Create Bib Data Search/Edit Bib Data Supply Bib Data Maintain Bib Data Record Holdings Maintain Holdings SD&S Staff OCLC Help Desk SD&S Staff OCLC Help Desk Bib Descriptions Library Holdings Authorities Bib Descriptions Library Holdings Authorities People Process Info. Systems

10 5a New Zealand Library Orgs & Public School Library TP Search TP Cataloguing Holdings Maint Bib Data Support Requests Search/Copy Search Help Desk Support Holdings Maint Holdings Updates Bib Data TP Subscriber Services TP Related Services Te Puna Service Delivery Support NZ Libraries Bibliographic Info Provisioning NUC WorldCat Support Consults Sync TP Help Desk Osmosis NZ Libraries Cat SchoolsCat

11 InterLibrary Loan Administration VDX IBS Directory of NZ Libs WorldCat Registry VDX IBS Directory of NZ Libs WorldCat Registry Borrow Item Reconcile Charges Admin Invoicing Admin Payments Borrow Item Reconcile Charges Admin Invoicing Admin Payments Finance staff SD&S Staff Finance staff SD&S Staff Bib Descriptions Library Holdings Charge Schedules Loan Requests Library Details Bib Descriptions Library Holdings Charge Schedules Loan Requests Library Details People Process Info. Systems

12 Full Te Puna Business Model

13 Contracted Suppliers Libraries Others Suppliers PARTNERSHIP 6 Return Contribution NLNZ Bibliographic data Item descriptions New item information Industry position Relationships Revenue Bibliographic data Contracted services Support Revenue Market share/positioning Industry knowledge Bibliographic data Holdings Info & visibility Interloan Cataloguing tools Support & Training Industry contacts Bibliographic data Holdings Info & visibility Industry contacts Industry knowledge Revenue Fulfilling crown outcomes Bibliographic data Holdings Revenue Participation Bibliographic data Holdings Infrastructure Services Support & Training Leadership Revenues flow through but costs are subsidized

14 New Zealand library resources are visible, usable and attractive to New Zealanders and the rest of the world. Te Puna Vision Te Puna Mission Through the collaborative efforts of New Zealand libraries, Te Puna provides accurate, adaptive, responsive, robust and cost effective systems, to support acquisitions, cataloguing, resource sharing and discovery, delivering timely services to our New Zealand customers. New Zealand library resources Through the collaborative efforts of New Zealand libraries Partnership is reflected in TP Vision

15 The Te Puna Business Model is a Partnership To maximise its value we all have a role to play Given

16 Challenges and Interventions

17 Improved discovery of NZ material from anywhere in the world 15% Investment Logic Map Improve participation and commitment of all libraries to meeting Te Puna’s goals 35% Exploit new technology to improve business practices and expand service offering 50% Improve the timeliness and quality of records for NZ material provided nationally and internationally 15% 2. Streamline workflows, processes and systems to enable identification of up-to-date holdings in real time 3. Expand availability of Te Puna’s metadata 4. NZ National Library able to replace records of NZ material in international catalogues (OCLC) Improved access to a much wider amount of material at a local level 40% A quality record for NZ material is not always available so people can’t see what’s available 25% Version 2.0 Original ILM Workshop 28/01/10 Template Version 3.5 Last Modified 11/05/10 By Karen Tregaskis Facilitator Karen Tregaskis Investor Sue Sutherland & Janet Copsey Reduced duplication and waste of library services effort 45% 1. Improve Te Puna’s Partnership model through education, communication, formal agreement & reporting Enhance current or buy new software (tbc) Key Performance Indicators Reduced duplication and waste of library services effort (45%) KPI 1: Reduced duplication of original cataloguing of NZ material KPI 2: Reduced number of requests that cannot be supplied due to incorrect holding information Improved access to a much wider amount of material at a local level (40%) KPI 1: Increased lending of material not held locally at own institution KPI 2: Increased amount of digital material accessed Improved location of NZ material from anywhere in the world (15%) KPI 1: Increased number of international ‘click-throughs’ to NZ libraries KPI 2: Increased interloans of NZ material overseas BENEFITS PROBLEMSOLUTION Changes (Capital) Assets needed INTERVENTIONS High Level Not everything is catalogued or recorded properly in Te Puna, preventing people finding the ‘best fit' material 35% Libraries are under increasing cost pressures resulting in demand for better value from Te Puna 40% 5. Get record creation for NZ material to market more quickly and utilise metadata through the whole publishing chain 6. Expand Te Puna standards to meet specialised needs 1 Te Puna is the central database of collection materials and interloan support system used by 97% of NZ Libraries Libraries are under increasing cost pressures resulting in demand for better value from Te Puna 40% Not everything is catalogued or recorded properly in Te Puna, preventing people finding the ‘best fit‘ 35% Exploit new technology to improve business practices and expand service offerings 50% Improve participation and commitment of all libraries to meeting Te Puna’s goals 35%

18 There are Short to Medium Term Challenges Challenges Metadata Creation & Access Additional Services Data Steward- ship Maintain Holdings Metadata Sharing & Reuse

19 There are Longer Term Challenges Challenges Evolving Library Focus Role of the NUC Digital Content Info Provision- ing Enabling Discovery

20 That can be addressed by streamlining the Status Quo model Operational Strategic SHORTMEDIUMLONG Leadership role Early metadata availability Fix Batch Load SchoolsCat Short Bib record availability People Process Systems Information In the Short Term

21 Operational Strategic SHORTMEDIUMLONG And in the Short to Medium Term Leadership role Data stewardship role Data stewardship processes Two metadata exchange technology NUC record update notification Data stewardship tools Enhanced metadata Social tags Improved vendor records People Process Systems Information

22 Implementing these requires the participation of all partners Libraries PARTNERSHIP Return Contribution NLNZ Partners Suppliers

23 Streamlined Status Quo Preferred Operational Strategic SHORTMEDIUMLONG NUC and/or WorldCat ?

24 5a New Zealand Library Orgs & Public School Library TP Search TP Cataloguing Holdings Maint Bib Data Support Requests Search/Copy Search Help Desk Support Holdings Maint Holdings Updates Bib Data TP Subscriber Services TP Related Services Te Puna Service Delivery Support NZ Libraries Bibliographic Info Provisioning NUC WorldCat Support Consults Sync TP Help Desk Osmosis NZ Libraries Cat SchoolsCat

25 Longer Term Issues Need Strategic Consideration Operational Strategic SHORTMEDIUMLONG Short to Medium Lays Foundation Metadata quality, timeliness & breadth Enhanced metadata Cataloguing standards Data stewardship And Partnership Participation and Leadership

26 The Te Puna Business Model is a Partnership We all have a role to play to maximise its future value Ask not what your National Library can do for you................. Ask what we can all do for the Libraries of New Zealand !

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