31.01.2014 Seite 1 Introduction to TRANSfer: A new GIZ Project on Transport NAMAs Towards climate-friendly transport technologies and activities Dr.-Ing.

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Presentation on theme: "31.01.2014 Seite 1 Introduction to TRANSfer: A new GIZ Project on Transport NAMAs Towards climate-friendly transport technologies and activities Dr.-Ing."— Presentation transcript:

1 31.01.2014 Seite 1 Introduction to TRANSfer: A new GIZ Project on Transport NAMAs Towards climate-friendly transport technologies and activities Dr.-Ing. Harald Diaz-Bone, Project Director Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit

2 31.01.2014 Seite 2 Page 2 What makes a policy a NAMA? Register International Support International Support Developed countries international commitments

3 31.01.2014 Seite 3 Page 331.01.2014 SHIFT AVOID IMPROVE Reduction of subsidies / (Fuel Tax) High Quality Public Transport NMT Infrastructure Fuel Economy Standards Urban land use planning Parking Management Green Logistics avoid empty haulage Road Pricing Eco-Driving Campaign Regular car inspection Converter Kit for Taxis (CNG) Regulation on Truck design Freight Improvement Programme Sustainable Urban Transport Policy Fuel Land Use Regulation Vehicles Low Carbon Development Strategy What could be registered as a NAMA? Eco ports/ airports Economic development around railway corridors Infrastructure management

4 31.01.2014 Seite 4 Page 4 TRANSfer – 8 key messages and approaches Objective: Support decision makers to develop climate strategies in transport as Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) 1. Offer attractive carbon investment opportunities in the transport sector, based on the Avoid-Shift-Improve approach 2. Provide bankable solutions in all sub-sectors (urban passenger transport, inter-urban passenger transport, freight transport and logistics, domestic aviation and shipping, rail, vehicle and fuel techn.) 3. Ensure sound inter-ministerial coordination in all stages of design and implementation of transport NAMAs, with Ministers of Transport as central key players

5 31.01.2014 Seite 5 Page 5 TRANSfer – 8 key messages and approaches 4. Allow for active participation of private sector and civil society through multi-stakeholder workshops 5. Provide simple yet comprehensive and solid methodologies for MRV of transport NAMAs 6. Offer capacity building to partner countries on sustainable transport options for future transport NAMAs 7. Create a platform to allow matching of transport NAMA proposals with funding opportunities 8. Spread the news about transport NAMAs via a network for dissemination of good practices and lessons learned

6 31.01.2014 Seite 6 Page 6 TRANSfer – Scope Practical application: Case studies in 3 countries Strong Networking with others active in transport NAMAs Output: Manual – Navigating Transport NAMAs Interactive development with governments of developing countries Open to further case studies Duration: Jan. 2011 to Sep. 2013 Funding: German Ministry for Environment via the International Climate Initiative (ICI)

7 31.01.2014 Seite 7 Page 7 Hurdles to clear towards NAMAs Policy Identification MRV Financing Registration Copyright Ko Sakamoto

8 31.01.2014 Seite 8 Page 8 Contact harald.diaz-bone@giz.de www.transport-NAMA.org www.transport2012.org www.giz.de www.transport-NAMA.org www.transport2012.org www.giz.de Thank You!

9 31.01.2014 Seite 9 Page 9 Manual: Navigating Transport NAMAs 1.Getting prepared for T-NAMAs institutional readiness 2.Options for T-NAMAs and mitigation potential screening of policies and measures 3.Proposing T-NAMAs submitting to national NAMA coordination 4.Funding opportunities for T-NAMAs see BtG climate finance guidance 5.Matching proposals with funding for T- NAMAs 6.Monitoring and verification of T-NAMAs 7.UNFCCC registration of T-NAMAs 1/31/2014 Case studies Indonesia South Africa Colombia - - - - - - - - Mexico Chile (Ecofys) Costa Rica … Case studies Indonesia South Africa Colombia - - - - - - - - Mexico Chile (Ecofys) Costa Rica …

10 31.01.2014 Seite 10 Page 10 TRANSfer – Work Packages

11 31.01.2014 Seite 11 Page 11 Potential Activities in Partner Countries Identifiy policies/ measures Assess emission reduction potential Set up MRV / GHG inventory Identify need for intl support Register NAMAs under the UNFCCC UNFCCC Implement transport NAMAs The NAMA development and registration process Monitoring Workshop including international experts Studies by local/regional consultants of emission red. potential Presentation of international examples Training sessions Provision of guidance through local and international experts

12 Pathways for Transport in the Post 2012 Process Bridging the gap Further information and registration: www.transport2012.org

13 31.01.2014 Seite 13 Page 13 Contact harald.diaz-bone@giz.de www.transport-NAMA.org www.transport2012.org www.giz.de www.transport-NAMA.org www.transport2012.org www.giz.de Thank You!

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