JUNIOR REGISTRATION PRESENTATION CLASS OF 2015. Lisa BerryA – B Dana Galasso C – GL Kristen Piña GO – L Areli SimpsonM – P Tim Roty Q – R & ELD Allyson.

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Presentation on theme: "JUNIOR REGISTRATION PRESENTATION CLASS OF 2015. Lisa BerryA – B Dana Galasso C – GL Kristen Piña GO – L Areli SimpsonM – P Tim Roty Q – R & ELD Allyson."— Presentation transcript:


2 Lisa BerryA – B Dana Galasso C – GL Kristen Piña GO – L Areli SimpsonM – P Tim Roty Q – R & ELD Allyson Fellars S – Z

3 1.Check your transcript to make sure all information is accurate. 2.You can monitor your graduation status through your Parent Portal. Acad. GPA 9-12: Includes all courses taken in 9-12 grade except non-college prep. Acad. GPA 10-12: Includes all courses taken in 10-12 grade except non-college prep Total GPA 9-12: Includes every course taken in grades 9-12 grade Note: Each college determines which GPA to use for admission

4 4 SUBJECTCredits ENGLISH40 Credits SOCIAL SCIENCE (World His 1, World His 2, US His, Gov/Econ) 40 Credits MATHEMATICS (Must pass Algebra 1 and Geometry) 30 Credits SCIENCE (1 Life, 1 Physical)20 Credits FINE ART OR FOREIGN LANGUAGE10 Credits PHYSICAL EDUCATION30 Credits ELECTIVES50 Credits TOTAL220 Credits *** ***Must pass State-Mandated Health curriculum ***Must pass the California High School Exit Exam (Language Arts and Math)

5 WHAT IS AN ELECTIVE ??? An elective is any class you take that is beyond basic high school graduation requirements. Some examples: A third year of science, a fourth year of math, a second year of a language or art. All ROP classes are considered electives! You will meet your 50 elective credit requirement by the time you graduate as long as you pass your classes

6 IB Diploma Program Overview Two year program that spans the eleventh and twelfth grade years. The program supplies the academic rigor to prepare students for the best universities in the world. Assures that students are not only excellent in the academic sense, but that they are also good members of the world community.

7 Possibilities for Participating in IB IB Certificate Program=Most universities give college credit for HL exams and select SL exams (similar to AP) IB Full Diploma= the best of what we have to offer in terms of rigor and balance

8 “A-G” courses must be completed with ‘C’ grade or higher A. History/Social Science – 2 YEARS REQUIRED B. English – 4 YEARS REQUIRED C. Mathematics – 3 YEARS REQUIRED, 4 YEARS RECOMMENDED Must complete Algebra 2. D. Laboratory Science – 2 YEARS REQUIRED, 3 YEARS RECOMMENDED Biology, chemistry and physics. E. Language Other than English – 2 YEARS REQUIRED, 3 YEARS RECOMMENDED Two years of the same language other than English. F. Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) – 1 YEAR REQUIRED Dance, drama/theater, music or visual art. G. College-Preparatory Electives – 1 YEAR REQUIRED

9 COLLEGE ADMISSION TESTING CSU’s (California State University): SAT Reasoning Test or ACT required for admission UC’s (University of California): SAT Reasoning Test or ACT required for admission Private and Out of State Schools: Check individual admission requirements Community College: No SAT or ACT required. Community College placement test required All Juniors will take the EAP with your 11 th grade English class during CST testing See RBV Counseling web page for more infoRBV Counseling web page

10 TIPS FOR COLLEGE PREPARATION  If you are planning to attend a 4 year University, choose rigorous courses in 11 th grade.  Review the CSU/UC “A-G Requirements” to verify that you are on track for college entrance.  Any D’s that you have received in required “A-G” courses should be made up for 4-year colleges. See your counselor ASAP.  Take the SAT and/or ACT at least once next year in the spring of 2014.  Stay involved in your extracurricular activities. Colleges like to see quality over quantity.  Use NAVIANCE to research colleges and schools and learn about different majors or programs of study that might interest you.

11 1. * = Elective course that requires a teacher signature 2. P = College Preparatory Course (UC/CSU Approved) Course are listed by subject and by UC/CSU “A-G” subject area. Subjects for A & B (History and English) are listed on the front side of this form. Use the back of your Registration Worksheet to choose your courses.

12 The Course Menu and Registration Worksheet Read Instructions Choose your elective courses *If your elective requires a teacher signature have the teacher sign here Choose 2 Alternate Electives Your teachers will recommend the next level of core courses

13 REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS 11 th GRADE Review the course catalog with your parents and choose courses that are interesting to you! The Course Catalog is available on the RBV Website Complete the Course Worksheet and bring it with you to your appointment with your counselor in February. If you would like to take and AP/IB or Honors course that you are not recommended for, you must complete a Honors Waiver, available in the counseling office. There is no summer school this year! If you failed a course, you must take it at a community college, through an online course, or through E2020. See your counselor for paperwork and information.

14 DO YOU PLAY A SPORT? If you plan to play a sport next year you MUST have a coach’s signature. If you cannot locate your coach, please have Mr. Nellis, Athletic Director, sign off. He can be found most days at nutrition and lunch in the athletic office, next to the counseling office.

15 If you are looking to participate in intercollegiate athletics at an NCAA Division I or Division II college or university in the future, follow these steps in your 11th grade year 1. Register with the eligibility center.eligibility center 2. Make sure you are on track to meet the core course requirements (verify you have the correct number of core courses and that the core courses are on your high school's NCAA approved course list). 3. Click here for the 2012-13 NCAA Guide for the College Bound Student Athlete.NCAA Guide for the College Bound Student Athlete.

16 NAVIANCE Login on to NAVIANCE on a regular basisNAVIANCE Scholarships are available NOW! Research colleges, major choices, careers, or take a career interest inventory. Add colleges to your list.

17 College Applications, Catalogs and Videos College Admissions Tests & Fee Waivers College Representative Visits Financial Aid Applications Scholarship Bulletin (on Naviance) Career and Military Information Job Corps Information Work Permits Internet Access

18 COLLEGE NIGHT May 9 th 2013 @ RBV SESSIONS University of California Cal State Universities Financial Aid Naviance AND MUCH MORE!

19 Parent Registration Night Thursday, February 21 st 6:00pm i n the PAC

20 REMINDERS You will meet with your counselor individually in February to discuss your course selections You MUST complete the Course Worksheet by February 25 th. You MUST bring the completed Course Worksheet and other forms with you to your appointment with your counselor. Use The Course Catalog to research course descriptions. It is available on the website. The forms AND this PowerPoint Presentation are available on the RBVHS Counseling Website, under the “Registration Materials” Tab.


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