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Registering for your 11th grade year

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1 Registering for your 11th grade year

2 Reviewing your transcript Your transcript is the legal record of your high school courses, grades, and attempted/earned credits. Credits are earned based on a passing (D- or better) semester grade. Each course is worth 5 credits per semester. If you retake a class, you will only receive credit for it once. The higher grade will be used to compute your GPA. In one year you can earn 10 credits per course for a total of 60 credits. (6 classes x 10 credits per class = 60 credits) You have completed 3 semesters of high school, so you should have 90 credits.

3 What else is on my transcript?
Personal Information: Name, address, phone number, gender, student ID #, birth date, counselor name. Academic Information: GPA (Grade Point Average), Class Rank, CAHSEE (California High School Exit Exam) status, credit summary. If any information is incorrect, please make corrections and drop off in the Counseling Office.

4 What do I do if I’m behind credits?
Pass your classes this semester so that you don’t fall further behind. As a Junior, you will be eligible to enroll in night classes; if offered, through the Adult School for credit recovery. If you are behind in credits, please make an appointment with your counselor to make a plan to get back on track. It is not too late! The best way to stay on track for graduation is to PASS YOUR CLASSES the first time!

5 What can I find in my Course Catalog. www. tracy. k12. ca
What can I find in my Course Catalog? (Departments/Counseling) THS graduation requirements. A-G/College entrance requirements (these requirements MUST be completed with C grades or better in order to be eligible to apply to a 4-year college). Course numbers and course descriptions. This is the information you will use when completing your registration worksheet. If you don’t know what a class is about, make sure you read the course description. Once you sign-up for a class on your registration worksheet, you will not be able to change it. You will have to stay in the class for the full year. Choose wisely!!

6 Important 11th grade events
Junior Parent Night (October 2013) Transcript review College information PSAT registration information SAT/ACT To be taken Spring 2014 College Searches and Visits ( NCAA If you plan to play a sport in college, you must register with the Clearinghouse at the end of your Junior year.

7 What do I do with my Registration Worksheet?
Make sure your name and phone number are written clearly. Get ALL required signatures! Required courses for the 11th grade: English U.S. History Science Elective Teacher approval is needed for IB courses and all math courses. Don’t wait until the last minute to get the necessary signatures. In order to list T.A. as an elective, you must attach the T.A. form from the teacher you wish to T.A. for. If you T.A. your Junior year, you will not be able to T.A. your Senior year. Work Experience cannot be listed as an elective. If you are interested in Work Experience, you will need to be approved when school starts. This information must be shared with your parent or guardian. Your parent/ guardian MUST sign this form. You will meet with your counselor in one week. Use this time to get required signatures from your teachers and to discuss your options with your parents. Your English teacher will inform you of the due date for your COMPLETED Registration Worksheet. S/he will also let you know the date you will be meeting with your counselor.

8 Do you have any questions?
Now is the time to ask!

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