Bishop Wayne N. Miller Metropolitan Chicago Synod ELCA.

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Presentation on theme: "Bishop Wayne N. Miller Metropolitan Chicago Synod ELCA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bishop Wayne N. Miller Metropolitan Chicago Synod ELCA

2  When you think of the current condition of your congregational mission…  Are there signs of abundance?  Are there fears of scarcity?

3  Can we imagine the territory of the Metropolitan Chicago Synod BLANKETED with Christian disciples joyfully bearing witness to the love and power of Jesus Christ?

4  A creation reconciled to God through Jesus Christ by the way of the cross;  Realized through the continual generation of local Christian communities that are both FAITHFUL AND FRUITFUL

5 Can fruitfulness be faithful? Should faithfulness be fruitful? Can we reconcile the way of the cross with joy and abundance?

6  Who Are We? (Identity)  Centered in the shared self- understanding that:  All that we are and all that we have comes by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone

7  Why Are We Here? (Mission)  Centered in the shared mission to:  Bear witness to the love and power of Jesus  Invite others into the love and power of Jesus  Dismantle barriers that exclude others from the love and power of Jesus

8  Words – Works = Nothing  Works – Words = Anything  Works + Words = Everything

9  How Shall We Live? (Vocation)  Centered in the discipline of living with “open hands.”  Growing in confidence that God’s grace comes simply by opening our hands to receive it  Growing in the freedom to share God’s grace by opening our hands to release it

10  Growth  How is your congregation growing?

11  Generosity  How do you measure responsibility and generosity?

12  Courage  How does your congregation demonstrate the courage to release attachments and risk adventure?

13  Collaboration  Who are your partners in extending the reach of your mission?

14  Inclusivity  Does the age, gender, racial and cultural profile of your congregation MATCH that of your mission field?

15  Justice  How are you responding to the structures of sin that constrain dignity, freedom, and authenticity?

16  Adaptability  Is your congregation adapting to changes in the mission field?

17  Reproduction  Is your congregation preparing to give birth to new witnessing communities?


19 Bishop Wayne N. Miller Metropolitan Chicago Synod ELCA

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