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Together We Make a Difference LOOK TO THE FUTURE What is the VISION for the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin?

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Presentation on theme: "Together We Make a Difference LOOK TO THE FUTURE What is the VISION for the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Together We Make a Difference LOOK TO THE FUTURE What is the VISION for the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin?

3 Together We Make a Difference The 211 congregations are the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin

4 Together We Make a Difference The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) We join 10,851 other congregations to become

5 Together We Make a Difference From Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision the people perish.”

6 Together We Make a Difference Consider Bishop Berg’s mission statement: “We are partners in the Gospel called to proclaim the mighty acts of God who has called us out of darkness into God’s marvelous light.”

7 1. We will Make Christ Known. 2. We will mature in our faith and help others grow in theirs. It means...

8 Together We Make a Difference Vision What does this look like for our congregations?

9 Let’s dream about NEW WAYS to Make Christ Known! 1. “ called to proclaim the mighty acts of God...”

10 Together We Make a Difference E vangelism to Make Christ Known! to share the gift of our Lutheran understanding of God’s love with the unchurched. to provide encouragement and positive reinforcement to those who already are members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Why is evangelism important?

11 Together We Make a Difference E vangelism We can be a welcoming community. Invite Introduce ourselves Refreshments Adequate parking

12 Together We Make a Difference E vangelism We can communicate to others that they are welcome Ads – newspaper, TV, radio, website Signage Direct mail fliers Outreach newsletter

13 Together We Make a Difference E vangelism TOGETHER... Many congregations in the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin have used television advertising as a way of Making Christ Known in northern Wisconsin. By pooling resources, several TV ads spots were contracted for through the ELCA Identity Project.

14 Let’s dream about NEW WAYS to Make Christ Known! 2. Mature in our faith and help others grow in theirs.

15 Together We Make a Difference S tewardship We could talk about stewardship as “giving back to God” in thankfulness. Give time Share talents Give monetary gifts

16 Together We Make a Difference S tewardship HOW? Do a Spiritual Gifts inventory to help people find the gifts God has blessed them with!

17 Together We Make a Difference S tewardship Talents abound within the congregation! Why not share them with God?

18 Together We Make a Difference S tewardship We could be “tithing individuals.” It is our way of saying thanks to God for many blessings.

19 Together We Make a Difference S tewardship We could be a “tithing congregation.” General mission support from congregations is so important!

20 Together We Make a Difference S tewardship A “tithing congregation” gives 10% to GENERAL MISSION SUPPORT and hopefully another 10% to specific ministries. In 2000, only 19 congregations in the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin were tithing congregations. However, another 14 congregations were at 9% or above!

21 Together We Make a Difference Bishop Berg’s vision includes by 2002, there will be 50 tithing congregations! (will your congregation be one?) by 2004, there will be 100 tithing congregations! by 2010, every congregation will be a tithing congregation! S tewardship

22 Together We Make a Difference S tewardship Where does our offering go?

23 Together We Make a Difference Partnership with 11,000 other ELCA congregations – 58% S tewardship

24 Together We Make a Difference Synod Support – 42% Partnership with 211 congregations S tewardship

25 Together We Make a Difference S tewardship Campus Ministers at UW-RF, UW-EC, UW-Stout, and across the state and nation Starting new congregations in growing communities to attract the unchurched and de-churched... Eau Claire! Supporting Seminaries Sending missionaries to international locations to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to those who have not heard it Creating resources for congregations in education, evangelism, stewardship, and worship Helping congregations call pastors and plan for the future Sharing our best resources with each other! Feeding and clothing those in need

26 Together We Make a Difference Luther took advantage of the new technology of his time to communicate the gospel. Gutenberg’s printing press transformed the way information was shared and Luther used it to help people learn more about Jesus Christ. Today, computer technology and the Internet have transformed how we share information. Like Luther, today’s Church is using the gifts of the culture as tools for communication.

27 Together We Make a Difference C ommunication and T echnology Computers... Internet... Fax machines... New technology aids ministry

28 Together We Make a Difference C ommunication and T echnology In the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin there are several congregations are using large screen production in worship. Beautiful Savior King of Creation Son of God

29 Together We Make a Difference C ommunication and T echnology The Northwest Synod of Wisconsin developed a webcard which is a tool for ministry!

30 Together We Make a Difference L ay M inistry The Northwest Synod of Wisconsin Lay School of Ministry provides a context for growing in faith and participating in the life and mission of the church. Began in 1993 170 people to date Class of 1999 pictured here

31 Together We Make a Difference L ay M inistry Synodically Authorized Ministry prepares lay participants under ELCA guidelines for worship leadership for a specific time period.

32 Together We Make a Difference Partners in the Gospel of Jesus Christ Making Christ Known Growing in Faith and Living it out Together, Making a Difference

33 Together We Make a Difference The Christians in the ELCA Congregations of the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin

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