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SOVA We work to support, challenge and inspire people to make changes to improve their lives..

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Presentation on theme: "SOVA We work to support, challenge and inspire people to make changes to improve their lives.."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOVA We work to support, challenge and inspire people to make changes to improve their lives..

2 SOVA We aim to be at the heart of every community supporting people into training and jobs, away from offending and into volunteering so, they can fulfil their potential and, we can all make a positive difference.

3 Service User Groups Adults – Job seekers, offenders, substance mis-users Young people – Excluded from school, care experienced, YOIs Families – Of truants, where children are carers Communities – Refugees, asylum seekers, homeless

4 What we offer Mentoring including appropriate adults Basic skills training Education, Training and Employment Services Resettlement – ETE, Housing, Substance support, Reparation Managing Service Delivery Training – First Aid, H&S, Food Safety, Volunteers Consultancy – Engagement, participation, research

5 Yorkshire and Humberside Offender Partnership Working with offenders to identify and remove barriers and to become employable 2010 – 2011 Mentoring Education, Training and Employment Resettlement Joint funded by NOMS ESF CFO

6 Overall achievements 446 Employment Outcomes 1,019 Further Learning Outcomes A further 75 18or19-year-olds into ETE Outcomes 27,933 Soft Outcomes

7 The Model The Partnership Langley House Trust Catch22 Doncaster College Pertemps Four Probation Areas 14 Prisons Case Officers support offenders from induction to ETE brokerage

8 SOVA Volunteering Team Volunteer Co-ordinators and Support Officers recruit and train volunteers Volunteers support participants to overcome barriers to learning and employment Training features OCN Level 2 Mentoring and also Safeguarding Training

9 Community Volunteers 320 Community Volunteers have trained as mentors More than 100 active at any given time Established cohorts of volunteers in Leeds, Sheffield, Bradford, Hull, Doncaster, York, Barnsley, Wakefield and Rotherham Some people with convictions have volunteered to support other offenders

10 Peer Mentors 126 Peer Mentors recruited and trained - 26 in HMP/YOI Hatfield - 25 in HMP Hull - 11 in HMP/YOI New Hall - 15 in HMP Leeds - 18 in HMP/YOI Askham Grange - 15 in HMP Everthorpe - 16 at HMP Wealstun 115 have achieved an Open College Network Certificate Level 2 in Mentoring Six are working towards an NVQ Level 2 in Information, Advice and Guidance: – Two in Hull, Three in New Hall, One in Hatfield

11 Peer Mentor Role Working in custody to promote YHOP at prison induction, provide one to one support and work with other prison departments Working in the community on ROTL to raise awareness with community offenders of the realities of prison life and the pitfalls of continuing with criminal activity

12 Support so far More than 340 participants have received one to one support Befriending Access of specialist services such as debt, housing and benefits Support with family issues Addressing substance mis-use

13 Peer Champions The five Peer Champions were originally participants of YHOP All trained as SOVA Volunteers Now employed frontline, following interview, on specific projects Facilitating outreach work and encouraging participation and engagement on the project and extra activities

14 Meet Michelle Came to SOVA as part of a community order Now working with Probation Officers monitoring women on community sentences in Rotherham Encouraging participation through arts and crafts sessions and then encouraging women offenders to address their ETE needs

15 Michelle “My life was a mess when I first came here. I desperately needed direction. I’d managed to get myself a house but I had no idea how to sort out my bills. I also needed a job but I didn’t know where to start.”


17 Michelle “I had no idea my life could be so different in less than a year. I didn’t have a CV back then, now it’s full of qualifications and experience.”

18 Meet Jane Came to SOVA on community payback after years of struggling to make ends meet through low paid jobs Now encouraging training take up of women offenders in Barnsley by organising taster courses with Barnsley College Jane identified a plot of land in Barnsley for participants to gain work experience in horticulture – the start of SOVA Home Grown

19 Jane “When I first came to SOVA I was terrified. I was ashamed and didn’t want to be marked out as someone who had committed a crime. Getting past that was difficult for me. I thought that once I had a criminal record I would never be able to get a decent job.”


21 Jane “I talk to the people we work with and try and help them deal with any problems or barriers that are stopping them doing what they need to do to get on in life. I help them work out what they want to do and find training and work experience for them to do.”

22 SOVA Home Grown Creation of organic vegetable and wildlife gardens Voluntary work experience for more than 30 offenders NOCN Level 1 in Horticulture currently being offered Landscaping of overgrown allotments in Barnsley and Rotherham and idea also used elsewhere Practical skills and growth in confidence and self esteem Edible results


24 SOVA Volunteer Craig Rutherford “None of us up there are experts, but we all put in some graft and are picking up new things every time we go up.”


26 Craig Rutherford “It’s a relaxed atmosphere but we do get a lot done. I have seen a very obvious change in a few of the guys. They start to believe they have something to offer. Encouragingly, more and more they are coming to me for advice in general, as well as about the allotment.”


28 Peer Champion Allen Produce from the Barnsley allotment is provided to community lunch clubs for the elderly “The elderly residents also get to see first hand all of the hard work our clients put in. This helps break down barriers as it puts people in contact with each other that otherwise may never meet.”


30 Allen “Whilst we work hard to nurture the offenders, they work hard to nurture all sorts of vegetables, fruit and herbs which all go to good use.”

31 And Finally To find out more about SOVA, the YHOP project, volunteering opportunities and SOVA Home Grown please contact E-mail: SOVA North Area Office Tel: 0114 2703700 Area Manager Sam Dumoulin

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