World Religions A Brief History. Judaism About 14 million adherents Ethnic / Monotheistic Founder: Abraham Hearth: Middle East 1 st Monotheistic religion.

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1 World Religions A Brief History

2 Judaism About 14 million adherents Ethnic / Monotheistic Founder: Abraham Hearth: Middle East 1 st Monotheistic religion

3 Judaism ABRAHAM SARAH HAGAR IsaacIshmael Judeo-Christian Islamic

4 Judaism – Basic Beliefs One God God’s “Chosen” people Do not recognize Jesus as the messiah VERY tied to the land - Israel

5 Judaism - Divisions Hasidic Jews - Ultra Orthodox

6 Christianity 2 billion adherents – largest Universalizing/Monotheistic Founder: Jesus Hearth: Palestine - Jesus was born in Palestine during the height of the Roman Empire.

7 Christianity - Basics One God Jesus is the messiah – son of God. Jesus died for the sins of all people.

8 Christianity - Divisions During the Middle Ages - THE GREAT SCHISM Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox split Disagreed over using icons (images of God-Jesus-Saints)

9 Christianity - Divisions During the Renaissance – THE REFORMATION Some felt the Church was corrupt and abusing its power. Martin Luther – German monk Protestant – Broke away from Rome. Hundreds of Protestant divisions (Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist)

10 Christianity - Divisions The Church of England Same time as Reformation

11 Church of England

12 Islam 1.3 billion adherents – second Universalizing/Monotheistic Founder: Muhammad Hearth: Mecca (Modern day Saudi Arabia)

13 Islam - Basics One God (Same God as Christians and Jews) 5 pillars - Only one God (Allah) and Muhammad is his prophet. - pray 5 times daily facing Mecca - Giving to the poor - Fasting during Ramadan - Pilgrimage to Mecca

14 Islam - Divisions When Muhammad died there was disagreement over who should succeed him. Muslims split into two groups: SUNNISHIITE (Shi’a) Caliph Muh. Descendant

15 Hinduism 900 million adherents - third Ethnic/Monotheistic Founder: No specific Hearth: Northwestern India one of the most ancient religions.

16 Hinduism - Basics One God – Brahman Brahman is “manifest” as hundreds of different gods. Goal: To be united with Brahman at death. Takes many lifetimes – reincarnation.

17 Hinduism - Divisions Not really “divisions” Most Hindu’s ally themselves with a specific god. Vaishnavism – Vishnu Sivaism - Shiva

18 Buddhism 400 million adherents Universalizing / non-theistic Founder: Siddartha Guatama (the Buddha) Hearth: Present day Nepal. North of India.

19 Buddhism - Basics Goal – Achieve enlightenment 4 Noble Truths - to live is to endure suffering - suffering is caused by desire - Cure for suffering = end desire (Nirvana) - Achieve Nirvana by following the eightfold path

20 Buddhism - Basics If you reach Nirvana you are freed from the cycle of rebirth.

21 Buddhism - Divisions Followers disagreed on how to interpret the teachings of the Buddha (Siddartha Guatama) Mahayana Theravada Tantrayana Tibetan

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