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1st Quarter Science Study Guide

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1 1st Quarter Science Study Guide

2 Essential Questions???????? 1.How is friction produced?
2.What effect does friction have on the speed of a rolling object? 3.What type of surface will produce the most friction when they rub against one another? 4.What types of surfaces will produce the least amount of friction? 5.How do inclined planes affect motion?

3 Match the words with the correct definition.
-A mass in motion -a push or a pull -any two objects attract each other with_________. -a force that that makes it difficult to move an object across a surface -is how difficult it is to move or slow down an object Force Inertia Momentum Gravitational force friction

4 Friction produces ________ .
Heat Ex. Hands or sticks rubbed together will create heat.

5 If a meteor was flying into the earth’s atmosphere it might glow because of __________.

6 What types of substances reduce friction?
Lubricants Oil, water, ice, glass, pam spray, dew, smooth surfaces

7 What types of surfaces increase friction?
Rough surfaces, carpet, gravel, sandpaper

8 More friction _______an object’s motion?

9 Less friction _______an object’s motion?
Speeds up

10 An objects motion is its __________.

11 Momentum is determined by the _______ and ______ of and object as well as the angle.
Mass and velocity

12 Balanced __________ forces are those that press equally on either side of an object.

13 If you have balanced forces on either side of an object it will __________.
not move

14 A push or pull is the result of _________________ forces.

15 An object, like a bicycle, going uphill will have less _______ than an object going downhill.

16 An object will stay at rest until put in motion or continue in motion until that motion is stopped or the direction is changed. This is called __________. inertia This is why rocks will fall off the back of a wagon if it is jerked forward or your body will jerk forward if a car stops.

17 More friction _______an object’s motion?

18 More friction _______an object’s motion?

19 Essential Questions???????? 1. What are some spinoffs that we benefit from on earth? 2. How has Alabama contributed to the space industry? 3. What was the first manned mission to land on the moon? 4. What is the International Space Station (ISS)?

20 Satellites in Earth’s orbit use ____________ to maintain movement?
Earth’s gravitational force

21 List some natural satellites found in space?
Moons, comets, asteroids, and meteors

22 Man-made satellites are put in space by ________ and are put into Earth’s ________.
Rockets orbit

23 Man-made satellites help us _______, _________, ________, ___________,
and________. Forecast weather, transfer telephone calls oversea, assist in navigation of ships, monitor crops, and support military activities

24 Some examples of technological advances and other benefits from space exploration are _______.
Velcro, powdered drink mixes, smoke detectors, pacemakers, and joy stick controllers

25 __________ was the first mission to land on the moon.
Apollo 11

26 Mars Rovers (space probes)
During the unmanned Mars missions _____________ were used to explore the planet. Mars Rovers (space probes)

27 MIR International Space Station
The ___________ is a station that orbits the Earth, where scientist from different nations live and conduct research. MIR International Space Station

28 What are some of Alabama’s contributions to the space industry?
Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Saturn V rockets, Space telescope, Marshall team and the Hubble telescope, Dr. Mae Jeminson, Space and Rocket Center in Hunstville

29 Essential Questions???????? 1. What is the sun?
2. What is the relative order of the planets from the sun in our solar system? 3. How are comets, asteroids, and meteors alike/different? 4. Why is Earth the only place that can support living things?

30 The sun is a medium sized _______ in our solar system.

31 Our solar system contains 1 _______, _________ planets, and ____ dwarf planets?
Star, 8, 3

32 Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
The inner planets are ___________________________________________________________________________________________________. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars

33 Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
The outer planets are ___________________________________________________________________________________________________. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune

34 The inner planets are also know as the ___________ planets.
Rocky planets

35 The outer planets are also known as the _________ planets.

36 of its location from the sun and it is the only planet
Earth is able to support life because ______________________. of its location from the sun and it is the only planet that maintains water.

37 Match the following definitions.
-Tails made of ice and dirt and travel in an elliptical orbit around the sun. -Small rocks that orbit the sun -rocks that fall from the suns orbit and enter the Earth’s atmosphere -A meteor that hits Earth’s surface Meteor Meteorite Asteroid Comet

38 Mars Jupiter asteroid belt
Most asteroids are found between _________ and ___________ and are called the ____________________. Mars Jupiter asteroid belt

39 Meteors that fall to the Earth are sometimes called ______________ because friction causes them to burn as they enter the atmosphere giving off a fiery glow. shooting stars


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