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CELLA Online Locator Test
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CELLA Online Locator Test TRAINING
From AccountabilityWorks and
CELLA Online Locator Training
Part One – District Coordinator What does the district coordinator need to know and do to operate the system? Part Two – District Data Manager What does the district data manager need to do to conduct batch uploads? Part Three – Test Administrator/Teacher What materials are available for training test administrators/teachers? CELLA Online Locator Training
Materials Needed for Training
Besides this PowerPoint, please make sure you have: Administrator User’s Guide (pdf) Teacher User’s Guide (pdf) Directions for Administration Online Locator Test (pdf) Note: All materials are available from the Florida Department of Education at or at under English Language Learning Assessment link. CELLA Online Locator Training
AccountabilityWorks (AW) and Florida Department of Education (FDOE)
AW is a nonprofit organization focused on implementing high quality assessments and accountability systems. AW is not an advocacy group. CELLA Online Locator Test is being provided at no cost to the state via AW’s website testing platform offers a range of assessments ̶ e.g., CELLA Locator Test Arithmetic Testing OnLine (ATOL) CELLA Online 3.0: An alternate form of CELLA that can be used to inform decisions about student placement in ESL/Bilingual programs. CELLA Online Locator Training
Timeline of Activities
December 3 and 11: Webinar trainings January 5-9: District Coordinators sign-up for an account; AW conducts security check and obtains district school list. January 12-16: AW notifies district coordinators that their account is activated and school names were entered. January 16-February 16: District Coordinators upload teacher and student accounts; Test Administrators/Teachers are trained to administer CELLA Online. February 16: CELLA Online Locator Test available for use. CELLA Online Locator Training
PART ONE District Coordinators CELLA Online Locator Test TRAINING
Questions to be Answered
What is the CELLA Online Locator Test? What are the technology requirements? How much training is needed? How to get started? What are some of the system’s features? CELLA Online Locator Training
What is the CELLA Online Locator Test?
Objective and efficient method to determine the most appropriate level of CELLA Reading and Writing to administer to each student. Administering the appropriate level of CELLA Reading and Writing to each student is essential to ensuring reliable scores that will accurately capture student growth. * (Alternatively, where there is sufficient teacher knowledge of a student’s English language skills, districts may use the state-approved rubric and professional teacher judgment to determine the appropriate level of CELLA Reading and Writing for individual students.) CELLA Online Locator Training
What’s the Same? (Paper vs. Online)
The CELLA Online Locator Test uses the same test items and scoring criteria as the previous paper-based version of the Locator Test. vs. CELLA Online Locator Training
CELLA Online Locator Training
What’s Different? (Paper vs. Online) The CELLA Online Locator Test is automatically and instantly scored by the secure online system as soon as each student completes a test. Hand-scoring and looking up results are no longer necessary. District and School coordinators, as well as teachers, have real-time access to both individual and group results from the CELLA Online Locator Test. Group reports can be generated at any time for a school, one or more grades, or one or more classrooms. CELLA Online Locator Training
Time Needed for Training
District Coordinators 45 minutes District Data Managers 15 minutes Test Administrators/Teachers One hour CELLA Online Locator Training
District Coordinator Training Components
Provided by AW, ETS and State DOE System User Training Via Webinars conducted December 3 & 11, 2008 PowerPoint using CELLA Online Locator Test Training Slides and Notes (PPT) Materials for Training Administrators Administrator User’s Guide (pdf) Teacher User’s Guide (pdf) Directions for Administration: CELLA Online Locator Test (pdf) CELLA Online Locator Training
Test Administrator/Teacher Training Components
Provided by District Coordinators System User Training Use slides from the Test Administrator/Teacher Training section of this PowerPoint Materials for Test Administrators/Teachers Teacher User’s Guide (pdf) Directions for Administration: CELLA Online Locator Test (pdf) Go to under English Language Learner Assessment to find materials and PowerPoint for training teachers CELLA Online Locator Training
CELLA Online Locator Training is a secure web-based testing and reporting system that is designed to work with a range of computer hardware and operating systems. Compatible with both Macintosh and Windows computers. System has been tested with broadband internet access, but may also work with some dial-up connections. No separate software is needed. CELLA Online Locator Training
What are the Local System Technology Requirements?
Read Administrator User’s Guide, pages 2-5 performs well with these browsers: Internet Explorer 6/7 and higher Safari 2.x and higher Firefox 2.x and higher Camino 1.x beta and higher CELLA Online Locator Training
Technology Support from AWSchoolTest
District Coordinators 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM (Eastern) by phone at or priority at School Coordinators – 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM (Eastern) by priority at Test Administrators/Teachers – 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM (Eastern) via our standard support at Response within four (4) business hours ONLY account holders should contact our support staff. More information can be found in the Administrator User’s Guide, page 5. CELLA Online Locator Training
System Set-Up District Coordinator
To Do Set Up Initial Account Login with Administrator Privileges Add Teachers Add Students Set Data Privileges CELLA Online Locator Training
CELLA Online Locator Training
Set Up Initial Account Create an initial administrator account that will allow you to enter or upload local school coordinators, test administrators/teachers and student information. Information about how to set up an account can be found in the Administrator User’s Guide, pages 6-8. CELLA Online Locator Training
Login to
This is what the home page looks like. You can access training materials without login information. CELLA Online Locator Training
Getting Started District Coordinator
Look Left hand side of the screen. Find “Do not have an Account?” Click Click here to sign up. CELLA Online Locator Training
Account Sign Up District Coordinator
Fill Out Form Submit Security Check by AW Check State List Call District AW Contacts Account Holder For security purposes, AW has an internal process that will check whether the person who signed up for the account is in fact eligible for administrator privileges: a) by checking against a list provided by the state dept of education; b) by calling the district to determine if the right person created the account. If the security check is approved, then administrator privileges will be granted. Once notified the administrator of the initial account will login to their account under the login section on the home page CELLA Online Locator Training
CELLA Online Locator Training
AW Enters School Names AW Staff will contact the account holder and request a list of the school names in the district. AW Staff will enter these school names into the system under the current account holder. AW Staff will contact the account holder via to indicate when the account is ready to use. 5. In order to facilitate uploading of information, AW support staff will obtain a list of schools from the administrator who set up the account. AW support staff will enter the school names into the system under the initial administrator account. CELLA Online Locator Training
Login with Administrator Privileges District Coordinator
Notified by AW District Coordinator goes to: 2. Login to Teacher/Admin section Click on Login Here 4. Now you’re on the page with the login format Enter your username and password Click the Terms of Service box Click on the Login button Once the schools are entered into the system, the AW support staff will send an message to the account holder that the process is complete and they can go on to the next steps. The next steps include: loading the school based administrator, teacher and student information into the system for each school. CELLA Online Locator Training
Select School District Coordinator
District Coordinator is on the Select a School page. You will choose the school to set up first. Use the drop down box and highlight the school and the system will automatically go to the My School page. CELLA Online Locator Training
CELLA Online Locator Training
My School Page This is your all purpose page for finding all sorts of information. This page has a list of all of your teachers in the school and key administrative actions that you can do to help view student performance and manage the testing process. 1. Notice the links at the top of the page in red: My Class and My School My Class is generally used by the teachers--but if an administrator has a class list or if a teacher has been given administration access, then they could click on this link and get their class list information. My Class—This link will take the user to his or her class list of students and all actions and reports associated with students at the teacher level. If the administrator has a class of students, then he/she would find their student class list in this section. (For more about this section see the teacher user guide) My School—This link will take the administrator to a list of teachers, their usernames and a variety of administrative actions for each teacher--you’re here now! Plus, there are links for: Add a teacher, Upload teachers, Upload/enroll students, school settings, former students,School Summary reports and Download enrollment. For each teacher you can click on their user name and get teacher profile information. And in the column under admin actions you can access information for each teacher’s class--the list of students, test history assignment, edit and remove. CELLA Online Locator Training
District Coordinators Accessibility
Access teacher and student information for each school; Access the teacher profile to update or review by clicking on the teacher username; Acquire a class list of students for each teacher that contains information about each student, including their usernames, number of tests taken, number of tests passed, number of tests not passed, number of tests completed with no passing scores and access to a series of student level reports. Add/remove teachers and students; set school data access privileges. View school summary reports for all teachers and students. CELLA Online Locator Training
Data Privileges: How are they set?
Administrator Privileges: Requested by authorized district level person and set up by AWSchoolTest staff. School Settings for Staff: Set up by Administrator using [School Setting] link on main My School page. - It is recommended that Admin select the first settings box. - If neither box is checked, teachers can still view individual student reports. The administrator can set the settings for teachers to have certain access privileges in the system. We recommend that you check the first box. This will allow the teachers to see their own student list information and the aggregated reports for the school. If you do not select a box, the teacher can still access individual student reports, but cannot view class list reports or school summary reports. Recommended setting CELLA Online Locator Training
Adding Test Administrators/Teachers
There are two ways to add teachers into, both are found in the tops links on the main My School page. Use the [Add a Teacher] link: Enter the information for one teacher at a time using the web-form. Use the [Upload Teachers] link to upload a CSV file of a large batch of teachers all at once. CELLA Online Locator Training
[Add a Teacher] Web-Form
Use teacher’s account as the Teacher Username. Ensures username is unique. Just remove symbol from the address. CELLA Online Locator Training
Adding Test Administrators/Teachers [Upload Teachers]
Click Link [Upload Teachers] Here you will find: Directions for uploading; A CSV template; File selection browser bar; Submit function. More Information is also available in Administrator User’s Guide and Data Manager PPT Training. CELLA Online Locator Training
Adding Other Administrators
Administrators are initially uploaded or entered as teachers. District sends AWSchoolTest an list of individuals who should have administrator privileges: The list should indicate the schools at which each individual should receive administrator privileges. AWSchoolTest will send verification to District indicating privileges have been granted. CELLA Online Locator Training
CELLA Online Locator Training
Uploading Students This page will appear after you click on the [Upload/Enroll Students] link. There are instructions for batch uploads and a template that you can use. There is more information about student batch uploads in the Data Manager PPT training. CELLA Online Locator Training
CELLA Online Locator Training
Former Students This page helps to keep track of the students who have left your school. All of their test data and information will stay in the system for three years. So, if they come back within that time, you can click on the “return” link in the student name row to re-enroll them in the school. All of the student test result information will be there too. CELLA Online Locator Training
School Summary Reports
[School Summary Reports] link allows you to identify the school results you wish to view and create a report that displays just those data. There are two types of School Summary Reports: Student List Reports - Reports that create lists of students, such as for a classroom or grade level, and displays each student’s performance on key indicators. Aggregate Reports Reports that group student data to create an average, percent, or gain score measure that can be tracked over time; no individual student results are displayed in aggregate reports. CELLA Online Locator Training
Steps to Creating School Summary Reports
Select Report Type Choose Test(s) and Date Range (dates are optional) Select Student Grouping Whole School Grade Level(s) Teacher(s) Click to submit Within seconds a report is displayed CELLA Online Locator Training
Report Type: Student List
Make your selections using webpage form CELLA Online Locator Training
Three Choices for List Reports
For CELLA Locator Test, select second button: Performance Category, Score, Points by Content Category. Select CELLA Online Locator Training
Sample Student List Report
CELLA Online Locator Training
Report Type: Aggregate
Make selections using webpage form CELLA Online Locator Training
Three Choices for Aggregate Reports
For CELLA Locator Test, select first button: Average Scores and Percent within Performance Categories. Select CELLA Online Locator Training
Sample School Summary Report
CELLA Online Locator Training
Sample Report (lower half of previous page)
CELLA Online Locator Training
CELLA Online Locator Training
Download Student Data Access student data in CSV Format. Makes it easy to merge with other district or school data files. CELLA Online Locator Training
My School Individual Teacher Class List
Access this page, from your main My School page. Locate Teacher’s name and click on [Students] link in that row. 1) View the class list of students for each teacher. The class list contains information about each student, including their usernames, number of tests taken, number of tests passed, number of tests not passed, and number of tests completed with no passing score. CELLA Online Locator Training
CELLA Online Locator Training
Transfer Students 1. Check box(es) in Student Transfer column, then click on [Transfer Student] button. 2. This will take you to the transfer student page. Just follow the prompts to complete the transfer CELLA Online Locator Training
Test Assignment History
To access this page: 1. Go to main My School page. 2. Locate Teacher’s name. 3. Click on the [Test Assignment History] link in that same row. CELLA Online Locator Training
Test Assignment “Details”
Click on “Details” and you end up on this page. This page will tell you if a student has completed or not taken an assigned test. If a student hasn’t taken a test, you can stay on this page and easily reassign it to another student. Just click on Edit. The Edit button adds a section to the Test Assignment Details page. Look carefully to find the following information: “This registration currently belongs to…” You will see that the name of the individual the test is being taken from is in bold face. The next line has a drop down menu already populated with the names of students in the teacher’s class. CELLA Online Locator Training
Individual Student Test History
To access this page: Go to main My School page. 2. Locate Teacher’s name. 3. Click on the [Students] link which takes you to the Class List. 4. Choose a student and click on their [Test History] link. Individual Student Test History Provides a summary of the student performance across different testing sessions. Also, this is the page that allows access to the individual student test reports. 1) The individual student test history includes the name of the test taken, the date it was completed and the amount of time the student used to complete the test. On the individual student test history page the administrator will also be able to access the student’s transcript, which provides a comprehensive summary of test performance on all tests. 1) The administrator will also find student’s resulting performance category indicated in this chart, as well as, a link to access the actual individual student test session report: Student Test Report. CELLA Online Locator Training
Sample Individual Student Test Report
To access this page: Choose [Test Report] from the student row on the Individual Student Test History page. 1) The student test report for the CELLA Online Locator Test provides the student score and recommended Reading and Writing Level for administering CELLA. CELLA Online Locator Training
CELLA Online Locator Training
Assigning a Test Select CELLA Locator (Please disregard the price; this test is offered free to FDOE for the 2009 CELLA administration.) This is the page where you will find the list of tests. It is also the page you go to when you need to assign tests. Click on the underlined title of the test: CELLA Locator (Form J). This will take you to the next page, so that you can select the students to take this test. CELLA Online Locator Training
CELLA Online Locator Training
Sign Up Students Once you’ve selected the test, just follow the instructions on the page. Highlight the student’s name in the drop down box. You can highlight more than one name. When all the student names are selected, click on assign test. Note that Florida’s discount price is “$0.00”. CELLA Online Locator Training
CELLA Online Locator Training
Error Messages AWSchoolTest is considered a “smart-system.” That is, it will often correct errors that the user makes, often without indicating to the user that there was an error. For example, when a student username has already been taken, the system will generate another username for the student. In some cases, however, the system will provide the user with feedback if information is missing or incorrectly entered. 1. Here is an example of an error message that requires the user to go back on fix the missing information: 2. Here is an example of an error message in which the system has corrected the error and provided information to the user about the correction. CELLA Online Locator Training
CELLA Online Locator Training
Teacher’s User Guide Review Contents Describe Procedures for Teachers Describe Procedures for Students Show Sample of Student Test Show Sample of Teacher System Features CELLA Online Locator Training
CELLA Online Locator Training
My Class These links allow teachers to access information about their class and assign tests. My Class roster page After login, each teacher starts on his or her own “My Class” roster page. It includes a list of all students in your class. Immediately above the “My Class” page title are links that allow for navigation within the nonpublic sections of the site, including: My Class, Enroll a Student, Former Students, Test Assignment History, Assign a Test, and School Summary Reports. The Test History link in each student row provides access to a historical record of the student’s test results. The Edit link further to the right allows you to edit the student’s account profile. These links help the Teacher access specific Student information. CELLA Online Locator Training
CELLA Online Locator Training
Student Login Area STUDENTS CLICK HERE TO LOGIN Teacher’s should be aware of the screen views in the student test. Information about how to administer the test can be found in the Directions for Administration. This section will focus on what the user will see and do. The student will access CELLA Online Locator Training
Student Login Information
The student will log in on the left hand side of the home page using the student username and password given to them from the teacher. On the account set-up page there are instructions for ways to create index cards with labels that can be used to distribute to the students. Once the student has clicked on the “Login Here” link, they will be taken to this page. The login page requires that the student enter the their username and password. Here is what the Login page looks like. CELLA Online Locator Training
CELLA Online Locator Training
Student Test Center Once the student is logged in, they will get their “student test center page.” This has a short Welcome and lists the tests they need to take and tests they have taken. CELLA Online Locator Training
CELLA Online Locator Training
Sample Directions When the student selects a test that they need to take, they will be taken to direction screen. Since the teacher will be giving the directions, based on the DFA, this page is very brief. CELLA Online Locator Training
Student Clicks on “BEGIN TEST”
CELLA Online Locator Training
Student Sample Passage
Note Line numbers Continue Button And Exit Button CELLA Online Locator Training
Student Select an Answer
CELLA Online Locator Training
CELLA Online Locator Training
Teacher's DFA Contents Time Scoring Before Testing During Testing Test Security Teacher Script Interpreting Test Results There is also information in the introduction about CELLA functional level testing and the CELLA locator test. With examples and suggestions for administration. CELLA Online Locator Training
Sample from Teacher’s Directions for Administration
LOGIN T: Find the Student Login section on the left hand side of the screen. (If using an LCD projector setup, point to the correct section on the home page image. If not, draw a box type layout on the board and show the left side middle area where the students will find the Student Login section.) When I say, “select”, click Login Here in the student login area. Ready (pause), Select, Login Here. BEGIN TEST T: First, we will do some practice test questions. Go to the bottom of the page. Find the button that says Begin Test. When I say, “Select,” click on the Begin Test button. Ready (pause), Select. (Pause for students to click and open their test. Teacher checks.) CELLA Online Locator Training
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