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Oliebollen. Info Components Preparation The End Source.

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1 Oliebollen

2 Info Components Preparation The End Source

3 Oliebollen is a traditional Holland sweetness served on New Year's Eve. In Poland it is known as the „the Netherlands Donut".

4 15g of fresh yeast 125ml warm milk 1 tablespoon cake flour 1 tablespoon sugar Pinch of salt The remaining cake ingredients: 350g cake flour type 450 1 chicken egg 2 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon lemon peen A few drops of lemon aroma 2 tablespoon dried cranberries 2 tablespoon raisin 1 medium apple Further: Caster sugar + half a teaspoon of cinnamon to rounding 2 cubes of lard for frying

5 Preparation of yeast leaven: Do the cup shredded fresh yeast, add a teaspoon of sugar, a spoonful of flour and a pinch of salt and pour the whole 125ml of warm (not hot!) milk. Stir briefly and leave it in a warm place for 15 minutes until on the top appears "foam".

6 In the meantime, sift the flour into a bowl. Stir egg with sugar in another bowl and pour into the flour. Add the lemon zest and rubbed a few drops of lemon flavor. For all ingredients, pour the yeast and mix all with a spoon. Then wash, peel an apple and scrub it on a grater with large mesh, add to the dough.

7 Add the cranberries and raisins and mix thoroughly the ingredients came together. You can mix with a spoon or your hands, but the dough is quite sticky, it has the consistency of dough for pancakes. Bowl is covering cotton cloth. Leave it for about 1 hour in a warm place that has doubled in volume. In saucepan melt the two lumps of lard.

8 Doughnuts will be put on fat by using two spoons, worth every minute soak in lard. On one tablespoon of taking on a portion of the dough and with the help of the other bucket we form a ball, put on fat and fry on each side until golden brown. Doughnuts remove to a paper towel. Still warm throw them in powdered sugar and cinnamon. Taste perfectly straight - heat, but also the following day. Enjoy !

9 Mateusz Podleśny Konrad Szymborski

10,przepisy-kuchnia-holenderska-przepis,181575.html's-Doughnuts) snack-in-amsterdam/

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