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DAILY STRESS Mark A. D. Long, Ed.D. Health Promotion Program.

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Presentation on theme: "DAILY STRESS Mark A. D. Long, Ed.D. Health Promotion Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 DAILY STRESS Mark A. D. Long, Ed.D. Health Promotion Program

2 Daily Stress n Every day stressors and hassels can be a source of distress for you!

3 Stress n Manage your stressors or the stress will find and manage you!

4 What does not work in dealing with stress! n Avoiding the stressors… n Worrying n Blowing up n Negative attitude n Self destructive actions

5 Learn all you can about what causes stress in your life, and what works for you in dealing with it. Dr. Arnold Lazarus Dr. Clifford Lazarus

6 Stress Problem Solving Strategies n Having a Plan! n Obtaining Social Support! n Using Effective Coping Skills n A Positive and Optimistic Attitude! n Learning from mistakes

7 Plan Ahead n Be prepared for the unexpected! n Manage the morning, afternoon, Monday, Friday, etc... craziness

8 Planning n How will you manage the am/pm rush hours? n How are you prepared for the daily crisis?

9 Commuting n Do you get frustrated and freak out? n Get tense and uptight? n Drive like a nut? n Enjoy the ride?

10 Relax n How do I stay calm and cool? n How do I chill out? n When do I use my relaxing skills?

11 Stress Tip n Slow deep breathing is probably the single best anti-stress medicine we have Dr. James Gordon Dr. James Gordon

12 Work Stress n Deadlines and pressures n Surprises n Interpersonal difficulties n Role and rank issues n Environmental stressors

13 How do I effectively cope with- n Unexpected tasks and duties? n Pressures? n Long hours? n Interpersonal difficulties?

14 Stress Busting Tip n Schedule daily R & R breaks in your life!

15 Home Stressors n Chores n Finances n Kids wanting attention n Discipline n Fun time n Other

16 Home Stress n How do I deal with my stressors at home?

17 Remember n Humor is lifes greatest lubricant Art Linkletter

18 Techno Stress n E-mail and computers n T.V. n Phone n Pagers n Others

19 Coping with Techno Stressors n Dealing with Information Overload? n Turn off daily n Tune out more often n Answer e-mails, calls at set times

20 Love Relationships n Strained? n Stressed? n Distant? n Great?

21 Love Relationships n How do I plan for- n Fun? n Together time? n Intimacy? n Sharing?

22 Other Daily Stressors ? n How can I manage them? n (before they manage me?)

23 Remember n If you are not ready today, you will be even less ready tomorrow! Ovid Ovid

24 Stress Proof Your Life! As best you can!

25 Summary n Be Prepared! n Develop a stress busting plan that works for you! n You can control your responses to stressors!

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