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PS 57 Robotics Team “Building Energy Comparison”.

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Presentation on theme: "PS 57 Robotics Team “Building Energy Comparison”."— Presentation transcript:

1 PS 57 Robotics Team “Building Energy Comparison”

2 Energy Comparison GreenBelt Nature Center vs. Solar One

3 GreenBelt Nature Center (Student Trip) Greenbelt Nature Center on Staten Island obtains it electricity from power plants The Nature Center

4 Energy Costs The Parks Department pays for costly monthly oil and electric bills to run the Greenbelt Nature Center. The electricity comes from a power plant which burns fossil fuels. These fuels pollute the environment. (see blueprints)

5 The Electric Company Power Plants use fossil fuels

6 Fossil Fuels from power plants Affect Climate Change

7 Fossil Fuel pollution causes: Flooding Hurricanes Tornados Tsunami’s Drought Asthma Global Warming Wars

8 Oil Based Heat is costly and causes pollution An oil burner burns oil to produce heat. The fumes from burning this oil is toxic. The center would benefit from using Bioheat which is natural soybean oil.

9 Solar One (Team Trip) The Solar One building in NYC obtains is electricity and heat from solar energy. It is basically cost free.

10 Solar 1 is specially designed to absorb the suns energy year round

11 Solar one collects rainwater for building use

12 Solar One Building Solar 1 produces most of the energy it needs with its solar PV rooftop. It’s windows, doors, floors, insulation, painted walls, bathroom and even lighting are designed to save energy. (See research presentation board)

13 Solar 1 Design When excess power is generated from the solar panels, a bank of batteries stores the electricity for use at other times.

14 Eibs Pond Park across the street from PS 57 needs an Education Center

15 Eibs Pond Park’s Future Because Solar 2 is being built, we are working with the Parks Commissioner to have Solar One removed and rebuilt at Eibs Pond Park (Community presentations)

16 We used Renewable Energy Kits to plan for Eibs Pond (see research presentation boards)

17 Eibs Pond presently uses a Gas powered tractor

18 Solar Gem Cell Engine This truck can be used as a tractor which cuts weeds and carries equipment. This engine would be cost free and prevents air pollution.

19 Solar Cars and Scooters Eibs Pond can use solar cars and scooters to carry materials. Energy to run these scooters would be cost free. A solar powered Ferris wheel would be fun too…

20 Wind /Water Energy Eibs Pond can use watermills. Moving water will reduce the amount of mosquitoes carrying the West Nile Virus. Windmills can also be used to cut energy costs.

21 Our plan can actually work If the Parks Dept and Solar 1 agree to transfer their solar building to Eibs Pond Park. If PS 57 receives science funding, they can purchase a watermill and solar scooter for the park. If Eibs Pond continues to raise funds to run these projects.

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