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The Religious Climate in Egypt and Coptic Christianity

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1 The Religious Climate in Egypt and Coptic Christianity

2 Grace, Sarah, Momo, Cori, & Sam

3 What is Coptic Christianity?
Originated in Alexandria around 42 A.D. Coptic Christianity shares many beliefs and practices with the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church Coptic Christians practice seven sacraments: baptism, confirmation, confession, communion, matrimony, unction of the sick, and ordination. The sacraments are their way of receiving God’s grace and guidance from the Holy Spirit. Mo Mo and Grace

4 How did Coptic Christianity disseminate Egypt?
The Coptic Church is based on the teachings of Saint Mark Christianity spread throughout Egypt within 50 years of Saint Mark’s arrival in Alexandria It is one of the oldest Christian communities in the Middle East Grace The Coptic Church is based on the teachings of Saint Mark, who brought christianity to Egypt Christianity spread throughout Egypt within 50 years of Saint Mark’s arrival in Alexandria The Coptic Church is based on the teachings of Saint Mark who brought Christianity to Egypt during the reign of the Roman emperor Nero in the first century, a dozen of years after the Lord's ascension. He was one of the four evangelists and the one who wrote the oldest canonical gospel. Christianity spread throughout Egypt within half a century of Saint Mark's arrival in Alexandria as is clear from the New Testament writings found in Bahnasa, in Middle Egypt, which date around the year 200 A.D., and a fragment of the Gospel of Saint John, written using the Coptic language, which was found in Upper Egypt and can be dated to the first half of the second century. The Coptic Church, which is now more than nineteen centuries old, was the subject of many prophecies in the Old Testament. Isaiah the prophet, in Chapter 19, Verse 19 says "In that day there will be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to the LORD at its border."

5 Demographics of Coptic Christianity
Out of the 18 million Coptic Christians, million of them can be found in Egypt’s Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria There is currently a downward trend of Copts in Egypt The Diaspora of Coptic Christians is near 4 million Of all the people in Alexandria, 95% are Coptic Christians Sarah - There has been a downward trend of Copts in Egypt for several reasons: one of which is that copts have a high emigration rate, the lowest birthrate, and the highest income level of people in egypt - Many copts have converted to Islam

6 Examples of Coptic Christianity in Miramar:
“Her style of dress leaves little doubt that she went to school with the Virgin Mary” (Mahfouz 55). “‘Glory be to Him who remaineth’” (Mahfouz 5). “She invited me to take a seat and sat down herself under a statue of the Madonna” (Mahfouz 87). Cori

7 Overall, what was the religious climate in Egypt during the 20th century?
The Coptic church regards itself as “a strong defendant of Christian faith” The Coptic people, under Roman rule and societal influence, consisted of Greeks, Jews, and Egyptians Thus, Christianity had to accommodate different cultural, language, and religious backgrounds Other churches in cities throughout the Roman Empire saw Coptic christians as an inspiration The Muslim Brotherhood was formed in 1928 Sarah and Sam They have survived as a prominent religious entity who pride themselves on their contribution to the Christian world The Coptic people, under Roman rule and societal influence, consisted of Greeks Jews and Egyptians Hence, Christianity had to account for different cultural, language and religous backgrounds when evangelizing and in establishing its church The Coptic Christians were well founded in theology, other churches looked at them with both admiration and respect, in fact they followed their lead in aspects like unity. This significantly shaped religion in Egypt during the 20th century However, because the Copts were a minority, they’ve been persecuted and discriminated against by the Muslim majority for centuries. Read more:

8 Interactive Portion When did coptic christianity originate?
Where did it originate? Who persecuted coptic christians? Momo and Sam

9 Bibliography

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