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What Happened In England ?

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Presentation on theme: "What Happened In England ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Happened In England ?
Background information leading to the establishment of the first English Colonies in North America

2 English Government King Nobility Gentry Ordinary People or Commoners
English Government in 1606 can be described in a hierarchy or levels of different classes King Nobility Gentry Ordinary People or Commoners

3 King James I 1606 Elizabeth I dies James becomes king
He believes he rules because “God” selected him He sees self as head of government and he only answers to himself and “God”

4 Nobility Very powerful Members of Parliament
Parliament: group of leaders that make laws, levy taxes and collect taxes Elected representatives of different neighborhoods They are use to controlling the Monarch James and Nobility have conflict over who has power

5 Gentry This group enforces laws of Parliament
Control different neighborhoods Wealthy land owners who elect representatives to Parliament

6 3 o’clock Appointment What is the benefit of this relationship for the Gentry and Nobility? How might this cause problems for others in England?

7 Ordinary People or Commoners
Workers, farmers, craftsmen Most Englishmen worked for other Englishmen No voice in Government

8 Rule of Common Law Law in England was based on customs and what had been done in the past No laws were written down Parliament was allowed to interpret custom

9 Rule of Common Law King also leader of Church
No separation of church and state Church leaders also part of Parliament “morally right” to follow laws Concern to keep common people working work = God’s approval

10 Problems with England Parliament and Gentry did not have to follow law
Most men worked in agriculture Can’t farm year round No work left time to play Not proper to work all the time

11 12 o’clock Appointment What predictions can you make about the situation in England in 1606?

12 Problems with England Population Explosion
Too many people not enough work Government tries to find jobs for everyone Everyone gets a little work, but not enough to survive Causes under employment Law requires employers to hire men for at least 1 year

13 Problems with England Nobility becomes greedy
Start buying things they want, but don’t need More money starts circulating Cost of ALL goods goes up but jobs are still scarce Leads to inflation Inflation: Cost of living goes up, but income stays same or decreases

14 Problems with England Large land owners have big problems
Land lease system: people lease land for “3 lives” Land is leased at the same price for years Land owners broke so they sell their farmland “Sheep eat Men” Farmers out of work Move to the city

15 Elizabethan Poor Law Outlaws begging
All men are required by law to work Colonies become a source of work

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