I. The Rise of Islam -Islam started in Arabia= Middle East -desert climate -lived in tribes that were very loyal to one another A) Muhammad= born A.D.

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2 I. The Rise of Islam -Islam started in Arabia= Middle East -desert climate -lived in tribes that were very loyal to one another A) Muhammad= born A.D. 570 -very successful merchant -he was dissatisfied w/ Arabian life -A.D. 610= was visited by Gabriel & told to preach Islam -surrender to the will of Allah -he preached that leading a good life was more important than wealth

3 -this was popular w/ the poor -followers were persecuted & made to leave Mecca B) Islam’s Teachings= followers called Muslims -Quran= holy book -teachings of Muhammad- only a prophet -laid out rules for living -mostly a peaceful religion=extremists -Mosque= house of worship

4 -Five Pillars of Faith= every Muslim must adhere to these. 1) There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet 2) Pray 5 times a day facing Mecca 3) Give to the poor 4) Fast during Ramadan 5) Make a pilgrimage to Mecca

5 II. The Spread of Islam -Muhammad died in 532 A.D. -successors are called caliphs -Islam continues to spread b/c Muslims are inspired by their religion -anyone who died in battle would go to paradise -Muslims allowed conquered peoples to practice their religions -but had to pay a special tax

6 3 Ways Islam Spread= 1) Preaching 2) Trading 3) Force Sunnis & Shiites= 1) Shiites= believed that Muhammad’s son-in- law should be caliph. -his descendants would follow 2) Sunnis= believed Umayyads should be caliphs largest group -Over time each dev. diff. religious prac. & customs

7 III. Muslim Life A. Trade= -Muslim traders spread Arabic language -used coins= made trade easier -dev. banking B. Cities= -Bazaar- marketplace -most people lived outside city & farmed -used irrigation

8 C. Achievements= -Muslims translated & saved learning from Western Europeans 1.) Math= -dev. algebra -began using digits 0 through 9 2) Science= -perfected the astrolab- used it to figure the earth was round -founded chemistry -1 st to discover that blood circulated from the heart through the body

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