Iredell-Statesville Schools AIG Local Plan 2015-2016 Parent Informational Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Iredell-Statesville Schools AIG Local Plan 2015-2016 Parent Informational Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Iredell-Statesville Schools AIG Local Plan 2015-2016 Parent Informational Meeting

2 Iredell-Statesville Schools’ 2013-2016 Local AIG Plan The Why- Our rationale for why we do what we do The What & The How- What opportunities our students have and how we best meet their needs The Who- Who is identified and the levels of services provided

3 The “Why”: Students An AIG student…  Performs or shows potential to perform at higher levels of accomplishment when compared with others of his/her age, experience, or environment  Exhibits high performance capability in intellectual areas, specific academic fields, or both  Requires differentiated educational services beyond those ordinarily provided by the regular education program  Comes from a variety of cultural and economic backgrounds -NCDPI

4 The “Why”: North Carolina AIG Standards 1. Student Identification 2. Differentiated Curriculum & Instruction 3. Personnel & Professional Development 4. Comprehensive Programming within the Total School Community 5. Partnerships 6. Program Accountability

5 Iredell-Statesville Schools’ 2013-2016 Local AIG Plan The Why- Our rationale for why we do what we do The What & The How- What opportunities our students have and how we best meet their needs The Who- Who is identified and the levels of services provided

6 The “Who”: Level II Students Grades K-2  Ability and achievement test scores 95 th percentile or higher  Tested on an individual basis if the referral is approved by the GPS team  Testing can only be done once in K-2  Criteria is higher due to the fact only two are used Grades 3-12  Testing  Ability CogAT/90 th percentile or higher  Achievement EOG/EOC 93 rd percentile or higher  Final grades 93 percent or higher  Qualifying scores need to be in the same subject area

7 The “Who”: Levels I, III, and IV  Level I Students—Transfer Students (AIG in another district already)  Level III Students--Subject Advancement  In one subject area:  99 th percentile in aptitude  99 th percentile achievement  99 percent final grades  Level IV Students—Grade Advancement  In both reading and math:  99 th percentile in aptitude scores  99 th percentile in achievement scores  99 percent final grades  Iowa Acceleration Scale; principal observations; Director of AIG consultation A screening list is kept at each school of potential students and updated regularly to reflect current data.

8 2015-2016 Identification  Spring 2015 EOG scores are being used in August & September to identify new gifted students since scores were returned so late in the school year.  At the end of the 2014-2015 school year, elementary school principals worked to ensure that students were placed in appropriate cluster groups to support gifted identification and services for the 2015-2016 school year.  At the end of the 2014-2015 school year, middle school and high school principals worked to ensure that students were placed in appropriate classrooms to support gifted identification and services for the 2015-2016 school year.

9 The Portfolio Pathway  Students are given the option in 5 th, 7 th, and 10 th grades to complete a portfolio when they have two of three criteria needed for identification.  Parents are notified and sign permission for the portfolio process to begin.  Portfolios should include five exemplary work samples completed at school in the area of consideration.  Students and teachers reflect on each sample, and a teacher recommendation is included.  Portfolios are evaluated by the portfolio screening committee using a rubric for scoring.  Passing portfolio scores take the place of the missing criterion for identification.

10 Iredell-Statesville Schools’ 2013-2016 Local AIG Plan The Why- Our rationale for why we do what we do The What & The How- What opportunities our students have and how we best meet their needs The Who- Who is identified and the levels of services provided

11 The “What”: Services


13 9th-12th Grade DEP  The high school DEP is a compilation of student course work, extracurricular activities, and community service experiences.  It is completed electronically at each school site.  Parents, students, and school personnel sign a verification form to indicate the DEP has been completed. This form is kept in the AIG folder.

14 Choice Options  Dual Language (Spanish/English) Magnet School: EIES, EIMS  Expansion to EIMS in 2015-2016  Honors and Advanced Placement Coursework  AP exam fees will be paid through NCDPI in 2015-2016  Credit by Demonstrated Mastery – Spring 2015  International Baccalaureate (IB): CCE, MMS, NVS, SIHS  Schools committed to a high quality, challenging, international education for all students  IB Career-related Certificate(IBCC) at SIHS 2014-2015  Primary Years Programme (PPY) at CCE 2016-2017  Virtual and Performing Arts Center (VPAC): SHS  Students have the opportunity to complete a challenging five-year program that includes a fine arts endorsement on the high school diploma, as well as an associate’s degree

15 Choice Options  Collaborative College for Technology & Leadership (CCTL)  Provides technology-enriched curriculum for students who simultaneously earn a high school degree & an associate’s degree  Career Academy and Technical School (CATS)  Automotive Technology, Digital Film and Television Broadcasting, Fire, Science, Nursing, and ProStart  iAcademy - provides students the opportunity to enroll in online classes for 100% of their high school career  James Iredell AP Academy: SHS  Students complete a rigorous course of study that requires them to take a minimum of seven Advanced Placement classes  NC School of Science and Math virtual courses  NC Virtual Public School courses (NCVPS)

16 Enrichment Opportunities  Science Fair  Spelling Bee  Math Expo  Battle of the Books  Chess  Robotics  Odyssey of the Mind  Additional competitions through individual schools  NCASA Scholastic Cup Competitions (Quiz Bowl, Twelve, The Quill, Art Showcase, Show Choir)  NC Governor's School  NC Summer Ventures  I-SS Summer Enrichment Camps  Local university-sponsored opportunities

17 Before you leave  General Questions  Breakout Sessions  Advisory Team  Enrichment Events  Feedback

18 Thank you for attending. This presentation will be available on the District AIG Website: Have a great school year!

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