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ICT Strategic Leader Forums Ian Brewer John Foot.

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Presentation on theme: "ICT Strategic Leader Forums Ian Brewer John Foot."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICT Strategic Leader Forums Ian Brewer John Foot

2 ICT Strategic Leader Forums Outcomes Key outcomes: Improved capacity of Subject Leaders to ensure more effective use of ICT across the primary curriculum Increased awareness of national materials and initiatives to support embedding ICT across the curriculum Description These sessions will provide an opportunity to receive updates from the PNS team, for networking, and for sharing of good practice.

3 ICT Strategic Leader Forums Programme 1:30 John - Renewed Frameworks - update and discussion on progress so far - including a look at the Interactive Planning Tool. 2:30 Ian - update on … software offers, SWGfL Merlin, Dorset ILP, Thinkuknow, NOD32 Antivirus, SRF and surveymonkey, UWE ICT conferences 3:15 – 4:00 anything else colleagues want to share/ discuss....

4 ICT Strategic Leader Forums

5 ICT Strategic Leader Forums Dorset LA 2Simple Price Opportunity Open Evening Bovington 13 th June 3:45 – 5:30 All orders must be sent by Monday 9th July 2007 10 computer licences 12.5% off normal pricing - 20 user computer 15% off normal pricing Site licences 20% off normal pricing - All prices ex. VAT

6 ICT Strategic Leader Forums Easiteach Offer What is the offer? Buy any Easiteach content pack (Maths, Literacy, Science, Geography, History, Animated Books, Early Steps in Literacy, EAL, Games or Dance Mat) and get another free of charge. Each content pack will include five Easiteach Starter tool licences. Hence for £300 a school will get 2 x Easiteach content packs of their choice and 10 x Easiteach Starter tools, normal price £1,116, hence a saving of £816! This offer will be open until 28th September 2007 and is effectively 50% off.

7 ICT Strategic Leader Forums ‘The World of Crystal Rain Forest’ Sherston have set up a generic username & password for Dorset schools so that they can trial ‘The World of Crystal Rain Forest’, they have given you until Friday 6th July (if you need longer let me know).. Check Letter or ask Ian for passwords

8 ICT Strategic Leader Forums Panorama–WiFi-Becta Despite the claims made in the recent Panorama programme, the HPAs guidance remains the same. The latest advice on their website reads:website "On the basis of current scientific information wi- fi equipment satisfies international guidelines. There is no consistent evidence of health effects from RF exposures below guideline levels and therefore no reason why schools and others should not use wi-fi equipment."

9 ICT Strategic Leader Forums SWGfL Merlin Update 23rd May 2007 The SWGfL Trust Management Board continues to believe that the Grid is well placed to support schools in their use of Learning Platforms through the provision of interoperability and integration services, as well as regional collaboration tools. The Board met in May and re-affirmed its commitment to SWGfL Merlin as the vehicle for supporting schools in this way. SWGfL and its member local authorities pride themselves on a rigorous and fair approach to procurement, and the procurement of SWGfL Merlin is no different. For this reason there have been some changes in the procurement process and we will not be able to appoint a supplier in time for the Autumn Term as suggested in the Spring 07 Newsletter. The SWGfL now envisage the full-scale delivery of SWGfL Merlin to be available at some stage in 2008. Regular updates on SWGfL Merlin will continue to be made to schools here on the website and through your Local Authority. Why not subscribe to SWGfL's mailing list for the latest updates at In the meantime, schools which choose to purchase learning environments from the Becta Learning Services Framework before SWGfL Merlin is launched can be assured that these learning environments will "plug" into SWGfL Merlin when it is available.

10 ICT Strategic Leader Forums So…… As you know, three of the biggest DfES requirements for a Learning Platform will be met by schools using the proposed SWGfL Merlin product. These are:- Shibboleth compliant single sign-on Interoperability with other school products (e.g. SIMS etc...) Personal Web space for all pupils Other requirements from the DfES include:- A course delivery or content management system combined with a resource library Reporting and assessment tools Access for parents Communication tools Collaboration tools

11 ICT Strategic Leader Forums Dorset ILP Some of you may be aware that, as a result of the collaboration between Dorset LA and the Chesil Partnership, a web-based Individual Learning Planner is being developed. By adapting this tool for schools, we have made it possible for you, not only to comply with the DfES requirement for an Individual Learning Planner, but also to deliver the five remaining requirements for a basic Learning Platform from September 2008. It is the intention of Dorset LA to offer the ILP to all schools at no cost. As a consequence, we would advise all schools who are not yet committed to purchasing a Virtual Learning Environment to look carefully at the demo ILP. A hard copy of this letter is also being sent to schools which will include screenshots from the first draft of a primary/SEN interface for the ILP and gives an idea of the functionality. An interactive demonstration of the product may be obtained by going to Check Letter or ask Ian for passwords

12 ICT Strategic Leader Forums Thinkuknow We have arranged a 'train the trainers' session to enable your staff to deliver the 'Think U Know' e-safety module to your pupils. ‘Thinkuknow’ is the name of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre’s (CEOP) resources for young people; they have been created as part of its Harm Reduction strategy. The programme uses three key messages: How to have fun online; How to stay in control online and How to report online The module is designed for KS3 but can be used with Year 6. This morning session is for PSHE / 'Healthy Schools' Coordinators. The course is free and for Dorset LA schools we will pay your school 1/2 day cover at the standard rate. Attendees will receive the 'Think U Know' materials required to deliver the module in your school. 9:30 - 12:30 Wednesday 6th June at Hamworthy Recreation Club

13 ICT Strategic Leader Forums SRF and surveymonkey

14 ICT Strategic Leader Forums UWE ICT conferences

15 ICT Strategic Leader Forums

16 NOD32 Antivirus We now have a 3 year licence for NOD32 from Eset ( to cover all school owned PCs, Servers and Notebooks. This product is also used by Dorset C.C. centrally and was chosen as it has better performance, takes up less resource on the PC and cost much less. If your admin computers are supported by DCC IT Services, then they will install the product onto those PCs remotely using a different username/password – you do not need to take any further action for those PCs. For all curriculum PCs and those admin PCs not supported by IT Services, you will need to arrange installation. However, please be aware that I have already given details of the new licence to a number of the support agencies that deal with Dorset schools, both commercial companies and in- school support, so your school network may already have been upgraded. Please also be aware that the licence does cover all school owned PCs and can be used on teacher owned notebooks that are used in-school and connected to your network. However, it must NOT be used on ‘home’ PCs or notebooks, whether owned by staff, pupils or governors. In such cases, if they don’t already have an anti-virus product, they can use AVG (, this is free for home use.

17 ICT Strategic Leader Forums NOD32 Antivirus INSTRUCTIONS: Download the latest version for your computer's operating system from using this private User Name and Password: Check Letter or ask Ian for passwords REMOTE ADMINISTRATOR For Remote Administrator, the above Username and Password will allow you to download the NOD32 Administrator Server/Console. To unlock the NOD32 Remote Administrator, you will need the Licence Key file which is attached as a ZIP file.

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