Welcome to school № 2 !. A High-Tech Life. What are Pros & Cons?

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to school № 2 !. A High-Tech Life. What are Pros & Cons?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to school № 2 !

2 A High-Tech Life. What are Pros & Cons?

3 a remote control a digital camera a video recorder a mobile phone a video camera an electronic organizer

4 Wordperfect Match the inventions and their descriptions. 1.…… is used to operate the TV set from a distance. You just press a couple of buttons and it’s all programmed. Don’t even have to go near the machine. 2.You can pull out a little screen on ….. and see what you take, then put ones you like on your computer and print them out.  a remote control  a digital camera  a video recorder  a mobile phone  a video camera  an electronic organizer

5 Wordperfect 3.….. is produced to record a programme even when watching another on a different channel. 4.Not only calls are made with …... There’s an alarm clock, a calculator and even a couple of games. You can also send a text message.  a remote control  a digital camera  a video recorder  a mobile phone  a video camera  an electronic organizer

6 Wordperfect 5. If something exciting is happening, like a party, and you’ve got ….. you are stuck just filming the whole thing. Not very interesting, is it, really? 6. All your phone numbers, a calculator, loads of things can be stored in …. It’s smaller and lighter than a diary.  a mobile phone  a remote control  a digital camera  a video recorder  a video camera  an electronic organizer

7 Homework check. What would you like to invent?  What are the unusual functions of your device?  Is your invention essential for everybody?  How much would your gadget cost?

8 Listening for the main idea. What item is each speaker describing?  A. a digital camera B. a video camera C. a video recorder D. a mobile phone E. a remote control F. an electronic organiser  Speaker 1. - …  Speaker 2 - …  Speaker 3 - …  Speaker 4 - …  Speaker 5- …

9 Listening for the main idea. Key:  Speaker 1 - E  Speaker 2 -A  Speaker 3 - F  Speaker 4 -B  Speaker 5 – D Extra item - C

10 Eye Exercise Instructions

11 Warm-up. Discuss.  Have you got a computer at home?  How do you use your computer?  What do you think of computers?

12 Arguments:  For: a, d, e, l, o, r, f  Against: b, c, g, h, j, m, n, p, s, t, k  Extra: q, i

13 Warm up. How to write an opinion composition? Plan:  Paragraph 1. Make an introduction (state the problem)  Paragraph 2. Express your personal opinion and give reasons for it.  Paragraph 3. Give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it.  Paragraph 4. Draw a conclusion.

14 Warm up. How to write an opinion composition?  Paragraph 1. 1.There is no doubt that … 2.Let me tell you about … 3.These days we all … 4.Now I’ll try to express my opinion.  Paragraph 2. 1.I agree/ disagree that … 2.In my opinion, … 3.Well, you know … 4.First of all/ Second, …

15 Warm up. How to write an opinion composition?  Paragraph 3. 1.On the other hand, …/Besides, … 2.However, I believe … 3.It is true that …, but … 4.I totally agree …  Paragraph 4. 1.To sum up, … 2.To conclude, … 3.Personally, I believe that … 4.Individually, I think …

16 Practise your writing skills:  “Kate couldn’t imagine her life without her computer. Her elder sister argues that we can’t rely on computers very much”. Write a composition on this subject.

17 Home-work. Write a composition agreeing or disagreeing with the following statement (choose one)  Some people see computers as a threat because they are scared of change.  Many people want to study computers because they are afraid of losing their jobs.  Many of us would not welcome domestic robots because we are worried about the danger.

18 Did you know that?  Remember when… A computer was something on TV (frankly speaking it was rarely seen), a site was only a place, and a window was something you hated to clean.  Memory was something you lost with age, a keyboard on piano was making a sound, a program was a TV show, and the net was for playing around.

19 Did you know that?  A mouse pad was where a mouse lived, Paste you did with glue, a web was a spider’s home, and a virus was the flu.  I guess I’II stick to my pad and paper, and the memory in my head, I hear nobody’s been killed in a computer crash, but when it happens they wish they were dead.

20 Let’s sing! “ Old McDonald has a farm, E-I-E-I-O. And on his farm he has some comps, E-I-E-I-O. With a comp, comp here and a comp, comp there, Here a comp, there a comp, Everywhere a comp, comp. Old McDonald has a farm, E-I-E-I-O. ”

21 Good bye!

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