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PLEASE GRAB A SEAT ANYWHERE FOR NOW. Welcome to the CMSC 201 Class!!! Mr. Lupoli ITE 207.

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Presentation on theme: "PLEASE GRAB A SEAT ANYWHERE FOR NOW. Welcome to the CMSC 201 Class!!! Mr. Lupoli ITE 207."— Presentation transcript:

1 PLEASE GRAB A SEAT ANYWHERE FOR NOW. Welcome to the CMSC 201 Class!!! Mr. Lupoli ITE 207

2 Introduction of Myself Ex High/Middle school teacher Taught at:  Radford University  Virginia Tech University  New River Community College (VA)  Johns Hopkins Talented Youth  Frederick Community College  Anne Arundel Community College

3 Introduction of Myself Sense of humor Strict  On due dates  Labs  Projects  Etc…  Being in class (don’t be late)  Turn cell phones OFF. Period.  They can be used during breaks.

4 Class Website has EVERYTHING  notes  labs  homeworks  Office hours

5 Class setup Lecture (2 days)  Lecture and Active Learning (in-class exercises) Lab/”Discussion” (1 day)  Lab  Run by TA staff  receive a lab grade while in class (depending on completion) 0 – 3 Some have extra credit  Topics can be found on our website

6 Syllabus Located on class website  Let’s go over quickly Class Textbook  no problems from textbook  have to use as a reference  1 st Addition please  2 nd addition uses the wrong version of Python  ok, but there will be differences  but you lecture notes as authority Academic Integrity  only Instructors/TA should see your code. PERIOD.

7 Syllabus Cheating  we use software  0 on Project and 1 letter grade lower  happens again you fail  you are reported

8 Class Schedule class website

9 Where is my TA/Instructor Office Hours  class website

10 Use of computers (in class) While use laptops only for notes and exercises No social networking like:  AOL  MySpace  Texting You are NOT to be on the internet unless instructed

11 Exams Get review sheet 1 week before exam  but randomized on test  Review sheet is a GUIDE!!  I change things!!!

12 Am I in the right class?? CMSC 104  Assumes NO programming experience  Prepares you for CMSC 201  Does NOT count towards the CS major  Meets a requirement for other majors: i.e. Physics, Financial Economics CMSC 201  Assumes some programming experience  First CMSC course for CS majors  MUCH more challenging PLEASE SEE ME AFTER CLASS IF YOU THINK YOU’RE IN THE WRONG CLASS

13 Help (Services) at UMBC CSEE Student Services Office (Advising)  ITE 203 - 206 CSHC (Computer Science Help Center)  ITE 201E Linux Users Group (LUG) 

14 Open Labs at UMBC The Office of Information Technology is responsible for all lab computers. On Web at: Labs with PCs:  ENG021, ENG104, ENG122, ENG122A, ENG333 Labs may be on reserve for classes, so plan ahead! Print Dispatch -- ENG 019 (10? cents/page) Hours of Operations  OIT will post outside of labs or go to :

15 What do I need for this class Computer (on or off campus)  on campus computers have everything you need  your personal computer needs (other than basics)  Putty used to log into UMBC to complete your programming work May need to install Putty on your H Drive here!!

16 What do I need to bring to class Paper  will be adding A LOT to the note  will have class exercises Notes (printed) Pen AND pencil Computer is optional!!  don’t bring it if your just gonna facebook!

17 Instructor Pet Peeves Talking (not about the class) while I am presenting material Disrespect to other students Begging

18 Past experiences Submitting assignments at the last minute  What if your internet blows up??!! Waiting until the last minute for help  Don’t expect an email back over the weekend!!  No TA hours during the weekend!! Emails with no name or section!!

19 WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!! First day we may seem intimidating BUT:  We are here to have you learn!!  Do not hesitate to ask for help from us!!

20 Now after all that!! If you want to make ANY changes, please see me FIRST!!

21 Questions??

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