Feedback from Scientists Associated with Monitoring of Programme of BGREI By Dr. Anand Prakash Director Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack & Member,

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Presentation on theme: "Feedback from Scientists Associated with Monitoring of Programme of BGREI By Dr. Anand Prakash Director Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack & Member,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Feedback from Scientists Associated with Monitoring of Programme of BGREI By Dr. Anand Prakash Director Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack & Member, Central Steering Committee

2 Observations on implementation of the programme i.The farmers are reluctant to practice line transplanting of rice, which presently varied from 10-25%. As per the farmers’ perception higher number of labourers are needed to carry out the practice. ii.Block demonstrations on rice were carried out. There was dry spell during August and September, which in turn will be affecting the yield. ASSAM

3 Suggestions for implementation of the programme-Assam i.One-day farmers’ training before crop season will help refreshing the farmers with technical know-how for scientific cultivation. ii.There is no provision for providing PP chemicals to the farmers in this program, therefore, DAOs should be empowered to procure need-based plant protection chemicals for ready distribution to the farmers. iii.Timely supply of the inputs should be ensured iv.Wherever shallow tube well facility is installed, measures should be taken to ensure irrigation during the dry spell.

4 Implementation status Bihar has implemented demonstration of SRI in 32,000 hectors under BGREI, in 250 blocks of 20 districts. State provided demo-kits (each costing 7.500/- per ha) to beneficiaries in Krishi Utsav Mela in each block of all Non-NFSM districts between 3 rd week of may to 2 nd week of June and a kit includes seed, fertilizer, vermi-compost and micro-nutrient (Zinc Sulphate) etc. In SRI demos- including mainly two components i.e. young seedlings with wide spacing and line transplanting have been demonstrated where inputs were provided in time to the farmers. Campaign for distribution of pump set and shallow tube well under this program has been started from 9 th September 2011 State has already decided its rabi season plan, wherein demos System of Wheat Intensification (SWI) in 22,000 ha and Boro paddy in 1536 ha. BIHAR

5 Implementation/monitoring issues-Bihar Farmers expressed their great satisfaction over SRI technology and showed interest for carrying out the same in future and also appreciated the effort made by the department people for field demonstrations. Beneficiary list has not been provided by the state to the CRRI as well as Scientist in- charges of the districts as a result proper procedure could not be followed for monitoring of the activities Information card prescribed for Block demonstrations has not been maintained and Krushi Salahkar/ progressive farmers could not provide the beneficiary list and their information card under BGREI activity. District in-charge scientists expressed their concern over the arrangement of transportation for their visit to the districts and also conveyed that they were over-burden of their duties.

6 Suggestions for Improvement-Bihar Besides SRI, ecology based improved rice production technology should also be included in the programme Beneficiary list of the districts should be provided to CRRI for proper monitoring and technological back stopping Information as per prescribed Format for Block demonstrations should be maintained

7 Observations on implementation of the program  Labours shortage during transplanting,  Many farmers purchased tractor drawn seed drill as it reduces cost,  Created employment through custom hiring of farm implements  In SRI, people used Ambica weeder and it is in more demand,  More demand of Self propelled reaper/combiner  Summer rice was affected more with insect pests & diseases, thus farmers spent more money for pest control, Chhattisgarh

8 Suggestions for proper implementation the program -CHHG  More demonstrations of manual drum seeder, seed drill and transplanter,  Farmers’ training on raising ‘mat type’ seedlings for use of Self propelled Rice transplanter  Training on improved rice production technology,  Report on soil testing needs to be made available,  More emphasis needed for construction of Check-dam, & minor irrigation tanks

9 OBSERVATIONS ON IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAM-JHK Awareness meeting for scientists, extension personnel was conducted on August 12, 2011, Ranchi Transplanting was delayed up to 18 August, 2011 due to late onset of monsoon In some cases progressive farmers/ beneficiary farmers were not aware of the hybrids rice technology


11 SUGGESTIONSFOR PROPER IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAMME- JHK Strengthen regular monitoring and monthly progress meeting at State level and weekly meeting at District and Block levels. Strengthening of capacity building for Block level Agril. Officers, other field functionaries and farmers.

12 Observation on programme implementation- Odisha  Integration of State Agril. Dept., ICAR institutes, NGO, KVK and ATMA on a common platform creating amicable working environment has been appreciated.  Response of farmers to line transplanting and sowing behind the plough was very good.  Farmers are expecting 25-30% more yield.  In crop cutting, Ajay produced around 7.0 t/ha in Puri district and Swarna produced around 6.0 t/ha in Balasore district.

13 Suggestions 1.In drought prone upland, cultivation of Sahabhagi dhan, a stress tolerant variety needs to be promoted. 2.Using appropriate method, crop cutting data needs to be made available to CRRI. 3.At least 2- years BGREI support to a farmer/location for better impact, 4.One member of each farmers’ family needs to be trained to maintain records and documents, especially Form-BGREI 2 (Rice).

14 Director (Ex),CRRI, Member, CSC Jt.Director, Dept.Agril,Odisha Dean (Extn), OUAT, Member, SLMT-Odisha Scientist, CRRI, Member, SLMT-Odisha Officers & Staffs, Dept. Agril. Odisha

15 Observation on Programme Implementation-UP  Awareness meeting for different stakeholders conducted by CRRI on August 12, 2011 at Lucknow.  Rainfall distribution in most districts was normal and rice crop was in good condition  Many farmers received inputs late-due to delay in funds transfer  In many places, deep ploughing could not be taken up due to late start of the programme  Farmers expressed satisfaction with weed control efficiency of Pretilachlor,  Farmers were happy with the performance of rice hybrids, but expressed concerns about poor grain quality and marketing

16 Suggestions on Programme Implementation  Farmers needs to be made aware of specific features of ecology based stress-tolerant rice varieties, small leaflets in local language should be distributed to farmers along with seed.  Scientists from nearby research organizations should be entrusted with major responsibility of monitoring of BGREI programme and CRRI should be responsible mainly for technical support  In field demonstrations, performance of introduced technologies should be compared with farmers’ practices  State governments should take effective steps to improve availability of inputs, including water, and marketing facilities

17 OBSERVATIONS ON IMPLEMENTATION OF PROGRAMME-WB Awareness meeting’ for the Scientists, Extension personnel under BGREI Program, West Bengal was conducted on August 10, 2011 at Kolkata Seed treatment was not done due to non availability of pesticide. ZnSO 4 was not applied due to its delayed supply. Progressive farmers & VLWs did not receive honorarium due to delay in fund release. The base line survey work was also not started at any place


19 The communication should be strengthened through regular monitoring and monthly progress meeting at State level and weekly meeting at District and Block levels. Capacity building of Block level Agril. Officers,other field functionaries and farmers needs to be organized. SUGGESTIONS FOR PROPER IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAMME- WB

20 Beneficiary list in prescribed Proforma should be provided to the CRRI and other stakeholders. Strengthen coordination among CSC, SLMT and DLMT. Scientist-in-Charge of district in each state should also submit copy of the report to the Director, CRRI. Timely availability of inputs, Capacity building of Block level Agril. Officers,other field functionaries and farmers needs to be organized. In all SLMT meeting, scientist-in-charge of respective state from CRRI should be involved. Soil testing, need based IPM and related farm mechanization should be strengthened. In addition to CRRI scientists, OUAT scientists may be involved in DLMT in Odisha. General suggestions to improve implementation of BGREI

21 Item of ExpenditureAmount Sanctioned ( No. CPS 7-10/2010- NFSM dated 2 nd June 2011) Remittances Received (vide letter No. Expenditure Till end of October 2011 Remarks Travel Expenses (TA & DA for Director, CRRI, Monitoring Team Members & Vehicle hiring/POL charges ) 21.00-2,50,000 Contractual Services (1 SRF & 1 Field Observer) 3.20-40,895SRF- from 09.09.2011 Field Observer- 26.08.2011 Operational Expenses (Office expenses including Computer Peripherals, stationary & Other contingencies like communication costs etc) 2.50-1,25,000Compendium Postage, Stationery Total26.7013,35,0004,15,895 Rs. In Lakhs Expenditure Statement

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