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Welcome To The 38 th HPC User Forum Meeting HLRS October 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome To The 38 th HPC User Forum Meeting HLRS October 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome To The 38 th HPC User Forum Meeting HLRS October 2010

2 Important Dates For Your Calendar FUTURE HPC USER FORUM MEETINGS: International Meetings:  HLRS/University of Stuttgart, October 7/8, 2010  SARA Computing & Networking Services, Amsterdam, October 11/12, 2010  Beijing, China, October 30th 2011 US Meetings:  April 5 to 7, Houston, Texas  September 6 to 8, San Diego, California

3 Introduction: Logistics We have a very tight agenda (as usual)  Please help us keep on time! Review handouts  Note: We will post most of the presentations on the web site  Please complete the evaluation form

4 4

5 HPC User Forum Mission To Improve The Health Of The High-performance Computing Industry Through Open Discussions, Information- sharing And Initiatives Involving HPC Users In Industry, Government And Academia Along With HPC Vendors And Other Interested Parties

6 HPC User Forum Goals Assist HPC users in solving their ongoing computing, technical and business problems Provide a forum for exchanging information, identifying areas of common interest, and developing unified positions on requirements  By working with users in other sectors and vendors  To help direct and push vendors to build better products  Which should also help vendors become more successful Provide members with a continual supply of information on:  Uses of high end computers, new technologies, high end best practices, market dynamics, computer systems and tools, benchmark results, vendor activities and strategies Provide members with a channel to present their achievements and requirements to interested parties

7 Steering Committee Members Steve Finn, BAE Systems, Chairman Sharan Kalwani, KAUST, Vice Chairman Earl Joseph, IDC, Executive Director Vijay Agarwala, Penn State University Alex Akkerman, Ford Motor Company Doug Ball, The Boeing Company Rupak Biswas NASA/Ames Paul Buerger, Avetec Steve Conway, IDC Research Vice President Jack Collins, National Cancer Institute Jeff Broughton. NERSC/Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Merle Giles, NSCA/University of Illinois Chris Catherasoo, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory James Kasdorf, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center Doug Kothe, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Paul Muzio, City University of New York Michael Resch, HLRS, University of Stuttgart Marie-Christine Sawley, ETH Zurich - CERN Group Vince Scarafino, Industry Expert Robert Singleterry, NASA/Langley

8 IDC HPC Market Update

9 Top Trends in HPC The global economy in HPC appears to have leveled off  The first half of 2010 grew by 2%  We are forecasting 3% to 5% growth in 2010  The high end of the market grew by 65% in 2009! Major challenges for datacenters:  Power, cooling, real estate, system management  Storage and data management continue to grow in importance Software hurdles will rise to the top for most users  Driven heavily by multi-core processors and hybrid systems  Application scaling and performance is a problem SSDs will gain momentum and could redefine storage GPUs are seeing real tractions in certain verticals The worldwide Race on Petascale is in full speed

10 10 HPC Server Market Size By Competitive Segments (first half of 2010) Departmental ($250K - $100K) $1,474M Divisional ($250K - $500K) $572M Supercomputers (Over $500K) $1,386M Workgroup (under $100K) $699M HPC Servers $4,131M

11 HPC Market Results: Revenues and System Units

12 HPC Vendor Revenue Shares, Q210

13 Revenue Share by Vendor Supercomputer Segment, Q210

14 HPC Server Processor/Sockets Metrics, First Half of 2010

15 Industry/Application Segments

16 HPC Server Revenue($K) Forecast 2008 - 2014

17 Growth In The Broader HPC Market

18 Conclusions  2010 is a year of evolutionary rather than revolutionary change in the worldwide HPC market  Incremental advances will help, but not resolve persistent issues, such as highly parallel programming challenges, power and cooling costs, and software licensing costs  IDC predicts the HPC market will resume growth in 2010 and grow by 3% to 5% in 2010  And then will rebuild to exceed $11 billion by 2014  The recovery will benefit HPC segments unevenly:  With hard-hit verticals such as automotive recovering more slowly than oil and gas, or government and academia  The Supercomputer segment growth will remain turbo-charged by government spending aimed at HPC leadership and “petaflop club” membership

19 Please email: Or check out: Questions?

20 Agenda: Day One 12:45HPC User Forum Welcome/Introductions, Steve Finn and Earl Joseph 13:00HLRS Welcome/Introductions, Michael Resch 13:15HPC in Europe from a PRACE Perspective, Thomas Eickermann 13:45Ideas About the Future of HPC in Europe, Bernhard Fabianek 14:15HPC Industrial Partnerships, Merle Giles, NCSA 14:45Vendor Technical Update, Microsoft New HPC Directions 15:00Break 15:30HPC in Japan, Dr. Toshikazu Takada 16:00Vendor Technology Update, T-Platforms 16:15Daimler Research Update, Lina Longhitano 16:45IDC EU HPC Recommendations for Leadership 17:00HPC at EXTOLL, Mondrian Nuessle 17:30After Meeting Socializing 18:30End of First Day

21 Welcome To Day 2 Of The HPC User Forum Meeting

22 Important Dates For Your Calendar FUTURE HPC USER FORUM MEETINGS: International Meetings:  HLRS/University of Stuttgart, October 7/8, 2010  SARA Computing & Networking Services, Amsterdam, October 11/12, 2010  Beijing, China, October 30th 2011 US Meetings:  April 5 to 7, Houston, Texas  September 6 to 8, San Diego, California

23 Agenda: Day Two 9:00Welcome/Logistics, Earl Joseph and Steve Finn, BAE Systems 9:10A Perspective on HPC, Michael Resch, HLRS 9:30The PRACE industrial offer preview, Stefan Wesner, HLRS 9:55ASCS/Porsche End User HPC Site Update, Erich Schelkle 10:20High Performance Computing for Flight Projects at JPL, Chris Catherasoo, NASA JPL 10:45PRACE Industry Activities, Dr. Stefan Wesner 11:00Break 11:35 SimTech and Industry, Wolfgang Ehlers 12:00HPC Usage for Industrial-Relevant Combustion Problems, Benedetto Risio, RECOM 12:30 HPC Research Using Jaguar at ORNL, Don Maxwell 12:55Wrap up and plans for future HPC User Forum meetings, Earl Joseph and Steve Finn 1:00Farewell and Lunch

24 Agenda: Day Two 11:35SimTech and Industry, Wolfgang Ehlers 12:00HPC Usage for Industrial-Relevant Combustion Problems, Benedetto Risio, RECOM 12:30 HPC Research Using Jaguar at ORNL, Don Maxwell 12:55Wrap up and plans for future HPC User Forum meetings, Earl Joseph and Steve Finn 1:00Farewell and Lunch

25 Important Dates For Your Calendar FUTURE HPC USER FORUM MEETINGS: International Meetings:  HLRS/University of Stuttgart, October 7/8, 2010  SARA Computing & Networking Services, Amsterdam, October 11/12, 2010  Beijing, China, October 30th 2011 US Meetings:  April 5 to 7, Houston, Texas  September 6 to 8, San Diego, California

26 Thank You For Attending The 38 th HPC User Forum Meeting

27 Please email: Or check out: Questions?

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