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Student Technology Use. 1. I can share passwords with my parents and teachers.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Technology Use. 1. I can share passwords with my parents and teachers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Technology Use

2 1. I can share passwords with my parents and teachers.

3 2. The school network is only for educational purposes.

4 3. A cyberbully uses technology to hurt someone on purpose.

5 4. All of the following are rules for going places safely online:  Ask your parent or teacher first.  Stick to places that are right for you.  Tell an adult if you see something inappropriate.

6 5. Your username is safe to share online.

7 6. A password protects your identity, keeps it safe.

8 7. All of the following is a good way to use technology carefully:  Using both hands to carry your device.  Cleaning your hands before touching it.  Keeping the device away from food or drinks

9 8. The BEST way to respond to a mean message you get online is to talk to a parent or trusted adult.

10 9. A good digital citizen acts by giving credit when using others’ work.

11 10. Talk to your real friends for support and report it to your parents for advice could you give a friend who is being cyberbullied?

12 11. If I get permission from the creator and give proper credit it is okay to use someone else’s writing, picture, video, or song.

13 12. Danny downloads a movie from the Internet that has not been released to the general public is an example of piracy.

14 13. Log off and mention it to a parent or trusted adult if someone asks you something inappropriate online.

15 14. Post photos and comments about every funny thing you do is something that will create a potentially NEGATIVE digital footprint for you?

16 15. While using the SBCUSD electronic network, I can expect to have my teacher monitor all my work and online behavior.

17 Thank you for listening!

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