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Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting 1 Roundtable Discussion December,

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Presentation on theme: "Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting 1 Roundtable Discussion December,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting 1 Roundtable Discussion December, 2011

2 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting Identify 3 things you know about where your students go after graduation How do you know these things? Where do you find this information? How do you use this information 2

3 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting Project Goals The High School Feedback Reporting initiative aims to –Enhance the ability of schools, districts, and PDE to report on the progress of high school students into and through postsecondary education. –Provide educators with aggregate actionable and timely data to raise student achievement by informing and improving their instructional practice and curriculum. The ultimate goal of the project is to increase college readiness and improve student postsecondary performance. 3

4 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting The goal of the project is to equip schools to use postsecondary data to drive action that will result in getting more students to and through college successfully. 4

5 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting College Matters 5 Carnevale, A.P., Rose, S. J., & Cheah, B. (2011). “The College Payoff: Education, Occupations, Lilfetime Earnings.” The Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce.

6 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting Community Impact In a study that followed the 8th grade class of 1988, the National Center for Education Statistics found that those with a Bachelor’s degree… Are more likely to be employed and have higher wage jobs Report increased job satisfaction Are more likely to volunteer for youth, civic, or community organizations Are more likely to read books at home three or more times/week National Educational Longitudinal Study of 1988 6

7 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting Feedback Reporting Data and Their Sources 7 HS Feedback Reports PIMS * National Student Clearinghouse is a non-profit organization that provides postsecondary enrollment data and covers 93% of postsecondary enrollments. Postsecondary enrollment and degree completion Student demographics, achievement test scores, attendance, and course enrollment data (National Student Clearinghouse*)

8 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting LEA Focus Groups Conducted 5 Focus groups throughout the state soliciting feedback from 27 LEAs Besides school districts and charter schools, CTCs were also represented 8 List of 27 LEAs that participated Athens GirardPA Learners Online Bentworth Haverford TownPenn Manor Brandywine Heights IroquoisPennsbury Carlynton Keystone OaksShaler Area Cory MillcreekSouth Allegheny Council Rock MontoursvilleSouth Fayette Frazier MuncySpringfield GatewayNorthwesternWattsburg General McLaneOley ValleyWilson

9 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting The Feedback Reports: Report on high school graduates... By Gender By PSSA standardized test scores By racial/ethnicity By selected HS courses of study By economic status By attendance... enrolled in participating postsecondary institutions Two Year Four Year Public Private 9 PIMS High School Feedback Reporting

10 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting 10 The Feedback Reports do not: Tell you about your current students Track students who do not enroll in a participating NSC school Report on students individually PIMS High School Feedback Reporting

11 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting Example Business Question: What percentage of high school graduates in 2009-2010 enrolled in a postsecondary institution nationwide within one year by Institution Type? Dimensions Measures Presentation Options 11

12 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting A Quick Guide to Measures and Dimensions 12 Measure - a measure is a property on which calculations (e.g., sum, count, average, minimum, maximum) can be made. Also known as a Fact. Dimensions - a dimension is a data element that categorizes each item in a data set. A data warehouse dimension provides the means to "slice and dice" data.

13 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting Key Definitions Enrollment – enrolled in a postsecondary institution. Postsecondary Institution – Includes 4 year, 2 year, and < 2 year public and private institutions Persistence (Same Institution) – Enrolled in the second year in the same institution Persistence (Postsecondary) – Enrolled in the second year in any postsecondary institution

14 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting PDE Portal

15 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting 15 Cognos Connection Portal View

16 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting Report #1 Percent of Pennsylvania High School Graduates That Enrolled in a Higher Education Institution Within One Year, by Institution Type This report shows the percentage of total graduates for the school year that enrolled in an institution of higher education nationally within one year of graduation, by institution type. Additionally, it also shows the percentage of total graduates for the school year that enrolled in a PASSHE, PA Community College or State related University within one year of graduation, by institution name. Key Metrics – Number of High School Graduates, Number of Postsecondary Enrollees Key Dimensions – School Year, Institution Type 16

17 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting Report #1

18 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting Report #2 Percent of Pennsylvania High School Graduates That Enrolled in a National Postsecondary Institution Within One Year, by Institution Type and Student Demographics This report displays the breakdown of enrollees that enrolled in a National higher education institution type within one year of graduation (based on National Student Clearinghouse data) by the user selected student demographic attribute for the school year. Key Metrics – Number of High School Graduates, Number of Postsecondary Enrollees Key Dimensions – School Year, Institution Type, Student Demographics (Race, Gender, IEP Status, 504 Status, Part-time CTC Status, Low Income) 18

19 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting Report #2

20 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting Report #3 Percent of Pennsylvania High School Graduates That Enrolled in a National Postsecondary Institution Within One Year, by HS attendance rate in senior year The report shows the breakdown of enrollees that enrolled in a higher education institution within one year of graduation (based on National Student Clearinghouse data) by the user selected student demographic attribute and High School senior year attendance rate for the school year. Key Metrics – Number of High School Graduates, Number of Postsecondary Enrollees, Percentage of Enrollees, State Average Percent of Enrollees Key Dimensions – Senior Year Attendance Percentage, School Year, LEA 20

21 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting Report #3

22 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting Report #4 Percent of Pennsylvania High School Graduates That Enrolled in a National Postsecondary Institution Within One Year, based on completion of a specific high school course The report displays the percentage of high school graduates that enrolled in a higher education institution within one year of graduation (based on National Student Clearinghouse data) by whether they enrolled in a specific user selected course during high school. Key Metrics – Number of graduates, number of postsecondary enrollees Key Dimensions – Courses ( Algebra I, Algebra II, Bio I, Chem I, Physics I, ELA I, ELA II, ELA III, ELA IV) 22

23 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting Report #4

24 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting Report #5 “Institutional profile” for PASSHE and CC showing the profile of their students who enrolled at that PS institution The report displays the profile of enrollees that enrolled in each PASSHE, PA Community College or State related University within one year of graduation for the school year (based on National Student Clearinghouse data). Key Metrics – Number of postsecondary enrollees Key Dimensions – PASSHE Institution or Community College, Gender, Ethnicity, IEP Status, Plan 504 status, Part-time CTC status, Low Income Status, Persistence, PSSA Results, Attendance Rate 24

25 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting Report #5

26 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting Report #6 Percent of Pennsylvania High School Graduates That Enrolled Nationally Within One Year and persisted in the Second Year, by Institution Type and Student Demographics The report displays the second year persistence rate of enrollees that enrolled in an higher education institution within one year of graduation (based on National Student Clearinghouse data) by the user selected student demographic attribute and Institution Type for the school year. Key Metrics – Number of graduates, number of enrollees, number and percentage that persisted Key Dimensions – Institution Type, Student Demographics (Race, Gender, IEP Status, 504 Status, Part-time CTC Status, Low Income) 26

27 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting Report #6

28 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting Report #7 Percent of Pennsylvania High School Graduates That Enrolled at a PASSHE, PA Community College or State related University Within One Year and persisted in the Second Year The report shows the number of enrollees as well as persistence rates at the user selected PASSHE, PA Community College or State related University by various student demographic attributes. Key Metrics – Number of graduates, number of enrollees, number and percentage that persisted Key Dimensions – Institution Type, Institution 28

29 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting Report #7

30 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting Report #8 Percent of Pennsylvania High School Graduates That Enrolled Nationally Within One Year and persisted in the Second Year by PSSA results The report displays the first year enrollment and second year persistence rate of graduates that enrolled in an higher education institution within one year of graduation (based on National Student Clearinghouse data) by the user selected student demographic attribute and Achievement Level of the user selected 11 th grade PSSA subject for the school year. Key Metrics – Number of enrollees, Number who persisted, Percentage who Persisted, Percentage who did not Persist, State Averages Key Dimensions – PSSA Results 30

31 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting Report #8

32 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting Report #9 Percent of Pennsylvania High School Graduates That Enrolled in a Higher Education Institution Within One Year, by Institution Type and Year This report displays the number of enrollees that enrolled in a National higher education institution type within one year of graduation (based on National Student Clearinghouse data) by the user selected student demographic attribute and school year. Key Metrics – Number of Enrollees Key Dimensions – School Year, Institution Type, Student Demographics (Race, Gender, IEP Status, 504 Status, Part-time CTC Status, Low Income) 32

33 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting Report #9

34 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting How to review the reports Login to the PA Portal Click on Log In in the upper left hand corner Your temporary userid is train_iu5 Your password is Password#1 Select PIMS Reports from My PDE Applications on the lower left side of the screen Navigate to: Public Folders>eScholar Framework for Cognos – Production>Feedback Reports by clicking on the links To execute a report click on the link for that report

35 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting Saving Report to PDF

36 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting Saving the PDF

37 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting Q&A 37

38 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting Next Steps Why is this information important? Which reports are the most beneficial? How can you use the High School Feedback Reports to enhance your understanding of postsecondary preparation and enrollment in your school? How can you use the reports for comprehensive planning, guiding curriculum alignment, and informing classroom instruction? 38

39 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting District Level Access High School Feedback Reporting Agreement Create an Account

40 Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of High School Feedback Reporting PDE Podcast

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