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Submitted By: Guriqubal Kaur ( English Teacher) G.S.S.S, Dhangrali (Ropar) Class:9 th Subject: English.

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Presentation on theme: "Submitted By: Guriqubal Kaur ( English Teacher) G.S.S.S, Dhangrali (Ropar) Class:9 th Subject: English."— Presentation transcript:


2 Submitted By: Guriqubal Kaur ( English Teacher) G.S.S.S, Dhangrali (Ropar) Class:9 th Subject: English

3 ` Knowledge is power Man is a rational animal. He is blessed with thinking power and senses. He cannot achieve much in life without knowledge, as in every walk of life power of knowledge is required. We cannot succeed in life unless we know how to do a thing.


5 Rules 3. Last, you should have a concluding sentence which reasserts your opinion, but does not have the same wording. Going by these helpful rules will lead to good paragraph writing. 1. Your first sentence should be a topic sentence and should contain the topic and an opinion on the topic. 2. You should write at least Three sentences supporting your ideas, with facts, reasons, examples, statistics, comparison, or an anecdote.

6 Four Stages of paragraph writing 1. Prewriting Paragraphs 2. Writing Paragraphs 3. Editing Paragraphs 4. Publishing Paragraphs

7 What is the prewriting stage ? The prewriting stage is when you think carefully and organize your ideas for your paragraph before you begin writing.

8 Six Prewriting Steps: 1.Think carefully about what you are going to write. 2.Open your notebook 3. Collect facts related to your paragraph topic.

9 4. Write down your own ideas. 5. Find the main idea of your paragraph 6. Organize your facts and ideas in a way that develops your main idea. Six Prewriting Steps:

10 What is the writing stage? The writing stage is when you turn your ideas into sentences.

11 Five Writing Steps: 1.Open your notebook and word processor. 2.Write the topic sentence, supporting sentences and closing sentence. 3.Write clear and simple sentences to express your meaning.

12 4. Focus on the main idea of your paragraph. 5. Use the dictionary to help you find additional words to express your ideas.

13 What is the editing stage ?. The editing stage is when you check your paragraph for mistakes and correct them

14 Grammar and Spelling 1.Check your spelling. 2.Check your grammar. 3.Read your assignment again.

15 4. Make sure each sentence has a subject. 5. See if your subjects and verbs agree with each other. 6. Check the verb tenses of each sentence 7. Make sure that each sentence makes sense. Done Grammar and Spelling

16 Style & Organization 1.Make sure your paragraph has a topic sentence. 2.Make sure your supporting sentences focus on the main idea. 3.Make sure you have a closing sentence. 4.Check that all your sentences focus on the main idea. 5.See if your paragraph is interesting.

17 The publishing stage is when you produce a final copy of your assignment to hand in. What is the publishing stage? The 3 most vital publishing steps are

18 Make a paper copy of your paragraph. Show your work to your teacher, tutor or parents. Ask them for hints on how to improve your writing.

19 Give answer to the following questions

20 Bibliography Text book of english grammar of 9 th class.


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