Listening: Extended Writing Tasks Test week. Task 4 (15 marks) The principal has asked you to fill in the parent diary for the website. Complete the parent.

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1 Listening: Extended Writing Tasks Test week

2 Task 4 (15 marks) The principal has asked you to fill in the parent diary for the website. Complete the parent diary below. You will find all the information you need in the notes you made on the note sheet on page 2 of the Data File and the staff letter from the principal on page 4 of the Date file. Use a pen for this task.

3 Note sheet for the parent notice Event Date Location

4 Staff Letter from the Principal 3 rd Paragraph: –End of term performance –June 30 th –School Sports Arena –Final of the swimming competition –July 12 th –Sheung Wan Leisure Centre

5 Task 5 Mr Cheung has asked you to make any necessary changes to the team member list and complete the About Us page for the new school website. Look at the email from James Tang on page 2 of the Data File. You will find all the information you need in the Data File and on the recording. Use a pen for this task.

6 Rules for writing extended tasks Read the instructions carefully Follow the steps Search the information from the data file especially the page number. Write all the information with complete sentences.

7 E mail from James Tang to John From James to John I (James) can ’ t help with the website anymore Write two paragraphs First paragraph: – who initiated the idea (full names & positions) –How they got the idea (where to look for the information?) –How often the site will be updated (where to look for the information?) –End by “ hoping everyone would enjoy using it ”  how to rewrite it

8 Second paragraph Introduce the contact details –Telephone number, –Fax number, –Email address (Recording) –Postal address –(find the information in the notes from the website page plan meeting)

9 Further instruction Cross my name (James) off the list Page 4: Note from Miss Lee to John –You might just want to add a line at the end of the paragraph for contact details, saying that we would reply as soon as we can.) –Add my name (Ms Lee) to the team member list of the About Us page, but please specify my role as “ technical ” by putting it in brackets after my name.

10 Task 6 Mr Cheung wants you to write the text on the main page of the website. Complete the text below. You will find all the information you need on page 3 to 5 of the Data File and on the recording. Use a pen for this task.

11 Page 5: E-mail from Mr Cheung to John Start (first paragraph) by welcoming everyone to the school website (give the school name)  how to re-write this? Tell them about our aims (where ?) At last we should also say: we hope they (who?) find the website useful and welcome any questions or suggestions.

12 Second paragraph What ’ s in each page of the website (website page plan) Give one detail about each page (don ’ t bother with the main page and the About Us page: so XXX) News page: the uprooted tree

13 Third Paragraph Thank the principal for …..artwork and design. As you can ’ t thank yourself … so make you the chief web editor of the school website..don ’ t forget to include it when you sign off!

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