 Racism - Social Darwinism…  Economic - trade, farming, resources…  Nationalism - compete with Great Powers  Christianity - missionaries…  Humanitarian.

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Presentation on theme: " Racism - Social Darwinism…  Economic - trade, farming, resources…  Nationalism - compete with Great Powers  Christianity - missionaries…  Humanitarian."— Presentation transcript:


2  Racism - Social Darwinism…  Economic - trade, farming, resources…  Nationalism - compete with Great Powers  Christianity - missionaries…  Humanitarian - “help” the helpless…

3  Alaska ◦ Who: William Seward (Sec. of State) ◦ When: 1867 ◦ How: Purchased from the Russian Empire for $7.2 million (about $0.02 per acre). Known as “Seward’s Folly.” ◦ Why: Economic (Fur trade, etc.) ◦ Statehood: January 3, 1959


5  Hawaii ◦ Who: Queen Liliuokalani ◦ How: Uprising of Native Hawaiians against US presence ◦ United States was looking for access to sugar (remember tariff issues…) ◦ When: Annexed in 1898 ◦ Statehood: June 27, 1959


7  1. What does the shadow symbolize?

8  2. What does the big stick symbolize?  3. What do the ships in the water symbolize? Why are they circling the Caribbean sea?  4. Why is TR so large?  5. Why is he dressed as he is?

9  The Maine exploded here: Havana  Caribbean Island obtained from Spain: Puerto Rico  Called Seward’s Folly: Alaska  US sugar growers caused a revolution here: Hawaii

10  Spanish speaking Caribbean Island: Cuba  Isolationist country until Western powers carved spheres of influence: China  Located on an isthmus in N. America: Panama  US bought this territory from Spain for $20 million: Philippines

11 Remember the Maine and to Hell with Spain! Funeral for Maine victims in Havana

12 Page 12

13  When the US was a new country they did not believe in interfering with the business of other countries. Under President James Monroe the US issued the Monroe Doctrine. This said that Europe should not interfere in Latin America.

14 U. S. Interventions in Latin America: 1898-1920s

15  However, as the US began to gain more territory, President Teddy Roosevelt decided to expand the Monroe Doctrine and issued the Roosevelt Corollary.  This claimed the right of the United States to intervene in Latin America in order to preserve peace and economic interests.

16 Speak Softly, But Carry a Big Stick!

17  Many Latin Americans resented this interference in their affairs, but at the time were not strong enough to stop American influence.

18  Roosevelt believed in using military power in order to protect national interests. The United States would use military strength to either support or overthrow governments depending upon what the US felt would best serve its interests. This gave the US the right to be an international police force in Latin America.

19 Constable of the World

20 The Great White Fleet: 1907

21 Platt Amendment (1903) 1.Cuba was not to enter into any agreements with foreign powers that would endanger its independence. 2.The U.S. could intervene in Cuban affairs if necessary to maintain an efficient, independent govt. 3.Cuba must lease Guantanamo Bay to the U.S. for naval and coaling station. 4.Cuba must not build up an excessive public debt. Cuban Independence?

22 Taft’s “Dollar Diplomacy” Invest American dollars in Latin America… Create stability with “Dollars not bullets”

23 Wilson’s “Moral Diplomacy” Spread democracy & promote peace.

24 The Open Door Policy Give ALL nations equal access to trade in China.

25 Causes  Yellow Journalism….  Reconcentration Policy = concentration camps in Cuba  Explosion of Maine – 260 killed  1898 – declared war Effects  America Won – Spain lost  America got Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines  America became a world power!

26  Read the comic on pages 16-22 of your packet.  Using that information (and textbook pages 638-641 if you need it), fill out the chart on page 23 of your packet.  Anything that is not completed in class is homework.

27  Reasons for wanting to build the Panama Canal:

28  Obstacles faced during construction:

29  Results/Effects of the Panama Canal:

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