“Giving Credit Where Credit is Due!”. What is EasyBib? Using someone else’s work without giving that person credit for their work Plagiarism Online tool.

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Presentation on theme: "“Giving Credit Where Credit is Due!”. What is EasyBib? Using someone else’s work without giving that person credit for their work Plagiarism Online tool."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Giving Credit Where Credit is Due!”

2 What is EasyBib? Using someone else’s work without giving that person credit for their work Plagiarism Online tool that helps you create a bibliography or works cited page to properly credit your sources“Give Credit Where Credit is Due” Organizational tool = note-cards, out-line, Bibliography, sharing with others, etc.

3 How do we prevent Plagiarism? Citing our Sources = giving credit for the information that we are using, creating citations using EasyBib Information = books, web sites, databases, interviews, etc. Photographs Music

4 Directions (demonstrate) Go to your computers Open EasyBib using Firefox Login in = Email (@birmingham.k12.mi.us) & password (birthday) Come back to the tables www.EasyBib.com

5 Getting started This is the project management page. From here you can create, manage, and view projects. Start by clicking “Create a new project”

6 Creating a new project Give your project a name Add your thesis statement

7 Creating a new project Next, select the desired citation style (don’t worry if you pick the wrong one, you can always change it later automatically) Give your project a name Then click “Create” Add your thesis statement

8 What is a “Thesis Statement” Main idea/point of an essay, report, speech, or research paper expressed as a statement = declarative sentence. Tells the reader what you are talking about. Sums up the entire report. Example: In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, JK Rowling shows that friendship helps one overcome seemingly impossible challenges.

9 Directions Cont’d Back to the computers Click on “Create New Project” Give your project a name – “School Uniforms” Type in your “Thesis Statement” Click on MLA Style Leave “Don’t recommend my sources to others” unchecked Click on Create project Leave project open and come back to the tables

10 Your new project has been created and appears at the top of your list Starting a bibliography To start creating citations for this project, just click “Bibliography.” Click “Notebook” to create notes and an outline.

11 Citations a list of sources you used when writing an article or paper or a list of books or articles an author has published on a specific subject. An example = is the list of sources you include at the end of a paper. Bibliography Giving “Credit Where Credit is Due” = sources you used for your research ( book, website, article, magazine, etc. ) Address so that others can find where you got your information.

12 Selecting a source type to cite Here is the bibliography start page; from here there are tabs for the most popular sources, as well as a tab for all 59 sources EasyBib supports

13 Viewing all source types Clicking on the “All 59 options” tab will expand a pane that provides you with links to forms that will help you cite just about any type of source you may come across

14 Your citation is automatically formatted and added to your list. Continue the process to build your works cited Building your list

15 EasyBib has analyzed the most cited websites and will let you know what sources are credible to cite, what aren’t, and what are in the middle Information literacy for websites (Show Cnn.com) EasyBib will show you criteria on how the website was evaluated, and how you can evaluate the website as a credible source to use in your research

16 Source guide Not sure if you’re at the correct form? Click the Help link, which is on all 59 forms and the tab menu The source guide will give you suggestions, definitions and examples of specific source types and then re-direct you to the appropriate form

17 Exporting your bibliography You can export your works cited fully formatted to Word or Google Docs. You can also copy & paste, e-mail, or create a unique URL to give to a teacher so they can access your bibliography directly Sharing and exporting your work is easy

18 Notebook Create virtual note cards, associate notes with your outline, and manage your notes in list format Access the notebook from the account management page or by clicking the notebook tab

19 Notebook – Creating a New Note Title your note Click the “New note” button or double click anywhere within the note pane to add a note Students can differentiate between quotes, paraphrasing and their own comments/thoughts Associate the note with a source in the bibliography Organize notes by creating groups, adding tags and/or color-coding Add a page number, paragraph number, or URL, to better track information

20 Notebook – Managing virtual notes Use the organize button to add colors to notes or groups, and to manage tags Here you can create virtual notes and arrange them within the space by dragging and dropping With the bird’s-eye-view navigation, you can look around the entire note space – so there’s plenty of room for all your information!

21 Notebook – Using groups Group notes by dragging notes, or groups on top of one another. Change the group name by double clicking it Double click the group to expand it. You can add and remove notes from the expanded group

22 Notebook – List view View and manage notes based on groups, tags, sources associated with notes, or by the date notes were created Click list view to see notes in a more expanded, scrolling format. Create and organize new notes in this view as well Notes created in the list and visualize view are interchangeable

23 Notebook – Creating an outline Create an outline of your paper as you takes notes and generate ideas Use the navigation bar to create and move bullets. You can also drag and drop bullets Drag notes or groups from the notes pane to the outline to associate notes with parts of your paper. You can drag notes and groups both from the visualize and the list view

24 Notebook – Printing and backing up notes Click Print to export and back up their notebook. You can choose how data will display. Working from the outline, you can review your paper’s flow, continuity, and substance.

25 Exploration (demonstrate) Go back to your computers Click on “Bibliography” Explore the different source types tabs, especially the 59 Options tab Click back on you project and click on the “Notebook” Try creating a few notecards, group them, organize by color, etc. (They can all be deleted)

26 Discoveries for the day! (return to the tables) Turn and talk = What did you discover What challenges do you see with using EasyBib Any problems? Share out for the good of the group

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