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Overview. What will it look like? Item TypeBiology EOC Multiple Choice30-34 Completion1-5 Short Answer5 Total Items40 Total Points45 Pilot Items5  5-6.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview. What will it look like? Item TypeBiology EOC Multiple Choice30-34 Completion1-5 Short Answer5 Total Items40 Total Points45 Pilot Items5  5-6."— Presentation transcript:

1 overview

2 What will it look like? Item TypeBiology EOC Multiple Choice30-34 Completion1-5 Short Answer5 Total Items40 Total Points45 Pilot Items5  5-6 scenarios  Systems  Inquiry (Field Study and Controlled Investigation)  Application

3 SystemsInquiryApplication Diagram of a system and some text about a specific system. May include systematic observations, models, or open- ended explorations of a system. Documentation of the steps of a controlled experiment or field study. Data table with the results. Documentation of the use of the technological design process to solve a problem. Table with test results. Types of Scenarios

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6 1.Conclusive statement  correctly answers the experimental question (or correctly states whether the hypothesis/prediction was correct) 2.Supporting data for lowest condition  When the manipulated variable was X lowest, the responding variable was the lowest, Y lowest 3.Supporting data for highest condition  When the manipulated variable was X highest, the responding variable was Y highest. 4.Explanatory language  is used to connect or compare the supporting data to the conclusive statement: So changing the manipulated variable by X caused the responding variable to increase/decrease by Y. 5.Scientific Explanation  provides a plausible scientific reason that explains the trend seen in the data table in terms of established scientific knowledge. 6

7  Procedure Attributes  Controlled Variables  Manipulated Variable  Responding Variable  Record Measurements  Trials are Repeated x3  Experimental Control Condition  Extra Validity Measure  Logical Steps 7

8 1. Method for Collecting Data (Controlled Variable) 2. Conditions to be Compared x 3 (Independent/ manipulated Variable)  Example: Which surface on the school campus will get hotter? Compare asphalt, bare soil, and grass 3. Data to be Collected (Dependent/ responding Variable) 4. Record Measurements 5. Observations are Repeated 6. Record Environmental Conditions 7. Logical Steps 8

9  Research the Problem  Gather Information ◦ where from  Explore Ideas ◦ List solutions  Criteria  Constraints  Test Idea/ solution  Unintended Consequences ◦ on the solution ◦ Effect on system  Redesign as needed  Communicate results

10 Systems An assemblage of interrelated parts or conditions through which matter, energy and information flow.

11 Reliability: An attribute of any investigation that promotes consistency of results during repeated trials. Repeat TRIALS x3 more trials=more data=more reliable Validity: An attribute of an investigation that describes the degree of confidence that data collected and logical inferences are accurate representations of the phenomena being investigated. CONTROL GROUP & Experimental Controls

12 Maintaining homeostasis Positive Feedback involves an exaggeration of the body’s efforts to get back to normal Delivering a baby Negative Feedback – getting the body back to normal Sweating, shivering, digestion

13  Answer BOTH bullets when there are 2. ◦ Example: Describe two ways to solve the problem. ◦ In your description be sure to:  Identify two solutions to the problem  Describe how each solution will solve the problem 13

14  Write a complete comparison – don’t write, “the amount of water does have an effect on the plant height.” Instead, say: ◦ Plant A grew the tallest; ◦ Plant A grew taller than plant B and plant C; ◦ The more water the plant had, the taller the plant grew.  Include supporting data and/or descriptive text from the data table. ◦ Quote from the data table. ◦ Be specific – cite data exactly as given in tables. 14

15  Be sure to write the steps for a procedure when asked, not a conclusion or prediction.  USE correct manipulated (independent) and responding (dependent) variables BEWARE: Sometimes students switch the identities of the manipulated and responding variables and contradict their procedure. 15

16  Be very clear about what you are measuring & with units  record the total number of organisms in the sample area  measure the height of the plant in cm  measure the time for seeds to germinate in hours 16

17  Write procedures that use the manipulated (independent) and responding (dependent) variables given in the new experimental or field study question.  Don’t use the same responding variable as was used in the original scenario. A procedure that does not use the correct manipulated variable cannot answer the investigative question and no points can be earned on the item. 17

18  Able to find holes/failures of models  Be able to identify positive and/or negative feedback systems.  Distinguishing between steps in an investigation that increased reliability and steps that increased validity.  Know the roles and relationships among DNA, chromosomes, genes, ribosomes and proteins. 18

19  cellular respiration happens in animals AND PLANTS  Identify the number of chromosomes in sex cells (n) versus body cells (2n) or after the processes of mitosis (2n), meiosis (n) or fertilization (2n)  Identify the processes that regulate the flow of substances into and out of the cell (e.g., active transport, osmosis)  Identifying the path of a carbon atom during photosynthesis and/or cellular respiration. 19

20  Understand the nitrogen cycle  mechanisms of evolution (e.g., genetic variability due to sexual reproduction, effect of natural selection on populations). 20

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