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The History of Restoration Moses. Jacob Model Course of Overcoming SatanMoses Jesus Family National World.

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Presentation on theme: "The History of Restoration Moses. Jacob Model Course of Overcoming SatanMoses Jesus Family National World."— Presentation transcript:

1 The History of Restoration Moses

2 Jacob Model Course of Overcoming SatanMoses Jesus Family National World

3 “God will raise up for you a prophet like me…You must listen to him.” Deuteronomy 18:15 Acts 3:22 Moses – Model for the Messiah

4 A General Overview of Moses Course Foundation of Faith Central figure = Moses Conditional Offering = A 40 period of separation from Satan (time of sacrifices over) Receive God’s word substitute for God - Ex4:16, 7:1 to Aaron, to Pharaoh model for Jesus - Acts 3:22 Deut 18.18Prophet like Moses Foundation of Substance MosesIsraelites Abel Cain National level condition to remove the fallen nature

5 40 EgyptCanaan Three Attempts to Establish the National Foundation for the Messiah 1 st Course2 nd Course3 rd Course Moses in Pharaoh’s Palace Moses in Midian Moses and Joshua in the Desert Three Courses

6 The first course of restoration into Canaan on the national level Foundation of Faith Central figure = Moses National level – 400 years in Egypt 40 years in the Palace Foundation of Substance MosesIsraelites Abel Cain national level indemnity condition to remove fallen nature ( 600,000 + ) obey with faith Sign: Moses killedMoses betrayed Ex 2:15 the EgyptianFled to Midian Failure ( 21 days the Way of the Philistines)

7 M e d i t e r r a n e a n S e a Rameses E G Y P TE G Y P TE G Y P TE G Y P T Mt. Sinai M I D I A NM I D I A NM I D I A NM I D I A N First Course of Moses The Way of the Philistines 21 days SINAI PENINSULA C A N A A NC A N A A NC A N A A NC A N A A N

8 The second course of restoration into Canaan on the national level Foundation of Faith Central figure = Moses 40 years in Midian (burning bush – Aaron) Foundation of Substance MosesIsraelites Abel Cain national level indemnity condition to remove the fallen nature Sign: 3 miracles rodhand water blood 10 plagues God hardened Pharoah’s heart Pillar cloud, fire. Red sea divided. Manna, quail. Water – Rephedim. Amalakites. Mount Sinai (13 months). 21 days21 months EgyptCanaan Satan’sGod’s dominiondominion separation from Satan

9 M e d i t e r r a n e a n S e a Rameses E G Y P TE G Y P TE G Y P TE G Y P T Mt. Sinai M I D I A NM I D I A NM I D I A NM I D I A N SINAI PENINSULA Second Course of Moses Kadesh-barnea 21 months C A N A A NC A N A A NC A N A A NC A N A A N

10 Significance of the Stone Tablets= Jesus (Heaven) Restored Adam = Bride (Earth) Restored Eve

11 The providence of restoration centring on the Tabernacle The tabernacle (ark and 2 tablets) = an unchanging object of faith a symbolic Messiah (Jn 2:21 1 Cor 3:16 Temple) First foundation for the Tabernacle (symbolic Messiah) Foundation of Faith – C.F. = Moses 40 Day Fast receives 2 tablets Foundation of Substance – Moses Israelites Aaron 12 70 Abel Cain Golden Calf failed Second foundation for the Tabernacle Foundation of Faith – C.F. = Moses 40 Day Fast receives 2 tablets Foundation of Substance – Moses Israelites build the tabernacle and ark but should keep faithenter Canaan build templereceive Messiah

12 Moses receives instructions for the Tabernacle Spirit Self Most Holy Place Holy Place Ark Physical Self

13 M e d i t e r r a n e a n S e a Rameses E G Y P TE G Y P TE G Y P TE G Y P T Mt. Sinai M I D I A NM I D I A NM I D I A NM I D I A N SINAI PENINSULA Second Course of Moses Kadesh-barnea 21 months C A N A A NC A N A A NC A N A A NC A N A A N faithless – long for “Egypt” (Num 13) 40 days spying Failed 40 years in wilderness

14 The third course of restoration into Canaan on the national level Foundation of Faith Central figure = Moses (tabernacle) National level – 40 years in the wilderness Foundation of Substance Moses 2 nd generation Israelites Abel Cain National level I.C. to remove fallen nature Return to Kadesh Barnea Moses strikes the rock 2x Fiery serpent bronze serpent (Nu 20:12) Jn 3:14 Rev 2:17 white stone 1 Cor 10:4 rock = Christ Moses lost his position Foundation of Substance centring on Joshua Joshua National level foundation to receive the Messiah Take Canaan build the temple receive the Messiah

15 Providence for the Start Moses brings water from the rock

16 Striking the Rock Twice Moses = Messiah Restored Adam Rock without water Rock with water First StrikeSecond Strike = Messiah Restored AdamFallen Adam

17 Moses’ Failure “The Lord said to Moses…‘Because you did not trust in me enough to honour me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them.’” Numbers 20:12

18 “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you.” Joshua 1:5 Joshua inherits Moses’ mission

19 Joshua’s course foreshadows Jesus’ course Joshua succeeds and fulfils the mission of Moses - a ‘Second Coming’

20 Messiah Foundation for the Messiah National3 rd Course Foundation of Substance AA 2 nd Generation G A Joshua Foundation of Faith Central person: Joshua Offering: 40 years in the desert

21 Under Joshua, the Israelites take Jericho and enter Canaan

22 Lessons Learned from Moses' Course God is behind human history, leading it to one absolute purpose. 1. The degree of our accomplishment of our portion of responsibility will decide the success or failure of God's predestination. 2. God does not interfere in man's portion of responsibility. 3. The predestination of God's will is absolute.

23 Lessons Learned from Moses' Course 4. The greater a man's mission, the heavier the trials / temptations he may suffer. Since the first human couple fell by not believing in God and by rebelling against Him, the person responsible for the foundation of faith had to overcome the temptation or suffering of God's deserting him without care. (Ex. 4:24) 5. Even God cannot grant man grace unconditionally, because, originally, Satan came to possess man under the condition of the fall. Therefore, when God grants man grace, He is sure to give him a trial / temptation in order to prevent Satan's accusation.

24 Examples of a trial before grace The suffering of 40 years in Pharaoh's palace The grace of the first Exodus The trial of God's seeking to kill him The three great signs and ten calamities The suffering of the three-day course The grace of the pillar of clouds and the pillar of fire The suffering of 40 years wandering in the wilderness The grace of the water from the rock The suffering of the fiery serpent The grace of the bronze serpent

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