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 Isaiah 26:3  You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.

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Presentation on theme: " Isaiah 26:3  You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you."— Presentation transcript:


2  Isaiah 26:3  You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.

3  Accountability  Willingness to stand in responsibility for every choice.

4  Complete ITB #1-3 p. 37;  Memorize John 6:35 p. 37 - 25 pts;  Handout Lesson 4  Test on Friday Lessons 4-7

5  Identify examples from the Red Sea crossing and wilderness experience that illustrate the truth that those who are delivered by faith must learn to walk by faith  Identify symbols and metaphors for Christ and the Cross in the Israelites’ wilderness experiences  Examine the relationship between leadership and building the community of faith as revealed in the experience of Israel in the wilderness  Understand that to trust and obey is the appointed path to God’s blessings  Examine how God’s miracles for Israel illustrate His redemptive plan for humanity  Examine God’s action of denying Moses entrance into Canaan for striking the rock twice  Identify ways Israel’s experience with the brazen serpent symbolized Christ’s saving work at Calvary

6  Had to wait upon God to part the sea  Had to wait on God for water  Had to wait on God for food – manna and quail

7  Manna – Bread from heaven – Jesus called Himself the Bread from heaven – John 6  Water – If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink – John 7  Saving from poisonous snakes – If I am lifted up I will draw all men unto me – John 3

8  God used Jethro – Moses’ father-in-law to share better leadership  4 part organizational plan: Exodus 18:19-22  Moses would remain the people’s representative before God  Moses was to teach the people and show them how to live  Moses was to select good people and make them heads of thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens  Moses was to judge in only the most difficult cases

9  Should have taken about a month to walk 200 miles – but because of lack of faith and trusting in God – it took them 40 years to go into the Promised Land  Joshua and Caleb the only Israelites over 20 to enter the promised land – because they had faith in God  Even Moses and Aaron were not allowed to enter the Promised Land because of lack of obedience

10  Trust Him  Obey Him

11  Complete ITB #1-3 p. 37;  Handout Lesson 4  Memorize John 6:35 p. 37 - 25 pts for tomorrow

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