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活出聖靈的果子 Enoch Yim.

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1 活出聖靈的果子 Enoch Yim


3 The Holy Spirit did not just appear at Pentecost!
Who is the Holy Spirit?‡ The Holy Spirit did not just appear at Pentecost! As God, He always existed!‡ The Holy Spirit is truly a person, not just a magical force. He is the life-giving breath of God. He is God’s greatest gift to us: the gift of Himself dwelling within us!

4 Holy Spirit? Icon by Andrei Rublev

5 What does the Holy Spirit do?‡
Safeguards the church from error in matters of faith and morals‡ Strengthens and matures the gifts we received at Baptism‡ Acts as our Advocate and our Defender guiding and protecting us‡ Gives us the light to discover the Truth‡ Helps us in prayer‡ Helps us speak God’s word with boldness

6 What else does the Holy Spirit do?
‡Comforts and consoles us‡ Empowers us to overcome sin‡ Energizes people (Mary at the Annunciation, Jesus at his Baptism, the disciples at Pentecost) ‡Builds up the Body of Christ, the Church, and makes it holy‡ THE SPIRIT IS THE POWER OF GOD (GOD HIMSELF) AT WORK IN US!

7 Titles of the Holy Spirit
Paraclete Consoler When he proclaims and promises the coming of the Holy Spirit, Jesus calls him the "Paraclete," literally, "he who is called to one's side," "Paraclete" is commonly translated as "consoler," and Jesus is the first consoler.

8 Symbols of the Holy Spirit
Fire The prayer of the prophet Elijah, who "arose like fire" and whose "word burned like a torch," brought down fire from heaven on the sacrifice on Mount Carmel.

9 Dove Christian iconography traditionally uses a dove to suggest the Spirit Christ’s Baptism

10 Anointing The symbolism of anointing with oil also signifies the Holy Spirit, to the point of becoming a synonym for the Holy Spirit.

11 Water The symbolism of water signifies the Holy Spirit's action in Baptism, since after the invocation of the Holy Spirit it becomes the sacramental sign of new birth.

12 What the Holy Spirit gives us
Gifts Fruits

13 The GIFTS of the Holy Spirit
‡ WISDOM-helps us to see clearly; helps us to see ourselves & others as God sees us‡ KNOWLEDGE-ability to see how God is in our life and world‡ Reverence - respect for the Lord and respect for others

14 COURAGE - helps us give witness to our faith and stand up for what we know is right; helps us act on our beliefs and persevere in faith.the strength to do the right thing‡ UNDERSTANDING-helps us grasp the truth and see the world from God’s perspective; leads us to reconciliation and peace in times of conflict.

15 RIGHT JUDGEMENT -helps us act in morally good ways; often involves asking others for help and offering good advice to others‡ WONDER & AWE IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD-helps us remain open to the loving presence of God; helps us appreciate the mystery of the Trinity


17 一個果子,九種特質 Ὁ δὲ καρπὸς τοῦ πνεύματός

18 Love ἀγάπη the ability to unconditionally accept others; to give ourselves in service to others without expecting anything in return.

19 Joy χαρά a deep, inner gladness that comes from your relationship with Jesus Christ.

20 Peace εἰρήνη an inner harmony and sense of well- being, bringing sense of peace to others, faith that God is in control no matter what happens.

21 Patience μακροθυμία ability to show restraint and calm despite circumstances that may cause us to get angry or frustrated; willingness to wait on God.

22 Kindness χρηστότης ability to treat others with openness, sensitivity, and love, and to share the kindness that comes from God.

23 Goodness ἀγαθωσύνη having the nature of God, able to tell right from wrong, doing good to others and avoid evil.


25 Faithfulness πίστις unshakable loyalty, shows in being trustworthy, reliable, responsible and carrying out our commitments to God and others.

26 Gentleness  πρᾳότης  showing consideration and thoughtfulness, putting my rights and strength under God’s control in order to seek peace. It requires openness, humility, a teachable spirit.

27 Self-control ἐγκράτεια
taking authority over oneself and exercise discipline in order to avoid sin and live a life that pleases God.


29 Love: Luke 6: 35; John 3: 16; John 13: 34-35; 1 Corinthians: 13.4-7.
Joy: John 15: 10-11; John 17: 13; Acts 13: 52; Romans 14: 17-18, 15.13; Colossians 3: 16-17 Peace: Isaiah 32: 17; John 14:27; John 16: 33; Philemon 4: 4-7; Romans 5: 1. Patience: Colossians 3: 12-13; Ephesians 4: 2; 2 Timothy 4: 2; 1 Thessalonians 5: 14; Philippians 4:6 Kindness: Romans 2: 4; Romans 11: 22; Ephesians 2: 6-7; Colossians 3:12; 2 Peter 1: 5-8. Goodness: Isaiah 58:7-8; Matthew 19: 17; Mark 10: 18; Romans 15: 14; Ephesians 5: 8-11. Faithfulness: Matthew 23: and 23: 3; Matthew 25: 21; John 17:20-21 ; 1 Corinthians: 4.1-2, 17; Hebrews 10: 23. Gentleness: Matthew 11: 29; Ephesians 4: 2-3; Titus 3: 1-2, 1 Corinthians 4: 21; 1 Timothy 6: 1. Self-control: 1 Corinthians 6: 12, Philippians 4:8; 2 Peter 1: 5-6.


31 請找出加拉太書中的 “聖靈” 加3:2,3,5,14---律法/聖靈 加4:6,29—僕人/兒子 加5:5—律法/聖靈稱義
加516,17,18---情慾/聖靈 加5:22,25---聖靈果子,靠聖靈得生、靠聖靈行事 加6:1,8---屬靈人

32 加5:19-21 按照 JOHN STOTT 的分類: 姦淫,污穢,邪蕩,(性方面) 拜偶像,邪術,(宗教)
仇恨,爭競,忌恨,惱怒,結黨,紛爭,異端,嫉妒, (人際關係) 醉酒,荒宴 (貪飲不節制) 行這樣事的人,必不能承受神的國。

33 加5:22-23 而聖靈所結的果子,就是被聖靈所改變後的特質: 仁愛,喜樂,和平,(宗教,跟上帝的關係) 忍耐,恩慈,良善,(跟別人的關係)
信實,溫柔,節制。(對自己的自我要求,性與飲食節制) 根據上面的對照分析,聖經強調的是生命本質的改變,而不是 [美德] 的表現。



36 『聖靈的果子就是愛,顯示於喜樂、和平、忍耐、恩慈、良善、信實、溫柔、節制;
喜樂是愛的能力 和平是愛的保障 忍耐是愛的堅持 恩慈是愛的行為 良善是愛的特性 信實是愛的信任 溫柔是愛的謙遜 節制是愛的勝利 這樣的事,沒有律法禁止。』」 一個被聖靈管理的人是不須要靠律法來幫助他過一個稱義的生活,這個被聖靈管理之生命 的秘訣,是在於對神的專注,將你所有的獻在祭壇上(羅12:1)這些聖靈果子所表現出來 的,就是憑信心被聖靈充滿的結果,而不是被聖靈充滿的方法。」(《聖靈》,白立德 P.131)

37 Fruit of theSpirit Fruit “of the Spirit”
The character qualities of Jesus are not produced by us – but produced in us

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