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Presentation on theme: "9H WRITING REFLECTION PART I OF HONORS PORTFOLIO."— Presentation transcript:


2 PRE WRITE Look through all your writing assignments for Quarters1-3 Look at comments, grades, formatting, errors, grammar, organization, structure, figurative language. Fill in the chart with your strengths, weaknesses, and what you learned this year. Will be your HW

3 DRAFTING After completing your chart you need to construct a written draft. Paragraphs should follow Proper Paragraph Method. See the following slides to format essay For draft and final copy

4 INTRO Topic sentences Mention what a reflection is How do you feel about writing Thesis needed: what are your strengths/weaknesses as a writer in 9 th grade? Closing Sentence -First person is allowed but do NOT address the reader as “YOU”

5 1 ST BODY PARAGRAPH Topic sentence stating what paragraph will be about.(strengths as a writer) Mention one of your strengths/skill. Mention a CD. Give an example from a paper that shows this. Mention CM on this example. Why/How does it show a strength? Any teacher comments? What does the teacher says about this? Mention another one of your strengths and why Mention a CD. Give an example from a paper that shows this. Underline title of paper when you cite it Mention CM on this example. Why/How does it show a strength? Any teacher comments? What does the teacher says about this? Closing sentence about your strengths as a writer

6 2 ND BODY PARAGRAPH Topic sentence stating what paragraph will be about.(Weakness/areas for improvement as a writer) Mention one of your weaknesses/skill. Mention a CD. Give an example from a paper that shows this. Mention CM on this example. Why/How does it show a weakness? Any teacher comments? What does the teacher says about this? How could you have improved this part? Mention another one of your weaknesses and why. Mention a CD for support. Give an example from a paper that shows this. Include title of paper and underline it. Mention CM on this example. Why/How does it show a weakness? Any teacher comments? What does the teacher says about this? How could you have improved this part? Closing sentence about your weaker areas as a writer. End on a positive note!

7 3 RD BODY PARAGRAPH What is the most important aspect of writing you have learned this year? Mention and reflect on why? Where did you show this in an essay? Closing sentence

8 CONCLUSION Topic sentence about reflection/writing. Restate thesis What do your future goals as a writer include? What will you improve on during 4 th Quarter? What are you hopeful for in your writing? Closing sentence on how you as a writer have improved in 9 th grade. End on a positive note. Staple the sources to the final copy Must use at least 3 different works!

9 FORMAT 12pt Times New Roman font Double Spaced MLA Format Attach your sources to paper (in back) Heading: Name Teacher English 9H Block # Date Place your last name and page number in the right header on paper except 1 st page.


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