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Directions: Your mission for the 1 st quarter book report involves reading a book that has been then made into a film version. Hold on… you can have seen.

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Presentation on theme: "Directions: Your mission for the 1 st quarter book report involves reading a book that has been then made into a film version. Hold on… you can have seen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Directions: Your mission for the 1 st quarter book report involves reading a book that has been then made into a film version. Hold on… you can have seen the movie, but never read the book before. The minimum length of the book is 150 pages. Below is what you will do for the Novel News report after you finish reading the book. Book/Film Essay Comparison 1.Title: The essay must include a creative title. 2.Length: Write a 4 paragraph essay which includes – a. Introduction – with an attention grabber and thesis (introduce the book and film) b. Book – Write 1 paragraph that highlights the main events, characters, setting, conflict etc of the book. c. Film – Write 1 paragraph that compares the book to the movie version. Include details about characters, setting, plot, etc. d. Conclusion – restate your thesis and wrap up the essay in a creative but not repetitive way. 3. Signal Words: Your essay must include at least 4 signal words. Highlight or underline these in the final copy. * Note: This is a 4 paragraph essay you are turning in 4. Chart: – Include with your essay the comparison chart that is located on the back. Be sure to mention specifics about the book and movie. (For example don’t just list a characters name but give physical details and their role in the book) 5. Format: – The final format for this should be typed or in blue/black ink. Don’t forget to check CUPS – Capitals, Usage, Punctuation, and Spelling Name: ____________________Chart Due Date: _______________Final Copy Due Date: __________ Book Title: _________________________________________Author: _____________ pages: __________________ Movie Title: ________________________________________ Director: ____________ ________________________due date

2 Chart Comparison Draft: Name: ________________ Categories Book Title: Author: Movie Title: Director: Signal Words I plan on using in my essay when comparing the book and film: ________________________________, ___________________________, _________________________________, and ________________________________ Possible TITLE for my essay : __________________________________________________

3 Chart Comparison FINAL COPY: Name: ________________ Categories Book Title: Author: Movie Title: Director: Signal Words I plan on using in my essay when comparing the book and film: ________________________________, ___________________________, _________________________________, and ________________________________ Possible TITLE for my essay : __________________________________________________

4 __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Title: Name:

5 __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

6 Novel News: Comparison Book Report Teacher Name: ________________ Student Name: _________________________________ Due Date:_____________________________ CATEGORYABCD Required Elements ____/10 The comparison includes all required elements as well as additional information. All comparison elements are included on the novel news. All but 1 of the required elements are included on the comparison. Several required elements were missing. Knowledge Gained ____/10 Student can accurately explains key elements in the paper. Student can mostly explain key elements in the paper. Student can somewhat explain key elements in the paper. Student appears to have insufficient knowledge about the elements of the story. Comparison Format ____/20 Student can accurately compare and contrast the book and movie. Multiple (4) details are used. Student mostly compares and contrasts the book and movie. Multiple (3) details are used. Student somewhat compares and contrasts the book and movie. Two weak details are used. Student struggles to compare and contrast the book and movie. One weak detail used. CUPS ____/10 0-2 Errors Capitalization Usage Punctuation Spelling 3-5 Errors Capitalization Usage Punctuation Spelling 6-8 Errors Capitalization Usage Punctuation Spelling 8+ Errors Capitalization Usage Punctuation Spelling Total: _________/50 Comments: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

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